What are the tax deductions per child, where to apply for tax deductions per child, how to calculate the tax deduction per child

Taxes are a sensitive issue for all the people who work. The fact is that many do not understand why they pay this money and to whom, and they also regret the significant amount that they could have if they had not had to pay taxes. However, there are several loopholes that can reduce tax payments for you. One of these benefits is having children. Tax deductions per child slightly reduce this amount. According to the tax code, each parent or each guardian receives deductions of about 1000 rubles. That is, on average, a family will receive 2,000 more than it could without such deductions. By the way, they are made for each child. That is, if you have two of them, the family already saves 4,000 on taxes, if five - 10,000 rubles. However, not all parents are aware of such deductions, and the institutions in which they work take advantage of this ignorance of their employees and do not pay them what is due.

What if you want to get your legal deductions? First of all, you must provide all the necessary documents confirming that you have children. Then you need to write an application for tax deductions for the child, to which you attach all the papers, including those that say that he goes to kindergarten, to school or enrolled in college or university. Deductions will be made until your children study full-time at the educational institution. Only a child who has entered college or university will need to provide a fresh certificate from the university every six months, which states that he is still a student. Parents must give this work certificate to the wage department. If the certificate is not provided, no deductions are made.

How to calculate the tax deduction for a child? The fact is that for the first and second children, parents receive standard amounts of money normalized by law. As a rule, this is from 1000 to 1400 rubles. However, for the third and each subsequent baby, the state already gives about 3,000 to each of the parents. Tax deductions for a child are charged in the amount of 3,000 rubles if the child is an invalid, full-time student or graduate student. By the way, such tax benefits are provided to parents until the child is 24 years old. From the moment of birth, tax deductions for a child are not made. By the way, if you did not know before that the organization in which you work should make tax deductions for your child, do not worry. Money - the full amount over the years - you will definitely be reimbursed. You just need to bring a certificate confirming the presence of a child under the age of 18, or a student or cadet.

Who should calculate tax deductions per child? This is usually done by the accountants of the firm that deals with wages. They mark all tax deductions in the payroll. There you can see if everything is correctly calculated and clarify the nuances of interest to you. However, the accountant may not be competent in matters of recalculation of tax deductions. In this case, you will be sent to the tax office to deal directly with the tax agents themselves .

So, the salary of a person who has children will naturally be higher than that of someone who has no children. All this happens not because the second one does not work well, but as a result of these deductions. Thus, the state is trying to encourage the birth rate: the amount saved as a result of deductions is still difficult to call impressive, but every year it becomes larger.

You can find out more detailed information on what tax deductions per child should be by reading the Law on Taxation and all amendments thereto. This will help you understand the nuances of the procedure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9257/

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