Female organ cancer: symptoms, stages and treatment features

Almost every fifth woman can suffer from malignant pathologies of the genital organs. Moreover, most of these cases can be detected, unfortunately, only at the second or third stage.

Cancer in women is divided into two types: malignant and benign. A benign tumor is a tumor expanding in breadth that does not give metastases. Myoma is a benign tumor that occurs due to hormonal imbalance, leading to an increase in estrogen. Growing, the cells of the uterus form nodular deposits, in the section representing a red-gray muscle formation, clearly delimited from neighboring organs. With this disease, heavy and prolonged bleeding begins. Treatment is carried out conservatively, prescribed drugs that reduce the uterus.

female genital cancer symptoms


The cause of cancer of the female organs of the reproductive system is mainly:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • papilloma viral infection;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • early pregnancy;
  • vaginitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, genital herpes, HIV);
  • chronic infections;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • frequent inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine disorders (also postmenopausal hypoestrogenism);
  • vaginal adenosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic irritation due to prolapse of the uterus or the wearing of pessaries;
  • radiation action;
  • reconstructive operations;
  • prolonged use of hormonal-derived contraceptives.

The causes of cancer have not yet been determined, but there are exogenous and endogenous factors that provoke the appearance of genital cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma usually develops in a precancerous condition, clear cell adenocarcinoma in women occurs after taking diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy.

female organ cancer signs and symptoms


The main signs and symptoms of cancer of the female organs are quite diverse:

  1. Abundant vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor, and most often they are purulent. Basically, they appear after bowel movements or heavy loads.
  2. Excessive discharge with blood is also a sign of cancer in a feminine way. And most often they do not stop.
  3. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle are also characteristic. And a woman notices a change in her period. Either they become scarce, or, conversely, quite long and plentiful.
  4. Frequent pain in the lower abdomen that does not stop with various painkillers.
  5. In women during menopause, spotting should not be regularly observed. If they are present, it is worthwhile to beware, most often, doctors suspect it is oncology.
  6. With various appearances during urination, bladder cancer may also be suspected.
female genital cancer


The main symptoms of a tumor are female:

  1. Bloating. This symptom is most common in ovarian cancer. In this case, a thorough examination is required, leaving these symptoms of cancer of the female organs unattended is not recommended.
  2. Abdominal pain (sharp or aching) that bothers a woman at any time of the day also requires careful examination and treatment.
  3. Fever. This is a rather dangerous sign that doctors are paying close attention to.
  4. Weight loss of more than 5 kg per month is considered a rather alarming symptom.

Oncology in our time is a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, doctors urge to monitor their health and undergo a medical examination at least once a year. Everyone should understand that in the initial stages it is easier to prevent the disease.

signs of oncology according to female symptoms

1st stage

The formation is small and mainly distributed only within the same tissue. Symptoms of cancer of the female organs at this stage do not manifest themselves. It is usually detected by ultrasound, the treatment is quite effective. The main thing is not to start the process and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

2nd stage

The most vulnerable to treatment, since the process has already spread to other tissues. At this stage, the patient feels pain, most often in the lower back and lower abdomen. The body temperature at the same time keeps stable around 37 degrees. These signals require immediate medical attention.

3rd stage

At this stage, education has already reached quite large sizes. The main sign and symptom of oncology in women is that due to this, bloating occurs in the area where it is located.

4th stage

The main symptom of cancer of the female genital organs is the appearance of metastases in neighboring organs. This may be the intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder. The patient develops severe pains that cannot be relieved by painkillers, body temperature rises and significant weight loss occurs. In the practice of oncologists, the 4th stage is quite common, since a person does not seek medical help in a timely manner.

With advanced stages, the disease is difficult to treat and it practically does not respond to the influence of chemotherapy. But doctors strongly recommend that you deal with this unpleasant disease and follow all their instructions. At whatever stage this disease is identified, it is simply necessary to treat it. Oncologists warn that the right approach to treatment will give its positive results. Therefore, it is worthwhile to regularly undergo a medical examination in the clinic and lead a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, at the initial stage, cancer is better treatable, and recovery is observed only with a competent approach to this disease.

signs of oncology according to female symptoms


The treatment of signs of oncology of the female organs includes chemotherapy, treatment with hormones (used only in severe stages) and radiotherapy. Since cervical cancer can be detected in the very initial stages, it is possible to save the uterus itself. In order to combat the disease, the surgical method and radiation therapy are often used. The duration of treatment and the risk of possible complications most often depend on the stage of the disease. It is very important to prescribe medication that will help get rid of the symptoms of cancer of the female organs.

The most common methods

At the earliest stages resort to surgical treatment, that is, removal of the uterus. In some cases, one removal of the uterus is not enough. If the ovaries were affected by cancer cells, then they are cut off along with the fallopian tubes. The question of ovarian removal before surgery is discussed between the patient and the doctor.

  • Radiation treatment. This method helps no less, the two types of treatment can be combined in order to obtain a better treatment result. In the early stages, you can use both methods of treatment, in any case, at this stage, the results from different types of treatment will be exactly the same.
  • Chemotherapy. This type of treatment is used to combat stage 4 disease, as a palliative approach is required to treat cervical cancer with metastases. But chemotherapy has limited capabilities in the fight against cancer of the genital organs.
female genital cancer


Ovarian cystoma often occurs on the site of an existing cyst, is formed in the cavities of the glandular tissue. The disease is divided into several types:

  1. Serous.
  2. Vegetative.
  3. Endometrion.
  4. Mucinous.

Such cystomas are dangerous, as they can develop into a malignant tumor. If symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, symptoms with a cyst do not disappear after the end of the menstrual cycle. In the early stages, it is likely that any type of cancer in women can be cured.

Fibroma is a benign tumor that can occur on the uterus, ovaries, and connecting muscles. It manifests itself in the form of pain in the uterus, often interfering with normal stool.

Ovarian cystomas are a cavity often arising on the basis of a cavity from a previous cyst. Cystomas in most cases are an indicator of an impending cancer. In most cases, surgery is recommended.

Polyps of the cervix and uterine body. Against the background of some sluggish inflammatory processes, there is an overgrowth of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, leading to the appearance of cervical polyps, and hormonal failure is also considered the main reason. A sign of the presence of polyps is heavy bleeding during menstruation. On examination, growths of a rounded shape are observed, which can be felt during palpation. For a more accurate diagnosis, an examination of ultrasound and x-ray is necessary. During treatment, all violations of hormonal failure are restored. An increase in neoplasm growth is a signal for urgent surgical intervention.

types of cancer in women

Alternative treatment

One of the popular methods is also considered treatment with folk remedies. Many people resort to more gentle methods, and oncological practice has its positive effects. It has long been known that herbs of various plants have medicinal properties, they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

For example, Avran. It serves to heal cancer wounds. With cancer, women often use this remedy. It can be used up to 0.2 gr. per day, no more, since it is considered poisonous and, increasing the dose, you can cause great harm to the body.

The next useful property is paste from the roots of watermelon. This paste is indicated for people with tumors in the mammary glands. Indeed, the effect of taking this mixture has its positive effects. Reviews of people with breast cancer about this folk remedy are only positive.

Belladonna leaves are used as an anesthetic, they are used as a compress. The leaves themselves are considered safe and non-toxic, and due to this, you can use them regularly, without fear for side effects.

Lingonberry is also in demand for cancer, decoctions are prepared from it. Lingonberry broth acts sparingly on the stomach and practically does not cause serious side effects.

Velvet roots are also in demand in the treatment of cervical cancer. A special decoction is prepared from velvet in a water bath. Use it after eating 1 tablespoon three times a day. Side effects of this herb have not been identified, and it is tolerated by many patients quite well.

Treatment of oncology with the help of traditional medicine has mainly positive results. In combination with drugs, decoctions and infusions give only positive dynamics. And also sparing act on the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget that all infusions and herbs should be prescribed only by your doctor. Self-medication at home should not be dealt with, since all oncological diseases should be observed by competent and qualified specialists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9247/

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