How to get bed bugs at home? Good advice

How to get bed bugs at home? This issue is relevant even in our ultramodern and civilized age. Sometimes he can stand upright and leave us no choice: either we destroy them, or they destroy us. How to get bedbugs out of the house yourself using one or another means is the topic of this article.

Domestic bugs are, in fact, unique insects. They seriously believe that we keep them with great joy. These creatures are happy to settle in our homes, in furniture and enjoy our crib at night. Well, we’ve gotten really nice. No friends, that won’t do! Drive parasites into the neck! How? Now we find out.

how to get bed bugs at home

How to get bed bugs at home

Breeding bugs is a very laborious and ungrateful process. But in this world, nothing is impossible. Remember this first!

Method number 1

You need to detect bugs and hunt them. Be aware that these parasites live in close proximity to our beds and sofas. That is why you need to inspect the bedroom, mattresses, as well as look under the bed and under the sofa. It would not hurt to check the skirting boards and electrical outlets (you need to unscrew them, but if you do not understand this, it is better not to meddle).

If the inspection did not give you anything, look for black dots - these are the feces of bedbugs. In any case, it will not be amiss to wipe the mattress and other places indicated above (except, of course, the electrical outlets) with alcohol. This must be done in order to bring down the smell of the "green zone" that attracts bugs.

how to get bedbugs out of the house

Method number 2

There is one best known way to get bed bugs at home. It has been used since ancient times. To remove these parasites once and for all, very hot steam or boiling water is used, as well as various burning liquids (for example, kerosene, methylated spirit, turpentine). For example, in tsarist Russia it was never a problem to decide by what means to bring out bugs! This was done using special steam devices - tanks with elongated spouts, which, in fact, released hot steam.

Method number 3

If there are a lot of bugs, then you can use chemical methods to destroy these bed parasites. To do this, use certain poisonous drugs. For example, today the safest are microencapsulated products (for example, Ksulat C25 and Minap 22).

what means to bring out bugs

Method number 4

If you do not want to deal with bed parasites on your own, then entrust this matter to professionals! Pest control specialists know firsthand how to get bed bugs at home. They have certain skills and special professional drugs. All that is required of you is to prepare the room before the arrival of the pest control:

  • provide the specialist access to all inaccessible places in your home;
  • carry out a small cleaning, disassemble the rubble of things;
  • Be sure to pack clothes, children's toys, products and utensils in an airtight film;
  • remove all people and pets from the premises.

When the specialists have completed their part of the work, they will certainly instruct you on the spot about what needs to be done after this pest control.


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