Symptom of allergy to cats and how to get rid of it

cat allergy symptom

Allergy is a rather unpleasant disease. It creates a lot of inconvenience to people suffering from it. Today, allergies to cat hair have become very common. Symptoms may be different, but the most common are a rash on the skin of the face and chest, asthma, watery eyes, and allergic rhinitis. Constant runny nose, itching, sneezing, and nasal congestion make it difficult to live a full life, so people suffering from this disease begin to take special medications.

Allergy symptoms

Signs of allergies appear only in direct contact with the animal or being close to it. They appear after a couple of minutes or hours, depending on the severity of the disease and the condition of the body. Sometimes a symptom of an allergy to cats can be confused with another disease, but you should be aware that, unlike all others, an allergy disappears while a person is away from animals.

Causes of Allergies

Unlike all other species, allergy to cats is a hereditary disease. In the case when both parents have it, the child with a probability of 80% will suffer from this disease. Most often, children under 12 years old are exposed to it. By the way, sometimes it occurs due to a decrease in immunity. The main symptom of allergy to cats appears as a reaction to the protein Fel d1, which is part of the saliva of animals.

allergy to cat hair symptoms

Allergy effects

Everyone should understand that any allergic reaction creates an unpleasant sensation. With constant exposure to allergens, fatigue increases, irritability increases, and immunity decreases. In addition, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, and sometimes even eczema can develop. The most dangerous manifestation of this disease is anaphylactic shock, in some cases leading to death. The anaphylactic symptom of an allergy to cats can be identified by difficulty breathing, a sharp decrease in pressure, cramps and loss of consciousness.

Allergy treatment

Today, thanks to modern medicine, you can recover from almost any disease, so no symptom of an allergy to cats should be an excuse for you to refuse a pet. To begin with, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of your environment, often carry out wet cleaning or just vacuum it. You also need to take more care of your pet. It should be bathed at least twice a month. But you must understand that this will not completely relieve you of all the signs of the disease, so you will need to go to the doctor anyway.

cat allergy analysis

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of allergies to cats, and then, together with a specialist, develop a comprehensive individual treatment program. Taking special medications will become a necessity, and the doctor may also prescribe antihistamines that block the action of the Fel d1 protein. For some people, addiction is a pretty powerful tool. If you are constantly next to the cat, then the symptoms themselves decrease, and eventually disappear altogether. This process is similar to immunotherapy, but it is up to you to decide exactly how to treat allergies.


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