Aphid? Fight against aphids: how long skillfully

Have you ever seen holed through, twisted leaves of plants, on which, looking closely, you can see many small green (black, white or completely transparent) insects? This is aphid.

aphids fighting aphids
The fight against aphids should begin as early as possible, because these insects in one summer can create up to 10 colonies. If you do not rid them of trees in time, the latter may die. Fighting aphids on indoor plants is simpler and less labor intensive. Boogers can be collected by hand, can be washed off with a relatively strong stream of water. True, this will have to be done all the time: aphids on domestic flowers, as well as on garden plants, start again and again. You can use ready-made preparations (both in the garden and for home flowers), but they can also harm a person. Therefore, it is best to adopt old proven methods that are safe for humans. First, remember what exactly is afraid of aphids. The fight against aphids will consist in the use of those natural means that it does not tolerate.

Deprive insects of succulent leaves

aphid control on indoor plants

Aphids love juice, so they choose only succulent leaves. And such happen on soils with a generous nitrogen content. So let's try to deprive the food of harmful insects. We scatter a large amount of wood ash under the trunks. Potassium will fall into the soil, the leaves will become less juicy, the aphids will go to look for a new pasture. By the way, remember, ants are the main carriers of such a misfortune as aphids. The fight against aphids can begin with the fact that the trunk and branches of trees are coated with garden var or special adhesive gel. Ants will not be able to get on the tree, which (to some extent) will help save him from infection by insects.

We use harmless sprayers

Of course, you can buy ready-made chemicals in stores and spray them with trees or potted plants. And then there are fruits with pesticides. And you can do it easier. What else is aphid afraid of? Fighting aphids shows that it is afraid of sticky caustic fluids, acids, and some plants. So we use them for spraying.

The first composition. Ash and aphids

aphids on home flowers

We have already scattered the ash under the trees. To speed up the process of exile, we dissolve household soap, ash in water, and with this composition we spray the moist leaves of trees.

The composition of the second. "Salad" for aphids

We cook it like this. In 400 grams of liquid, we add liquid laundry soap, vegetable oil and mashed garlic, each ingredient - 2 tablespoons. Sent in the dark for a day. Then we take a spray gun, we fill with this liquid "fire" and we water an aphid. You can just make an infusion of hot pepper or tobacco, or both. This does not threaten a person, but aphids will save the garden from its presence instantly.

Together fun ... chasing aphids

You can fight aphids with the help of living creatures. If ants love to plant aphids, then ladybugs, tits, kings and hemp birds love to eat it. You can walk around the field, collect a large box of ladybugs and relocate them to an infected tree or flower. Attracting birds is more difficult, but possible. For starters, you can hang out a treat for the birds. Accustomed to fly into the garden, they will soon notice aphids and simply ... destroy it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9316/

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