Russia's Nuclear Triad: Composition and Purpose

The nuclear triad of Russia refers to the components of nuclear weapons, due to which the state is optimally functioning. This is necessary for cases of probable attacks by opponents.

The optimal composition of the triad

Each state has the traditional components of a triad. It:

  1. Ground-based strategic weapons.
  2. Marine weapons .
  3. Air armament.

The main components of such a system can be strategic aviation, nuclear-powered submarines , and ballistic missiles. The composition of the nuclear triad includes various types of nuclear weapons operating in the air, sea or land space.

Russian Nuclear Triad

Due to the characteristics of the nuclear strategic forces of the Russian Federation , the country is one of the most militarily strong among the states of the world. In addition to it, only the USA has a nuclear triad.

Characteristic of the triad of Russia

As of today, the Russian nuclear triad includes:

  • Strategic naval forces.
  • Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Strategic aviation weapons.

It is important to note that such a triad never includes the country's nuclear tactical charges.

A specific feature of the structure of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation is that all of the country's nuclear weapons are divided between the main types of its troops, which have a strategic purpose. This ensures that in case of unforeseen circumstances there will be no complete destruction of existing weapons - it is not collected in one place. So, multipurpose nuclear submarines of Russia never collect everything in one place. In addition, this is the key to due flexibility in the use of nuclear weapons , based on the need for their practical application.

That is, if, due to a sudden attack by the enemy, one or even two basic components of the triad are destroyed, there remains the possibility of retaliatory strike.

Nuclear Triad Test

Land component

Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed in mobile or stationary versions are the basis of the land component of the nuclear triad. They are characterized by:

  • a high degree of security of stationary structures, that is, launchers located in the depths of mines;
  • dispersal on the ground;
  • quick change of positioning in the case of mobile installations;
  • resistance to medium-strength nuclear explosions.

That is, they are extremely difficult to disable, due to the complexity of detection and high-quality security.

Maritime component

Russian multipurpose nuclear submarines are the main carrier of intercontinental ballistic missiles on the water. This technique has excellent hidden maneuvering capabilities and is also characterized by high autonomy. Movement is limited only by the vastness of the oceans.

Multipurpose nuclear submarines of Russia

Missile launches can be carried out from anywhere when the boat itself is underwater.

On some types of surface ships, missiles with winged nuclear weapons can be installed. It also enhances state protection.

Armament of the marine component of the triad of the Russian Federation

The composition of the Russian nuclear triad is constantly being supplemented, updated, and improved. Test runs are being carried out. So, recently tests of the components of the nuclear triad were carried out - a launch was launched from the board of the Vladimir Monomakh vessel, which is an RPKSN submarine missile cruiser. All tests were completed normally. The launch was carried out underwater.

The Russian Navy will soon receive a new, third in a row, cruiser, which is part of the Borey project. In accordance with the existing plan, by 2020 it will be replenished with eight SSBN category vessels, each of which will carry 16 to 20 full-fledged ballistic missiles capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 9 thousand kilometers from the launch site.

Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation

Air component

Strategic aviation of the Russian Federation is capable of carrying nuclear bombs along with airborne cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. Modern strategic bombers are designed for long flights while patrolling airspace. They can inflict a serious blow on the enemy at the outbreak of hostilities.

Due to the capabilities of modern technology, the country has the opportunity to attack almost any corner of the world. This was repeatedly confirmed when testing the nuclear triad in a variety of conditions.

Armament of the air component of the triad of the Russian Federation

Today, the air component of the Russian nuclear triad is represented by the Strategic Missile Forces troops, which are armed with about eight dozen Topol mobile complexes of various modifications, along with six dozen Topol-M units located stationary in the mines.

Missiles from the ICBM category represent the light class of this weapon. They are characterized by successful overcoming of serious enemy solid domestic waste using various techniques, along with high mobility.

On average, "Topol" operates at a distance of 11 thousand kilometers. Additional air power is provided by the location of the components of the strategic missile forces of the Russian Federation and the SPN, S-300, Pantsir-S1, and Tor-M1V installations.

Russian nuclear triad composition

Ballistic intercontinental missiles, which are located in special missile silos that have effective protection against a nuclear explosion, are still on alert in Russia. This includes the RS- 18B, RS-20B missiles - a total of about 130 carriers with two dozen warheads. These are the most powerful missile systems with an impressive take-off mass.

Modern missile defense systems are not ready to cope with the indicated type of missiles, especially if they will not be used individually , but in combination with other weapons.

The composition of Russia's nuclear strategic forces

The country's leadership regularly monitors the size and composition of the nuclear triad, each of its components. So, the main forces of the Strategic Missile Forces, according to 2016, are presented:

  1. Heavy missiles ( R- 36M2 and others).
  2. Mobile complexes "Topol" RT- 2 PM .
  3. "Topol-M" mobile and mine.
  4. Complexes " Yars- 24" stationary and mobile.
  5. Missiles UTTH UR- 100 N.

Particular attention is paid not only to the composition, but also to the location of the missile divisions. It is important that a surprise attack by an adversary is technically unable to disable the components of the Strategic Missile Forces in full.

Today, the active renewal of the country's navy continues. The main components of the Navy are the boats of the Borey project:

  1. The cruiser " Yuri long-armed".
  2. The nuclear submarine Vladimir.
  3. The nuclear submarine Alexander Nevsky.

Today, 13 nuclear-powered submarines with serious armaments carry constant combat duty. The strategic naval forces include modern missile carriers, submarines of the Kalmar and Borey projects, and others. Their planned rearmament does not stop.

strategic aviation of the Russian Federation

As part of strategic aviation, the Tu-160, Tu- 95 MS bombers and other strategic planes are on alert.

In the last decade, the power and strength of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation is growing. It is replenished with new, improved weapons, ready to perform real combat missions. The process affects all three main components - the Navy, aviation, and ground forces.

The concept of development of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation

The main features of the development of nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation are reflected in a report recently submitted to the country's Security Council. The President of Russia decided that until the end of the specified period of operation, the removal of heavy missiles in the arsenal of the country will not occur. Currently, the operational period for these types of weapons is three decades, so the missiles will remain on alert and will, as necessary, take part in trials of the nuclear triad until 2030 .

In addition to the RS-20 missiles, the Topol- M complexes will be in service in both mobile and stationary versions. It is possible that the missiles for the latter will be equipped with three warheads at once, each of which can be aimed at an individual target.

So far, no organizational and numerical changes are expected in the composition of the Strategic Missile Forces as one of the main components of the Russian nuclear triad .

Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles

A concept has now been adopted prescribing the organization of the Russian nuclear strategic forces. It is supposed to continue the policy of nuclear deterrence in relation to America. Specialists called its main aspect the preservation of the ability of the Russian troops to overcome the US missile defense under construction.

It is for this reason that a delay of one and a half decades is introduced for the removal from service of liquid heavy missiles.

Experts are sure that this is not the best way possible, since old weapons will not be replaced by new models. For this reason, serious accidents with his participation can occur, which can carry significant negative consequences.

Prospects for the Russian Nuclear Triad

The main promising direction for the development of the nuclear triad of Russia, as well as the armaments of the country as a whole, remains the development and use of new weapons, rather than expanding the number of old ones. It is important to timely update the equipment and armament on combat duty. Only in this case can one count on the full combat readiness of all types of weapons in the event of a military conflict.

Do not forget that even with all the documents and agreements in force today, the Russian Federation retains the possibility of building up and updating existing arsenals. This applies to all components of the country's nuclear triad. It is necessary to use this opportunity correctly and wisely so that the country's security is under reliable protection.


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