Several funds of the “Territory of Goodness” peacefully coexist on the Internet. Expert Reviews

Charity funds of social programs “Territory of Good” by Viktor Konovalov (foundation date is not specified), a company with the same name under the leadership of Anna Vorotnikova (founded in 2016), Charity Fund of social programs “Territory of Good” founded by Natalia Solodovnik (registered in January 2008) and several “Territories ...” peacefully coexist and function safely, helping people in need of material support.

Why are scams creating funds?

Volunteer benefactors who have the opportunity to provide financial assistance to those who really need it, prefer to make donations specifically to charitable foundations. They are well aware that funds donated to one of these organizations will be available to competent specialists.

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It is for this reason that at least one of the currently existing charitable foundations, the Territory of Good, has been created. Expert reviews indicate that today's scammers abuse the trust of not only donors, but also those in need.

As a rule, employees of this fund are able to assess the severity of the problems of those in need and decide on the amount of money needed to eliminate these problems. Online scammers do not make direct contact with visitors and reduce communication to filling out forms and mailing.

Who and why calls the “Territory of Good” a scam?

A group of people calling themselves independent experts warns fellow members of the Web: surrendering to their own emotions, they risk voluntarily stuffing the pockets of scammers with money. Judging by their reviews, the Territory of Good Foundation by Anna Vorotnikova is a 100 percent scam.

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The same definition was “awarded” to the project by experienced users who claimed that the organizers of the shell organization did not pay any money, but rather, on the contrary, they rob trusting users.

But the claims of the accusers do not end there. The main idea of ​​the reviews about the “Territory of Goodness” funds, which are managed by “blow-ups”, sounds something like this: once having forked out, having been brought to the desired emotional state, the user turns into a voluntary “donor”.

Fraudsters, of course, will lag behind him, but only when they understand that since the soul-breaking photographs and tragic stories no longer hurt the “client”, then he has no more money.

How to distinguish a real charity from a fake

On the electronic page of this charitable organization, any visitor can get acquainted with the monthly accounting reports, which reflect information on the donation and the expenditure of donations. Here, content visitors can familiarize themselves with electronic versions of documents confirming the accuracy of financial information.

If photographs of patients are posted on the charity’s website and their diagnoses are published, then information should be published stating that those in need of treatment or their parents (in the case of children) agreed to disclose confidential data.

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In addition, a real charitable organization cannot have its own profit, and this fact must also be documented.

Can a charity fund use funds from voluntary benefactors? The founders of the organization can spend some of the money received on the balance sheet (but not more than 20%) for paying salaries to employees, as well as for administrative needs. A real charity provides a bank account to raise funds. Fraudsters indicate electronic wallet addresses and card numbers.

Reviews on the Territory of Good Foundation, founded by Anna Vorotnikova

Advanced users call this organization a 100 percent scam. The creators of the project stand out against the background of “colleagues in the shop” in that they rob not only donors, but also those in need. One of the reasons that made experts doubt that this organization really exists is a photo of the founder of this version of the Territory of Good Fund. Reviews of the whistleblowers are unambiguous: a picture of a woman calling herself the mistress of several industrial and legal companies is most likely taken on a stock site.

good territory reviews

Exactly the same photo flaunts on the Internet under at least five different signatures. This is far from the most convictive (in relation to the Territory of Good Fund) reviews. The conditions that the petitioner must agree to leave no doubt that the project really belongs to the scammers.

The traditional style of working online puffed

The grounds for the fraud allegations were the actions of the site administrators. Having received an application from the person who requested financial assistance, the site owners report the readiness of Anna Vorotnikova’s team to help those in need, and then they give a rather significant amount. Further, the happy “lucky man” is notified that the money will immediately be transferred first to his personal account, and from there to a bank card. From the promised help of the user they take 90 rubles - this is the amount you need to pay for opening an account.

charitable foundation good territory reviews

Another distinguishing feature of the fictitious “Territory of Good”. Expert Reviews

An independent audit found that no one reads messages sent by users who need financial support through a special form. Any message, even the most ridiculous one, receives the same answer from Anna Vorotnikova: "... after consulting, we decided that we would give you $ 10,000 ...". Of course, no one gives out money here. The sole purpose of the “fund employees” is to empty the user's wallet.


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