Sperm Bakseeding: indications, preparation, delivery, transcript

In the modern world, one of the serious problems is male infertility. Almost every fifth couple faces it. An accurate diagnosis is required to combat infertility. One of the methods for recognizing the disease is considered to be sowing of sperm. This analysis in 95% of cases allows you to accurately determine the reason for the absence of children. However, not only bacterial inoculation of ejaculate is used to solve this problem.

What is a spermogram?

This examination allows you to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative indicators of seminal fluid in men. Spermogram is considered one of the main methods for the diagnosis of infertility. However, it can not be considered a kind of test for the possibility of conceiving a baby. Why?


The structure of spermatozoa, their speed of movement and the total content in the ejaculate are key parameters that determine the likelihood of a baby being conceived. Far from always a good analysis ensures that a man will soon become a father. About 30% of the stronger sex, suffering from infertility, know what a spermogram is and have good results from this examination.

On the other hand, poor performance should also not be seen as a final verdict. To confirm the diagnosis of infertility, a man needs to undergo a full examination and pass several tests, including sperm bacillus. More details about it will be described later.

What is this analysis for?

The delivery of bacterial sperm culture is recommended for all men, without exception, who have problems with conceiving a baby. If a couple prepares for replenishment during the year without using contraception, and pregnancy does not occur, we can talk about problems from the reproductive system. In this case, an examination for suspected infertility must be passed not only to the man, but also to his companion.

Previously, the culprits were considered representatives of the fair sex. Today, statistics indicate the opposite. Stress, smoking, mental stress - all these factors affect the quality of sperm, as a result, the ability to have children.

A man has every chance of having a baby if 1 ml of his ejaculate contains about 20 million sperm. When this indicator drops to the level of 10 million or less, the probability of pregnancy is negligible. Even after ejaculation, the sperm must remain active for several hours. Otherwise, a man must do the bacterial inoculation of the ejaculate. Often, this analysis allows you to determine the cause of the violation.

infertility examination

In what other cases, doctors prescribe sperm bacillus?

  1. Identification of symptoms of genital inflammation, infectious infection.
  2. The presence of prostatitis and similar diseases.
  3. Detection of sexually transmitted pathologies in a partner.

This analysis allows you to detect dermatological, urological and venereal problems in the subject. With it, the doctor can prescribe a competent treatment. Sowing on microflora gives fairly accurate results.

Examination preparation

The delivery of the analysis is a responsible event, therefore it should be approached with all seriousness. In addition, certain rules must be followed. Non-compliance with at least one of them is fraught with violations in the collection of biological material. Therefore, the results may not be accurate.

Each clinic has its own rules for the collection of ejaculate. It is better to clarify them in advance. However, there are general recommendations, compliance with which is extremely important.

  1. 3-5 days before the delivery of sperm, it is necessary to abandon intimacy and other actions that may lead to ejaculation.
  2. During the week before the proposed analysis, you can not visit saunas and baths, drink alcohol and smoke.
  3. Biological material should only be collected in sterile dishes. Some clinics provide their container for analysis. Others allow you to purchase it in pharmacy chains.

It is worth noting that the capacity for collecting biological material must be new and clean. It is strictly forbidden to open it until the moment of passing the analysis, to touch the inner surface. Such actions can lead to bacteria. As a result, the man will receive an unreliable diagnosis.

before sperm donation

How is the analysis delivered?

Before taking biological material, a man should wash his hands and genitals. In this case, it is forbidden to use antibacterial agents.

Typically, sperm is obtained by masturbation or irritation of the ejaculatory center with special electrodes. They are injected directly into the rectum. When collecting material, it is important to ensure that sweat, hair from clothing or hair do not enter the test container. It is strictly forbidden to transfer it from one container to another. If the day before the examination the man had a miscarriage, it is necessary to notify the doctor about this. Most likely, you will need to shift the test date by a few days.

Doctors do not recommend sampling the material at home. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in following the sanitary requirements listed above. Only a full serving of sperm is suitable for analysis. We must try not to lose its first part, since it is there that the main flow of microorganisms is located.

analysis container

Laboratory ejaculate test

Sperm is placed in an artificial environment, which is considered favorable for the reproduction of microorganisms. For several days, laboratory assistants maintain a certain temperature in a container with biological material. Microorganisms begin to multiply actively and unite in colonies. They can be easily examined under a microscope. The duties of a specialist include counting the number of microorganisms, the rate of reproduction, and the detection of sensitivity to various antibiotics. A detailed study of the material subsequently allows the doctor to prescribe competent therapy.

what is a spermogram

Deciphering the results

Decipher the seeding of sperm can only a qualified doctor. Why? The thing is that the body of each person is individual. It has its own characteristics. For one man, the presence of certain microorganisms in semen is the norm, and for another, an insidious diagnosis. Therefore, independently decoding the analysis is not recommended.

Its execution period usually varies between 5-8 days. After that, the man picks up the form with the answers. Nowadays, survey results can be obtained by phone or email.

take sperm for analysis

Analysis cost

How much does it cost to pass sperm for analysis? The price of the examination directly depends on the clinic (private / public), the region in which it is located. The average cost of such a service ranges from 500-1500 rubles.


The health of any person requires close attention. If you dream of replenishment in the family, but all attempts are in vain, it is worth passing the semen for analysis. The test will certainly help identify the cause of the failure. However, only a qualified doctor can choose the solution to this problem as soon as possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9337/

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