Black dots on the penis: causes and methods of treatment

The appearance of black dots on the penis, as well as the formation of other spots on the organ, gives the man great inconvenience. For this reason, a man becomes constrained, which negatively affects not only his intimate life, but also the patient’s emotional and psychological balance. But because of what black dots form on the penis and how can you get rid of them? It is worthwhile to more thoroughly understand this and other issues regarding these neoplasms on the organ.

Reasons for education

The genital organ, like all other human organs, is supplied with blood, sweats, has sebaceous glands. That is why the black dots on the penis are not in all cases a dangerous disease. Basically, this is just a simple blockage of the sebaceous glands, since there was no hygiene or increased sweating was observed. However, there are other reasons for the formation of black dots on the penis. It is worth considering them separately.

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Human papillomavirus

Sometimes, in the presence of the virus, they form on the head of a member of the papilloma. In this case, small tumors in the form of brown spots are first observed, which after some time are converted into warts and warts. Papillomas on the head of the penis can be transmitted sexually, therefore, they require immediate treatment. Since this disease is viral, when the first symptoms appear, you need to seek help from a urologist. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there is a risk of degeneration of these neoplasms into a malignant form.


With an increased level of melanin production, which is concentrated in the basal layer of the epidermis, black dots or spots may form on the penis with altered pigmentation. Characteristic signs of melanopathy are: keratinized scales, local thickenings that cover the lesion.

Man's frightened face


As a rule, infectious spores can settle literally in any area, including the genitals. The fungus can affect not only the stem of the penis, but also its head. The appearance of spots on the penis may be associated with a hormonal malfunction in the body. In addition, a man can become infected with a fungus from his partner. In some cases, the cause of this ailment is the prolonged use of medications, drugs, anabolics and steroids.

Obesity and Diabetes

In these diseases, the patient often suffers from high perspiration, which may cause a rash of black or red color on the penis. When this symptom appears, you need to seek help from a urologist.

Man at the doctor’s appointment

Allergic reaction

Quite often, the cause of a rash on the penis is an allergic reaction, during which the skin tone changes locally. Such rashes can provoke not only food, but also means of intimate use, such as condoms or gels.

Oncological diseases

In the presence of cancer, spots that resemble acne on the penis can form. They have a dark, almost black color, and also differ in clear outlines. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor changes in the form of these neoplasms, since their rapid growth, increase in number, as well as the appearance of tuberosity can indicate unpleasant processes. In no case should you extrude black dots with your hands. If such symptoms appear, you should definitely seek help from a specialist. Only a doctor can tell what is dangerous black dot on the penis, as well as how to treat it.

It is also important to note that patients at risk of developing cancer are patients whose age is from 55 to 60 years, as well as those who have a genetic predisposition to cancer. If the black dots on the skin of the penis are very itchy, bleeding, then in no case should you drag on a visit to a specialist.

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This disease manifests itself in the form of multiple black dots or spots on the genitals. The disease is dangerous for its dynamic progression, as well as the rapid death of tissues. To avoid irreversible consequences, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

As a rule, many pathological processes occurring in the body’s vital activity system are reflected in the condition of the glans penis. Basically, a black or dark spot forms, which gradually increases in size. But if the stain has formed and at the same time remains without any changes for a long time, without bringing uncomfortable sensations, then the problem is only cosmetic.

Types of neoplasms and symptoms

Considering what kinds of points, spots appearing on the penis exist, one should pay attention to the shade of this neoplasm. Dark spots that appear in bulk may indicate injury to the organ. The skin of the penis is so thin that it quickly shows traces of sensitive strokes, as well as microtrauma after wearing tight underwear, combing and other actions. Other types of education include the following:

  • A spot or dot of brown tint is a sign of melanoma, as well as pigmentation of an individual type. If such a neoplasm has a tumor, redness, then pathological or systemic changes in the body are possible.
  • Local black formations with uneven edges that resemble a blot can be a symptom of oncology. If a black spot on the penis rapidly multiplies, darkens, this indicates a process of necrosis, which can also affect nearby areas of tissue and organs.
  • Birthmark quite often causes men anxiety. However, such a neoplasm is distinguished by smooth edges and does not cause any unpleasant sensations to a man. If the birthmark does not change in color and shape, then there is no reason for concern. Convex moles to a man can cause inconvenience, so experts recommend getting rid of them.
  • Some marks on the genitals that grow on the stem are called condylomas, warts. Sometimes such neoplasms are injured, which is why bleeding appears.
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When dots and spots on the genitals are formed due to diseases of the internal organs, the man may experience the following symptoms:

  • Soreness of the spreading and local type.
  • Itching of varying intensity.
  • Peeling in the focus of pigmentation.
  • Burning sensation.
  • Redness near the formation.
  • Bleeding.
  • Suppuration.
  • Changes on the surface of the skin.
  • Sealing in or around the formation zone.

Any of the symptoms should be an occasion to see a doctor. In case of necrosis, a visit should be planned as soon as possible, since this pathology spreads dynamically, and the result may be amputation of the genital organ.

Treatment methods

In most cases, black dots or spots on the penis do not pass on their own, so adequate treatment is required. The methods of therapy will depend on the main cause of the formation of spots, since at first the man needs to undergo a course of diagnosis and examination. When all the tests are collected, the doctor should prescribe a surgical, medical, cosmetic option to eliminate this problem. Also, in some cases, experts recommend using folk recipes to combat such tumors.

Analysis collection

In this case, attention should be paid to the fact that the drug treatment method is the most effective. Medications should be prescribed depending on the diagnosis. For example, if a patient has been diagnosed with a fungal infection, then Terbinafine should be drunk, and the affected areas should be washed with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

If spots have arisen due to an allergic reaction, then the specialist prescribes an antihistamine. In no case should you take such medications without the recommendation of a doctor, since there is a risk of hormonal imbalance.

Scarring can be eliminated with a laser. This surgical method has a minimal risk of developing concomitant diseases. The laser should remove condylomas, warts. In parallel with this, a course of treatment is being carried out to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

Oncological problems will be solved depending on the degree of damage to the genital organ, as well as on the individual characteristics of the man. The most common groups of drugs that are used to treat black tumors on the penis are the following:

  • Antifungal drugs.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Antiviral agents.
  • Gels and ointments for external use, which are indicated to reduce burning and itching.
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To get rid of the cosmetic problem of dark spots and spots on the genitals, grinding of the skin is applied, and a large dose of vitamin A is prescribed. To remove birthmarks, in most cases cryosurgery is used, as well as electrocoagulation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that black spots and dots on the genitals in men are considered a very unpleasant phenomenon. However, most of them do not pose a particular threat to the body, they can be eliminated easily thanks to modern methods and drugs.


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