Fire risk is ... Definition, assessment and calculation

Every day, many fires occur around the world. In these fires, a huge number of people die. The main causes of such incidents are often negligence and some errors in compliance with fire safety regulations. The main value by which the possibility of fires is measured is fire risk. The calculation of this value is also subject to the human factor, because the absence of further fires depends on the assessment of fire safety by specialists. Fire risk is the probability of a fire hazard.

Fire safety

Using this procedure, an assessment is made of the possible disregard for safety rules, and the risk of being held accountable or the risk of being fined is minimized.

In what cases may a fire risk assessment procedure be required?

If you think about what you should carry out this procedure, then several factors will be presented below that indicate its real need:

  1. In case of incomplete compliance with safety standards.
  2. If necessary, the formation of a kind of protection against fire hazards.
  3. In the case of a declaration.
  4. If necessary, comments on fire safety risk assessment.

How is the procedure performed?

During the inspection, the specialist examines the routes and exits for emergency evacuation, and also checks for possible fire protection systems. After the procedure, the most optimal and effective systems for extinguishing fires that are right for you are selected. Thanks to this process, the fire risk value is calculated, with the knowledge of which it is possible to most correctly allocate financing in the field of security of your enterprise or company.

Why is this needed?

An independent assessment of fire safety risks is necessary for everyone who is not indifferent to the reputation of their company or production, as well as to all those who do not want to have problems with the State Fire Inspection.

fire suppression

After the audit, the management is given a full report on the risk of fire, and a detailed plan is issued with which you can eliminate the identified violations without serious and unreasonable expenses for this. If you are already registered with the State Fire Inspectorate, this will allow you to withdraw from it and continue quiet business.

Fire risk is an important characteristic that undeniably has a strong influence on the reputation and promotion of a company. With the receipt of all necessary information, the owner has the right to independently make further decisions, and only receives recommendations from specialists for implementation. Measurement of fire risk by the method of a thorough check of all security systems guarantees you a successful pass of the Fire Inspection inspection. All studies are conducted on the basis of documents approved by EMERCOM employees. The analysis of the data obtained is carried out in accordance with all the principles prescribed in the documents, due to which all the flaws necessary for elimination are identified.

The nuances of work

For an adequate and complete assessment of all possible risks, it is necessary to inspect and analyze all the premises and buildings included in the company or enterprise. All buildings are divided into special classes.

fire extinguisher photo

The characteristics of each of them will be presented below for a better understanding of the procedure:

  • Class One (F1). This includes buildings used for permanent living or temporary residence of people.
  • Class Two (F2). Facilities used for cultural activities, or educational work with the population.
  • Class Three (F3). Premises in which any kind of services are provided to the public.
  • Class Four (F4). These include, among others, scientific and educational institutions.
  • Fifth grade (F5). This should include premises used as a warehouse or for production activities.

Each of these types has its own set of fire safety rules and requirements.

Stages of the procedure

The main task that appears before the experts is to perform an analysis of the layout of the object under study. After conducting this analysis, the determination of ways to improve fire safety begins. The study of fire risk is, first of all, the detection of problems associated with the variability of evacuation in emergency cases. Further, experts make the necessary calculations of the possibility of fires in the premises. The final stage of work is the compilation of a list of necessary rules, recommendations and other useful tips.

Factors Affecting Fire Risk

This includes various objects and objects, as well as processes that increase the risk of fires. These include, but are not limited to, smoke, elevated temperatures, or low levels of oxygen in the rooms. Other important factors for a correct assessment include the presence or absence of radioactive substances or equipment, electrical appliances and their safety level, as well as other favorable conditions for the occurrence of fires.

causes of fire

Often during severe fires, explosions can occur, especially if there are flammable liquids or gases in the area. Using a comprehensive analysis of all the above factors, this situation can be avoided. Another option that the experts can provide you with is to optimize and improve the effectiveness of the fire system. Having completed this kind of procedure, you will decide on a rational distribution of financing in order to avoid unnecessary inspections of the State Fire Inspection.

fire fighting equipment

It is important to understand that when detecting violations you will not receive a fine, as in the official inspection. The identification of risks is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis by management interested in promoting their institution. You will be able to choose the time that is most convenient for you and get a plan of further actions specially prepared for you to change the conditions.

With this check, you can avoid being unprepared for an accidental visit by the authorities. As a result of the work, a fire report is issued. It is issued to management only if the violations do not exceed the permissible level. This type of document is made in triplicate and is official. One of the three copies is sent to the authorities, so you can avoid unnecessary checks. After the end of the process described above, the procedure is considered complete.


fire safety signs

We hope that this article was useful to you, and you read it to the end. Remember that fire safety is one of the most important factors affecting the success of doing business in the future.


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