Cabochon - what is it? Natural Stone Cabochons

Today, needlework is more popular than ever, and the whole world remembered that hand-made products bring real, incomparable pleasure. Each person is engaged in the type of this direction, which is more to his liking. Women are more likely to create subtle and beautiful things. The jewelry created at home gives women not only the opportunity to diversify their appearance, but also provides a certain reason for pride. Starting to manufacture jewelry, many needlewomen ask the question: "What is cabochon?" They meet this word in books on needlework, on the pages of online stores, and therefore this issue should be carefully addressed.

cabochon what is it

Cabochon Processing Requirements

To begin with, the word "cabochon" itself comes from the French word "caboche", which means "head". The item itself really looks like a crown. That is, a cabochon is a stone having a certain shape, due to special processing. As a rule, cabochons are in the form of an oval or circle, but there are other options. So, on the one hand, the stone is convex, and on the other - smooth, sawn. The convex part should be absolutely smooth, without nicks or bumps. Therefore, it is clear that the cabochon is such a smooth little stone, which is intended for use in the manufacture of jewelry. It is very pleasant to the touch, so products with it are so popular.

gem cutting

Processing method

In addition, the question "Cabochon - what is it?" there is such an answer: the name of the same name has the very method of polishing stones. You must understand that the method involves grinding, and not cutting. As a rule, cabochons are made of natural stones, but they can also be made of artificial, semi-precious and ornamental ones, but for their processing they do not use such a procedure as cutting stones. It should be noted that muddy and dim materials go to cabochons, because polishing cannot bring them to a mirror shine. Therefore, cabochons made of natural stones seem a little worn out, since they have no edges, and the light does not play, that is, does not refract. The visual appeal is given to them by the color and pattern of the stone used.

For cabochons from natural stones, specimens are selected that have a beautiful pattern or an interesting optical effect. In addition, priority is given to bright and unusual colors with all kinds of streaks and stains on the surface. Beautiful and unusual effects in the appearance of stones are called asterism and irisization. A concept like stone cutting, in the creation of cabochons is not used, only the grinding method is used. Also, sometimes cabochons come with a rough surface, that is, a natural look. Usually, crystalline minerals or stones with a spectacular surface are used for such cabochons.

gemstone processing

Cabochon Standards

I must say that in this production there are some standards, and cut cabochon recognized only if it conforms to certain forms. Therefore, when a person asks the question "Cabochon - what is it?", it must be understood that this object can only be in the form of a circle, oval, heart, cross and polygon. Other forms will not meet the standards. In addition, the cabochons are divided in height, it varies depending on the curvature of the work surface. So, if the selected stone is very fragile or has a tendency to chips, then it is usually given an oval shape. And from stronger stones, which lend themselves well to processing, create crosses and hearts.

Materials for Cabochons

Separately, it is necessary to highlight such a question as the processing of precious stones. Usually for cabochons use precious and semiprecious stones only by order. For the production of cabochons go for the most part gems and stones with a pronounced interesting pattern or unusual color scheme. But there are a number of precious and semiprecious stones that show all their charm in cabochons, for example, star-shaped sapphire, star-shaped ruby, oligoclase or moonstone, chrysoberyl or cat's eye, turquoise and hairy. Also used for the production of cabochons and ornamental stones, that is, lapis lazuli, jade, agate, malachite, a serpentine and a tiger eye. In addition, cabochons made of rock crystal and black agate look amazing. Brooches and rings with these stones look extremely impressive.

cut cabochon

The use of cabochons

Further, answering the question "Cabochon - what is it?", should talk about the use of this product. Cabochons are inserted into rings and pendants, bracelets and earrings, and are also used to decorate bags and wallets. On sale today there is a large selection of special metal blanks for the same rings and pendants, as well as for earrings. Each needlewoman, as a rule, has her own set of tools for making jewelry, with which you can easily insert the cabochon into the existing blank. For example, the manufacture of a brooch or ring in the presence of a workpiece will not take much effort from the needlewoman. The main thing here is to carefully choose the shape and color of the cabochon itself, and then a few small strokes in the form of rhinestones or polymer flowers will help to create a truly unique product.

natural stone cabochons

What do cabochons go with?

Cabochons braided with beads also look very good, as a rule, this technique is used in the manufacture of necklaces. Beads are sewn onto a draped or other strong fabric base in the form of some beautiful pattern or pattern. And in some fragments of this ornament weave cabochons of various shapes. Sometimes craftswomen use cabochons braided with beads for earrings, and even for rings. In order to qualitatively braid the cabochon with beads, it is necessary to use not a fishing line, but a thread, because the fishing line tends to stretch, and the cabochon can fall out. You also need to carefully select the beads themselves - they must be calibrated, that is, of the same size. This is necessary to ensure that the cabochon lay flat and looked expensive.

In general, it can be said that the variety of materials and color shades in the production of cabochons gives masters and craftswomen a huge scope for the application of their imagination. Therefore, these stone products are so in demand and are very popular.


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