How to draw a hamburger in different ways?

A hamburger is a type of sandwich that mainly consists of a cut bun with a patty inside. In addition to meat, various toppings such as ketchup or mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato slices, cheese slices or pieces of pickled cucumber can be put in a hamburger. And you can draw a hamburger with any of these ingredients. So let's get started.

How to draw a hamburger with a pencil: the first way

To create a picture, you will need simple and colored pencils, an eraser and paper. Here's how to draw a hamburger in the first way:

  1. First, draw an oval elongated horizontally, and then cut off the lower part of this figure with a straight line. This will be the top of the cut bun.
  2. Slightly dropping down from the drawn figure, depict the lower part of the bun, also in the shape of an oval.
  3. Over the bottom of the hamburger, draw patties with jagged lines.
  4. Draw a lettuce leaf under the top bun with a wavy line and sesame seeds on top.
  5. Add small bends to the lettuce leaf with a few uneven lines.
  6. Draw the pieces of cheese hiding under the salad. They resemble triangles in shape.
  7. Draw a few tomatoes under the cheese.
  8. Next to the cheese, on one of the tomatoes, draw a sauce.
Hamburger drawing steps

After the hamburger is drawn, it should be painted with colored pencils or paints. Paint the bun in light brown, lettuce in light green, tomatoes in red, cutlet in brown, cheese in yellow, and the sauce in light orange or mustard.

Second way

How to draw a hamburger in another simple way? To do this, first draw a semicircle, and then under it a rectangle. On a semicircle we draw sesame seeds, and under it we depict a leaf of greenery with a curved line. With two horizontal slightly curved lines we draw a patty, and under it are pieces of cheese. From the bottom, draw another horizontal curved line (for the bottom of the bun) and colorize the hamburger.

The second way to draw a hamburger

How to draw a hamburger in cells

To depict a hamburger in this way, you will need a checkered leaflet and felt-tip pens (black, orange, red, light green and brown). First, frame 14 cells horizontally in a frame and paint them with a black felt-tip pen. To the left of the filled cells we move one cell to the left to the diagonal upwards and paint three more cells vertically. On the opposite side, we also paint 3 cells.

We return to the three vertical cells and paint one more next to the right from the upper cell. We go down from this point down diagonally by one cell and paint horizontally three cells. Next, paint one cell up diagonally. Down diagonally paint four cells to the right. Again, diagonally fill one cell. Again down the diagonal, we draw three cells to the right. We close the figure by sketching another ode cell up diagonally.

From this figure to the left and to the right, paint over one cell located upward along the diagonal. We retreat one cell up and connect the two cells just drawn with a line of 16 cells. We move one cell diagonally up, to the left and right of the long line, and draw two cells on each side. We connect the upper cells together with one solid line of 18 cells.

Drawing a hamburger in the cells

We rise one cell up, from the left edge we retreat one cell to the right, and from the right edge - one cell to the left and paint 3 cells vertically up on each side. From these cells diagonally upwards paint 2 cells on each side. We retreat the cell up and draw a horizontal line of 10 cells. This completes the hamburger contour.

You can still draw cute eyes and a mouth, as in the picture, and you just have to colorize it. Color the upper and lower layers with orange, the middle layers with brown, light green and red.


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