Salaries of university teachers: both laughter and sin

For more than ten years, the situation in education has been systematically worsening. Despite the fact that in 2012-2013, the salaries of university teachers, as well as teachers of schools and preschool institutions, increased slightly, it still leaves much to be desired. Institutions and academies, opening paid departments and faculties, providing additional services, are desperately trying to survive, but the general situation in the country negatively affects the quality of education.

university teachers salaries

As a result, associate professors and professors are forced to "earn extra money" by combining several rates. The salaries of university teachers in no region of Russia exceeded 37 thousand rubles - and this is the maximum. Higher school teachers receive, on average, less than secondary workers. For example, a senior teacher earns an average of about 9 thousand rubles. There is no wonder that researchers are looking for a better share in the business or abroad.

In America or Western Europe, the salaries of university professors allow them to live quite comfortably. Education and a scientific degree are appreciated there, and the profession of a teacher has not lost its prestige.

salary of a university teacher in Moscow

The situation is somewhat different in Central Europe. In Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, the salaries of university teachers are, on average, twice as high as in Russia. However, there is a noticeable difference between private and budgetary educational institutions. And senior teachers and assistants cannot afford to exist only on salary. As in Russia, scientists willingly earn extra money in schools or courses.

The decline in the prestige of the profession and status affects not only the psychological state, based on a sense of inferiority and everyday problems of employees of higher education. It directly affects the quality of educational services provided. For example, if the salary of a university teacher in Moscow in a budgetary institution averages from 13 thousand rubles (for associate professors) to 20 (for professors), then in the regions the situation looks even worse. Even these figures can be somewhat overstated - since they include the income of administrative staff. It is surprising that while the average salary of university teachers barely allows them to survive, the official and not-so-very rewards of the rectors are at least several hundred thousand rubles a month. The government, instead of decisive measures to improve the quality and standard of living of associate professors and professors, as well as junior research workers, claims that such earnings allegedly indicate their low level. After all, few people can afford to agree to work for that kind of money ...

average salary of university teachers

This is all the more sad since, as a result, teachers earn extra money not only by tutoring, but also try to find additional classes: for example, journalism, writing books and textbooks, and participating in the preparation of computer programs. All this, of course, is wonderful, but it detaches scientists from their direct responsibilities. Training students, quality higher education are in ruins. Many teachers try to go on an internship or a permanent job abroad. As a result, domestic institutions of higher education are constantly losing highly qualified specialists.


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