Why does silver turn black?

If silver turns black, no matter how long the jewelry was purchased or cleaned, there can be several explanations for this. Consider different points of view.

Why silver turns black: a popular sign

The various properties of silver have been known to mankind for a long time. In addition, it is this metal that both white and black magicians like to use in their rites, because its ions have excellent antibacterial properties. Therefore, as soon as the ring turns black in the superstitious girl, then she immediately begins to worry that a crown of celibacy was pointed at her , if the earrings are jinxed, and it becomes scary to even think about blackening the underwear cross .

Why silver turns black: a commonplace chemical reaction

The thing is that the silver jewelry that you are used to wearing contains copper. And under the influence of moist air, water, sweat, and other external factors, it oxidizes. The same reasons lead to the fact that on the surface of noble silver there is a coating of silver sulfide, which gradually becomes denser, and the jewelry itself darkens.

At the same time, the speed with which such a coating on silver is formed can be associated with external causes (climate change, increased air humidity, frequent contact with water), and internal, which are associated with processes in your body. This is especially true for those who wear their silver, almost without taking off.

Why silver turns black: ask your body

If some jewelry you wear made of silver blackens, while others do not, then it is not a matter of external factors, but of you. There are many reasons why silver turns black, but do not immediately panic. It is better to listen to your body and pay special attention to what kind of jewelry you have darkened.

Since the person has the most sebaceous glands on the chest, then very often crosses and chains begin to blacken. And this is not due at all to spoilage or the evil eye, but to increased sweating, for example, in the hot summer season. In addition, the blackening of silver jewelry in this area may indicate a change in hormonal levels, in particular, associated with the onset of pregnancy. In such cases, the chains just blacken very quickly, in almost a few days.

Also, why the silver blackens may be responsible for your emotional background. Darkening of jewelry can contribute to severe stress, anxiety, depression. All this, again, affects the work of your sebaceous glands (sweating increases). Sometimes the blackening of silver is a consequence of your taking any medications containing sulfur in the compound.

If there is also a version that darkening of silver products may indicate problems with the liver or kidneys. But this can also be evidenced by the reverse process, that is, silver lightening, since in this case sweat releases nitrogen-containing substances that give the noble metal shine. A change in the color of silver jewelry may indicate a malfunction in the nervous system. And if your jewelry darkens only in certain areas of the body, then the local disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system may be the fault.

So we found out the main reasons for the blackening of silver jewelry (heat, physical activity, contacts with some chemical compounds). By the way, all these are quite prosaic reasons, therefore it is better not to believe in black magic, etc. It is in your power to protect silver from darkening. Going to the bathhouse, gym, to the beach or taking a bath, do not be lazy to take off your jewelry. But if after all this the silver begins to blacken, then you should really pay attention to your health, both to the physical and psychological state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B924/

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