How to meet a girl on the Internet: what to write, how to start a dialogue

Nowadays, more and more people are getting to know each other online. The World Wide Web is an ideal place to meet, because there you do not need to try to stand out from the crowd, compete with potential rivals and prove your positive features. In this article we will tell you how to meet a girl on the Internet, what mistakes you should not make, and how to win the heart of the chosen one.

A girl is standing with a phone

Choosing a Married

Before you know how to meet a girl on the Internet, you need to figure out why your choice fell on this particular person.

  1. Remember that photos and the created image in virtual life may not coincide with reality. Now there are hundreds of programs that allow you to filter, use effects to make the image look more lively and attractive. Not a single girl will publish photos where she is without makeup and in a dressing gown.
  2. The exception is when you are familiar with your chosen one in absentia, and now you are trying to find examples of how to meet a girl on the Internet. Perhaps you met her at a city marathon or go to the same university, but there was no way to approach her or there wasn’t enough courage.

Find the right approach

Let's be honest: no one likes too extravagant "tackles" on the Internet. As a rule, girls react extremely skeptically and cautiously to messages of this type: "Does your mom need a son-in-law?", "Tell me, are your parents not confectioners?" etc.

A guy with a phone and hearts

Usually such assertiveness scares and repels the chosen one, even without giving you the opportunity to open up. Therefore, if you still want to learn how to meet a girl on the Internet, then start with the simple word "hello."


It doesn’t matter if you saw the beauty in the store, accidentally ran into the gym, suddenly stumbled upon her page on social networks - try to get to know her better. Now there are very few people who fill out questionnaires in their accounts, but much more can be found out from photos, groups, music and videos. So ... How to meet a girl on the Internet?

  1. First, find common interests. Just the matching musical taste and your favorite artists can create incredibly strong relationships.
  2. Secondly, try to find out if the heart of your chosen one is free. If not, assertiveness and impudence in personal correspondence can only push a girl away.

Be sure

Here's another tip on how to meet a girl on the Internet: remember that girls are also nervous and worried, especially if your person attracts her.

Imagine that your communication on the Internet is a blind date. If you come to him with a sincere desire to get to know the person you are talking to, have a pleasant conversation, leave a positive impression and be confident in the continuation, then you can win the heart of the chosen one. Tune yourself to the inner confidence that you are worthy of this girl, that she may be interested in you. A positive attitude will help you feel much more comfortable.

Guy and girl drink coffee

If you are too nervous, instead of the usual confident guy, an absent-minded person will appear who will rush the girl, forget the right words and lose the thread of conversation.

The right place and time

If you want to learn how to quickly get to know a girl on the Internet, then it's time to ask for help on the most relevant websites to find a partner. Thousands of people from all over the country are gathering there, looking for a soul mate. The main feature of such dating sites is that you can choose a girl with the ideal parameters for you: eye color, height, hobbies, hobbies, political and religious views.

On social networks, this is much more difficult, since there is more likelihood of being refused. But over the entire period of the Internet’s existence, there have been many similar cases when people started by greeting each other, and after some time they went together to submit an application to the registry office.

The guy and the girl are on the phones

Women's secrets

Another useful tip for men who are thinking how to get to know a girl online:

  1. Firstly, 70% of the girls who answer you are ready to talk only for the sake of conversation. Many people prefer to meet in a different setting: in a cafe, on the street, at work or on vacation, with friends.
  2. Secondly, some girls like it when a lot of guys talk to them. There are also many women who are online dating sites because they are open and willing to meet. When you decide to find your chosen one on the World Wide Web, then do everything so that your conversations lead to personal meetings.

Mistake or right move: popular phrases

How to meet a girl on the Internet, so as not to scare and offend her? This will help you a list of stop messages, which in no case can not be sent to the chosen one.

The guy at the computer is sitting
  1. Make an acquaintance if you find a darling on a dating site. You can write a short message: "Hello! I have long wanted to meet you, I like your work / poems / playlist. I think you're an interesting person!"
  2. Send banal phrases and "tackles": "Hello, beauty, flower, sun!", "What a sexy you are!".
  3. Send intimate photos and stupid pictures.
  4. Call on a date or ask to exchange phone numbers. But you can offer to attend a cultural event of interest together, if you had previously seen a chosen one at a concert, in a theater, at a poetic evening, and her such a program delights.
  5. Ask how are you. You can ask questions about study, creativity, work, but first it is important to study its profile.
  6. Write correctly! No girl likes a guy to make three mistakes in the word "Hello."

Intimacy - "No!"

If you are still looking for options to get to know a girl on the Internet in an original way, here is a good tip: do not rush her, do not offend, do not arrange jealousy scenes. Until you met in person and your romance started, you should not be meticulous every day to wonder how her day went.

Do not write about things that hint about intimacy. Common jokes, an invitation to spend the night together, hints about who you are in bed should be on the list of forbidden phrases and actions.

Social Media Communication

The first days of communication should be careful, because both partners must literally feel the character and temperament of each other. If from the very beginning to say awkward things, to be strange or frank, then this can also scare away the chosen one. Throw out the phrases from your vocabulary:

  1. What turns you on the most?
  2. I think I love you more than anyone.
  3. I love and respect all women. If you become mine, then I will show how much I respect you.
  4. Pizza is the second favorite thing that I like to do in bed.

These and similar phrases can only be said at the maximum level of trust, when you have already met and began to share secret details from life with each other.

What can I say

Another great piece of advice on how to get to know a girl beautifully on the Internet is to give compliments (without sarcasm, causticism or hypocrisy). Many girls are told that they are beautiful, so with such words they will not surprise you anymore. But it will not be prohibited if you rate the photos, focus on a plush cat or dog, note that you have already been to this club and would like to receive recommendations.

Girl rejoices on the bed

Such advice is especially useful for dating on social networks, and not just on specialized sites. But remember that girls who have already entered into a relationship or marriage have children, they can immediately send you to the ignore list and warn that they are not interested in dating. But even if you were refused, then in no case should you scold the girl, send her negative messages, it’s just that you are not interested in her.

It is important to stay natural and simple. If you want to get to know each other, just write that you’re very interested in the girl’s personality, and even if it doesn’t work out for you, you can remain friends or just acquaintances who can always help each other. Do not forget to ask the girl if she wants to meet in person if their communication continues. Do not force her to dress immediately and run on a date with you. This scares off anyone looking for a serious relationship.


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