What is hazardous gas hazardous work?

How many people think about the dangers of gas? What is the danger of gas, and what is gas hazardous work? From time to time, chilling reports appear of explosions and destruction of residential buildings or of a tragic gas leak leading to ignition and a horrific fire, in which merciless fire killed hundreds and hundreds of people, passengers of unlucky trains that ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time .

gas hazardous work
Many years ago, on a sunny morning in 1988, the vicinity of the village of Legkovo, Aleksandrovsky District, was shocked by an incredible force, an end to which, it seemed, was not in sight. A mighty, endless rumble was heard all over the district. It was burning gas, a flaming torch which burst into the sky itself. Is all gas related work a gas hazardous job?

What happened? Workers leading the gas hit the main gas pipe with a bucket of their powerful equipment. Spark, roar, fiery hell. They say that only spots remained on the melted earth from people. What kind of power is tamed by man? And is it tamed? Did a man become her hostage?

Gas has certain properties that must be reckoned with. Only in this case will it be safe. It is a combustible, explosive substance that does not have color and odor. Is it possible to determine its presence in the air?

gas hazardous work is

Especially to facilitate its recognition in case of leakage, odorization is used. Its meaning consists in introducing into the gas a strongly and unpleasantly smelling substance. This makes it possible to detect gas even in the presence of its minimum concentration in air - only 1%. This constitutes a fifth of the lower limit of its explosiveness and helps to carry out gas hazardous work. This measure has significantly reduced the risk level.

Hazardous work, the definition of which involves the implementation of measures in a gassed environment or where leakage is possible, is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. It is she who determines the proper procedure and the safe conduct of such work at enterprises and organizations controlled by Rostekhnadzor. And its correct observance is ensuring safety, preserving the health and life of people. For gas hazardous work is always a risk.

gas hazardous work definition
People have traditionally believed that gas can easily be poisoned. In fact, natural gas is neither toxic nor toxic. However, accumulating in large quantities, it displaces the air. It is the lack of oxygen that is a damaging factor that suffocates a person. Toxic is the product of incomplete combustion of methane - CO, or carbon monoxide.

Just a few sighs for a person can be fatal. Incomplete combustion occurs when there is insufficient oxygen for combustion. Therefore, it is so important to maintain gas equipment in perfect condition, and gas-hazardous work should be carried out in accordance with a specially developed procedure.

And in everyday life it is extremely important to observe safety measures when using gas stoves, boilers and columns. Remember - your safety is in your own hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9288/

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