How to get rid of bees in your area

how to get rid of bees

Bees are not only tasty and healthy honey, but also painful bites. And in some people, the poison of these insects causes terrible allergic reactions, so it comes almost to life and death. Why did we start this unpleasant conversation? And besides, even if you are not a breeder of buzzing striped honey plants, they can still settle next to you. Or just love your premium garden for your own busy life.

The neighborhood is not pleasant and causes an obsession about how to get rid of bees. In fact, you came to rest, brought children and pets, and are forced to hide from small flying terrorists.

Before embarking on hostilities, first figure out where the invasion of your possessions comes from. If the beekeeper’s neighbor is to blame, then delicate tactics will have to be applied. You need to solve two problems: how to get rid of neighbor's bees and not quarrel with their owner.

how to get rid of wild bees

Try to peacefully discuss the transfer of hives away from your site or the construction of a sufficiently high (about 3 meters) deaf fence. Insects, of course, will fly over it, but only after gaining a decent height. And what is being swept over your head is no longer important, the main thing is that it does not hurt.

But if negotiations have reached an impasse, diplomacy is losing ground, then it remains to turn to justice. Find a good lawyer and file a lawsuit. It is quite possible to win, especially if you take care of certificates from the hospital about insect bites and their consequences.

Do not go far in your zeal and set fire to neighboring hives. Otherwise, you will receive the answer to the question of how to get rid of bees, but do not turn your back on the claim for damage to someone else's personal property.

In the case when the aliens do not have a specific “residence permit”, being free insects, here almost all means of struggle are good. Why almost? You need to know how to get rid of wild bees, and not to declare a chemical war.

how to get rid of neighboring bees

First, take a look at what attracts striped guests to your site in this way? Perhaps you have broken a bed of delicious (from a bee point of view) smelling flowers near the house, or maybe you leave behind the remnants of food and sweet drink that attract insects. Or on your site there are open containers with water, small ponds. On a hot day, these ponds collect around them not only birdies, buzzing hard workers are also not averse to drinking some water.

Are all the "enticing" factors analyzed? Now you have an answer on how to get rid of bees, you just need to eliminate the provoking objects.

When preventative measures are late, the swarm has already settled at your side, then the time for decisive action comes. You have to show courage, stock up on aerosols and a dense plastic bag. It is better to destroy the enemy’s nest on a cold evening. Insects are in a sleeping state and will not have active resistance. Wear protective clothing, treat the swarm with chemicals, and carefully cover with a bag. Then either ruthlessly burn it, or take it away and release it there.

How to get rid of bees if they are stuck in the ground? Here you will need a hose and water. Pour boiling water into the hole, and for a long time and hard. The surviving insects are finished with a fly swatter.


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