What kind of cereals boil ear: classic and original recipes

In culinary cuisines of different nations there are many fish soups. In Hungary, this is halaslas, in France - bouillabaisse, among the Finns - kalakeytto, And in Russia - this is the ear. The preparation of this fish soup has reached such heights that there are dozens of varieties of dishes. And not only according to regional nuances, although this also takes place (recall at least the Pskov ear from smelt, the Volga from sterlet, the Arkhangelsk from cod liver). But this Russian national dish has varieties regarding cooking technology.

There are prefabricated, guardianship, stratum, sluggish and even sweet ear. The types of fish soup are also distinguished by a set of related products. We are used to the presence of croup in the ear. You will be surprised, but in the classic recipe this product is not! Croup in the ear is added by poor people who cook liquid broth. And cereals, as you know, make the dish more satisfying. Well, we are not rich either. Let's see which croup is better. But first - just for reference - here is an old classic recipe for a dish.

What kind of cereal is boiled ear

What is the ear and how does it differ from other fish soups

The first and main distinguishing feature of the national Russian dish is an extremely meager set of related products. Fish in the ear is the main and almost the only component. We can say that she is the queen in the pan. All other additives are intended only to emphasize its taste. Therefore, for a beautiful color of the broth, use the washed bulb in the husk (then throw it away). Of spices used black pepper and bay leaf.

Another thing is if you cook fish soup from small fish. She gives it mud, so at the end of cooking, add a glass of vodka to the dish. The distillate perfectly neutralizes the unpleasant odor. Another distinctive feature of the Russian national soup is the order of bookmarking products. The taste also depends on this. For example, when to put fish in your ear? Some kitchens have a vegetable broth. A quickly boiling fish is added at the end. There are other options.

But in the classic recipe fish soup is poured with cold water, put on fire, remove the "noise". You can put it in a slightly boiling salted vegetable broth, previously stretching whole onions, carrots and parsley root. Ear is cooked without covering the pot, and then insist 7-8 minutes.

Ear with which grits is better

Classic recipe (general principles)

How to cook the ear correctly to get a concentrated binder, a little sticky broth? There are a few simple rules that you must strictly adhere to. Firstly, the choice of dishes. The pan should be either clay or non-oxidizable, enameled. No matter what the fishermen say, the cast-iron cauldron is not suitable for this dish. The roots for the soup (onions, carrots, parsley, optionally, celery) are cooked whole. Vegetable broth is salted before laying fish. In no case should you allow the liquid to boil vigorously.

The ear should be cooked in an open bowl. The rules for the duration of heat treatment of fish should be strictly observed. It depends on both its type and size. Freshwater fish is cooked from seven to 20 minutes. Marine - from 8 to 12. Apart is the fish caught in Siberian rivers. It needs to be cooked from 25 minutes to half an hour. Only after the fish has been cooked are spices added. Here the rule applies: the fatter the look, the more seasonings. It is unacceptable for the soup to clarify the broth with an extract. Soup must be infused under the lid. Fresh greens (dill, parsley) crumble into a plate before serving.

What kind of cereal is boiled ear

The addition of a saturating component in the form of cereals to the fish soup is a late component. And this practice was introduced not only to poor people, but also to fishermen. If the first of a small number of fish wanted to cook a large pot of soup, the second simply did not have the opportunity to take vegetables and spices from home. But in that and in another case there was only one way out: throw a handful of groats into the soup. When dry, it does not take up much space in the luggage of the fisherman. Yes, and it is extraordinary cheap, which is a godsend for a poor family.

But with what kind of cereal is the ear cooked? It mainly depends on the type of fish. For some inhabitants of rivers and lakes millet is more suitable, for others - pearl barley. Ukrainian Cossacks generally practiced the addition of flour with sour cream. There are options for fish soup with wheat, barley, corn grits, with buckwheat, semolina or rice. It should be borne in mind that all these cereals are cooked in different ways. Therefore, one cannot just replace one type of cereal with another. Every time you need to adhere to the recipe. Ear, depending on the type of fish, is:

  • triple (or national team),
  • black (carp, crucian carp, rudd, chub, common carp, asp),
  • white (whitefish, ruff, perch, perch),
  • amber (from red fish, as well as from sturgeon, sterlet, beluga), such a soup is usually tinted with saffron, which is why it got this name.

Fishing ear

This is a special dish both in cooking technology and in the composition of the ingredients. Usually, fishermen keep a good catch to bring home. And on the spot they eat what they usually give to cats. But this fish trifle is very fresh, often alive. Cooked fish soup on a fire in a cast iron, which gives the dish a special aroma of smoke. Fishermen have no vegetables with them. But they must have barley, which they use as bait on the hook. Therefore, the question of what kind of cereal is boiled for fishing is an idle one.

  1. A trifle is poured with cold water and put on a fire. Cook for a long time until a thick, even slightly viscous broth is obtained.
  2. Then they filter, they throw out the fish. Again put the pot on the fire.
  3. Throw two or three spoons of pearl barley into the ear for three liters of soup. Fish trifle gives mud. You need to get rid of the smell. Therefore, fishermen pour vodka into their ear (a glass or two). Alcohol in the taste of the soup is not felt - it immediately disappears in boiling water. But vodka neutralizes an unpleasant odor, moreover, it makes water softer.
  4. In the end, the fishermen extinguish a burning smut in the ear. It gives the dish an additional smoky aroma and further eliminates the smell of mud.
  5. Ear cooked without a lid. But before serving, they insist.
Fishing ear

Homemade classic ear with millet

In the equipped kitchen, cooking technology is changing. Wuhu is not cooked at the stake, but on the stove. And they do not use cauldrons, but an enameled pan. Also at hand the cook has a variety of vegetables and seasonings. In some places in Russia, tomatoes and garlic (in the south) and potatoes are actively used. And in the north, it is generally customary to add milk and a piece of butter to the ear in the end. Let's consider the classic version of the preparation of this dish.

Triple ear, as the name implies, is made from 3 varieties of fish. You can take two or four, but more is already too much.

  1. In such an ear there should be a fish trifle. She is gutted.
  2. Tails and heads of other fish species are added to it. The gills are cut out.
  3. A saturated broth called yushka is brewed from this.
  4. Then it is filtered and, if necessary, clarified with lemon juice.
  5. In another container, make a vegetable broth. It is connected with a yushka.
  6. Three tablespoons of millet are washed until the flowing water becomes clear. Add to the soup.
  7. And they put sliced ​​fish of expensive varieties, seasoning the dish with spices.
Homemade ear with millet

Ear with corn grits

The basic principles of the preparation of Russian national fish soup we understood. Now let’s see what kind of croup the ear is cooked. When choosing cereals, they focus not only on the variety of fish, but also on its quantity. For example, barley will make liquid broth more rich. Millet and corn grits are similar in appearance to eggs. Such an ear will be satisfying and tasty. Corn grits are also good because they do not boil into viscous porridge.

  1. First, in three liters of water, we cook the roots for the soup.
  2. We take them out and lay a pound of silver carp.
  3. After 10 minutes of cooking, we pull it out.
  4. We fall asleep half a glass of corn grits if we plan to add potatoes and vegetable frying. And if not, then cereals need to be put more.
  5. Cook with a quarter of an hour.
  6. Put three peeled and chopped potatoes.
  7. We make frying from onions and carrots. Put in the soup.
  8. We return the silver carp to the pan. Cook another minute.

Pearl barley

This cereal is cooked for a very long time. Therefore, in advance you need to soak it for 2 hours. It is better to cook fish soup with pearl barley from carp and similar fish.

  1. First, make a vegetable broth with head, fins and tail.
  2. We filter it.
  3. Bring to a boil again and pour the washed barley (5 tablespoons).
  4. You can put in the soup and pieces (fillet) of carp.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, lay the potatoes (optional).
  6. After another 10 minutes, salt, lay spices and bay leaf.
Pearl barley

Ear with bulgur

Dried and slightly fried coarsely crushed wheat groats, unlike semolina, do not boil and do not swell. Therefore, bulgur is often used for cooking various soups. Ear with wheat grits can be cooked from any fish, including from trifles or carp heads.

  1. The latter must first be brought to a boil and pour water.
  2. Then pour new and cook again with onions, roots and spices.
  3. When the broth is ready, strain it.
  4. We return to the stove, lay 2-3 chopped potatoes and half a glass of bulgur.
  5. When the vegetables are ready, cut 2-3 tomatoes (or add a tablespoon of tomato paste).
  6. Finely chop a clove or two garlic.
  7. Cook for about five minutes. Salt to taste, let it brew.

Ear with barley grits

This cereal does not enjoy popular love. Those who served in the army developed persistent idiosyncrasy towards him. But here we still give a recipe for fish soup with barley for a slow cooker. Give it a try. Your attitude to barley can change.

  1. From the onions and carrots we do the frying.
  2. We shift it into the multicooker bowl.
  3. We put potatoes (3 pieces) cut into strips, chopped red bell pepper, salmon steak, three tablespoons of barley groats and salt.
  4. Fill it all with two liters of water.
  5. We turn on the unit in the "Soup" mode for 45 minutes.
  6. Before serving, remove the bones from the fish and disassemble it into pieces.
  7. Such a salmon soup can be seasoned with sour cream.

Salmon ridge ear

Want to treat yourself to a red fish? Salmon ridges are a very affordable product. Of these, you can cook homemade ear with millet.

  1. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan, put it in a boil.
  2. In parallel, we will make the frying of finely chopped onions and shabby carrots.
  3. We’ll wash two salmon ridges.
  4. We peel and cut into slices two medium potatoes.
  5. We wash 2 tablespoons of millet.
  6. When the water boils, we introduce vegetables into the pan, season with a mixture of peppers.
  7. Cook until potatoes are cooked.
  8. We lower the ridges into the pan.
  9. After five minutes, pull out, remove the bones.
  10. Pour millet.
  11. We return the meat scraped from the ridges to the ear.
  12. Salt and add a bay leaf.
  13. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let the soup stand under the lid.
Red fish ridge ear

Finnish fish soup

Northwest neighbors of Russia also fell in love with this dish. True, they adapted it to their taste, adding cheese and creamy notes. They make fish soup from red fish, and not from the ranges, but from the rich, from the fillet.

  1. We put two liters of water to boil.
  2. We cut 500 g of salmon into cubes.
  3. Dip whole onion and three tomatoes, coarsely chopped carrots in boiling water.
  4. Finns from all cereals for red fish soup prefer buckwheat. It needs to be sorted out and washed. It will take 150 grams of this cereal.
  5. After laying buckwheat, salt the soup, season it with black pepper and bay leaf.
  6. After some time, remove the onion.
  7. Add 250 grams of cream cheese (such as "Amber"), wait until it melts in the soup.
  8. When buckwheat is ready, add red fish.
  9. Cook for about five minutes.
  10. Pour a glass of vodka, turn off the heat and insist under the lid.
Finnish ear with buckwheat

Ear with rice

This Asian cereal is best added to river fish soup. Here's a description of how to cook fish carp ear with rice.

  1. We cut the fish.
  2. From heads (without gills), fins and tails, we cook a thick broth.
  3. Salt it.
  4. Separately, we cook the onions and carrots.
  5. We extend our heads and fins.
  6. Pour 4-5 tablespoons of rice.
  7. Add the roast.
  8. Cook until almost ready cereal.
  9. We cut the carcass of the carp into pieces, lower it into the broth.
  10. At the end of cooking, season the ear with spices.

As you can see, any cereal is suitable for the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it with her, otherwise it will not be soup, but porridge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9277/

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