How to Tighten the Chest

Millions of women are oppressed by the constant question of how to prevent the breast from drooping over time, unfortunately, this cannot be done, because many factors influence the breast prolapse, the main ones being breastfeeding, sudden weight loss, as well as age.

Indeed, even if a woman hires a nurse after the birth of the baby, it is age that will take its toll anyway. When the desire to have the perfect breast shape again reaches its climax, the female representatives decide on the operation, its scientific name is mastopexy, and in the common people - breast lift. With the help of the operation, you can tighten the chest, restore its elasticity, and adjust the size and shape. The plastic surgery clinic will help you in this.

Mastopexy is performed under general anesthesia, but at the request of the client it can also be performed under local anesthesia.

Before the operation, you will need preparation. Firstly, for this period your body should be completely healthy from colds and other diseases. Secondly, be sure to go through the examination, take tests, fluorography, visit the doctor - anesthetist, a more detailed list will be provided by the doctor. All this is best done in the plastic surgery clinic where you are going to undergo surgery so that specialists can see a more complete picture of your health condition. Thirdly, you have to give up bad habits. From smoking and drinking alcohol should be forgotten for 2 weeks before surgery and after it for at least 3 weeks. Be prepared for this if you ignore these recommendations, subsequently this can lead to poor healing of postoperative sutures. Fourthly, it is better to refuse to take various medications, if this is not possible, be sure to discuss this with your doctor.

On the eve of the operation, you will be placed in a plastic surgery clinic, where you will need to undergo simple training. The essence of mastopexy is that part of the skin is removed, due to this, the nipple-areolar complex is raised. There is also a different technique, the technique of this operation, its choice depends on how much it is necessary to tighten the chest. With a small omission of the female breast, the incision is made in a semicircle on top of the areola, then the skin is removed, and the chest rises accordingly. Also, the incision can take place in a circle around the areola itself. Next, the doctor establishes special tightening sutures, thanks to them, just tightening takes place. With a more significant omission of the female breast, in addition to the incisions around the areola, it is necessary to make a vertical incision, it starts from the nipple and ends under the fold on the chest. It also takes place in surgery, mastopexy resembling the letter β€œT” inverted, that is, the incisions are made around the areola itself, then a vertical incision from the nipple to the chest fold, and then another - horizontally under the chest fold. The approximate operation time is 3 hours, it all depends on the complexity.

After the operation, doctors immediately adjust the gauze bandages, and on top of them elastic, after a few days the bandages are replaced with a special bra, which must be worn for two months. At the end of the operation, the patient is usually in the clinic for three days, after which she can return home, and after seven days continue to lead her normal life, except for sports, heavy loads. All seams will be removed only after two weeks.

There are also a number of complications: swelling, bleeding, chest pain - these complications will disappear in a couple of weeks, but scars and changes in the sensitivity of the nipples will remain forever. At the same time, you must remember that none of the doctors can guarantee you that the scars will be barely noticeable, keloid scars may form, what result awaits you, you can find out only after the operation.


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