DIY wedding money gifts: ideas

"What to give young?" - This is the first question that arises in the head at the time of receiving a wedding invitation. Someone decides to buy household appliances, household utensils, textiles. But still, the most common type of presentation is money. Indeed, in this case, one does not have to rack their brains over what the future family needs, do not waste time searching for a planned gift, etc. It is much easier and simpler to allocate a certain amount, put it in an envelope and solemnly hand the newly-made spouses shining with happiness.

DIY wedding gifts

It's only recently that it is no longer fashionable to present treasured bills in this format. Gifts from money for a wedding are popular. With your own hands or to order, they are made - it does not matter, the main thing is that such a presentation is original, unusual and creative.

Do-it-yourself wedding money gifts: trends

So, how else, besides the envelope, are people giving money at modern weddings? According to the recognition of guests, grooms and brides, their parents and organizers of this important event, banknotes occupy a leading position in the list of wedding gifts. Moreover, this type of presentation is most desirable for the heroes of the occasion.

Money remains money, but everyone wants them to be presented somehow less formally and seriously. Already fed up with all these notorious envelopes, gradually fading into oblivion. Today there is another tendency - handing money "to issue" and "pack" into an interesting and entertaining process. This is especially fun and cute when the person who made the unusual gift received money for the wedding himself. Here the imagination is not limited (in some cases, real bills can be replaced with fake ones, and real ones can later be handed separately), you can embody any bold ideas, most importantly, to make it fun and unusual.

unusual gift with money for a wedding

DIY wedding money gifts: ideas

What can you do with your own hands out of money so that the gift for a long time will be remembered by young people and guests? After all, no one remembers, and sometimes simply does not know, what kind of person gave how much money. But how they handed them over - they will remember exactly all those present. For example, a whole panel or picture can be laid out from banknotes, which is very popular and relevant today. You only need to use fake money, and put the real ones in an envelope and then, when you finish the show with the painting, hand them over to the newlyweds.

wedding gift money decoration

There is another interesting option - this is to make a money tree. Take a pot with a living plant and attach real bills to its branches this time. It will be very symbolic: a tree will mean prosperity and growth of well-being of the future family. Present it to the bride and groom under the surprised and admiring glances of the guests!

Presented a wedding gift with money, the design of which is unusual, will be remembered by absolutely everyone present. Another creative and extraordinary way to give money is to make origami figures out of them. You will have to learn a little of this art, but your money figurines will not leave anyone indifferent.

Here is another option - more traditional and "calm." Make a wedding box (box) with your own hands, in which you need to fold the present and give it in this form. The point is to somehow decorate a gift box in an unusual, stylish and elegant way. By the way, it can be pasted over with magazine clippings to get a thematic collage, or you can use expensive, elegant paper. Put money there and hand it along with the box - the young can then use it as an interior decoration item. These are not all wedding gifts. With your own hands you can do many more interesting things.


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