Plastic surgery in Korea: types of operations, patient reviews, before and after photos

South Korea is increasingly falling into the spotlight of foreign tourists, and often this is not connected with the desire to get acquainted with the rich history and culture of the “Asian tiger”. People go to Korea for beauty. The fact is that this eastern country is one of the leaders in the matter of appearance correction. And Seoul is considered not only the main city of Korea, but also the world capital of plastic surgery concurrently.

Why Korea?

Korea is the world leader in plastic surgery

Do you know what the most popular gift Korean parents give to their children for majority? It’s hard to imagine, but it’s a plastic surgery. The market of plastic surgery in Korea is literally teeming with all sorts of suggestions for correcting defects that are objectionable to owners in appearance. The fact is that the South Koreans are very complex about their appearance. It seems to them that their nose is too wide, their eyes are too narrow, their heads are big, their breasts are small, etc. The European facial features that surgeons try to reproduce in clinics are the standard for them. In addition, it is believed here that a beautiful appearance helps to achieve success in life, so children are taught from childhood that beauty is the main weapon.

And finally, the so-called Korean wave - the popularization of the country's culture in the international arena - opened the world to talented singers and musicians, actors and models, whose main hallmark became faces. And what is remarkable, almost 100% of these persons fell under the surgeon’s knife. Already transformed pop idols, becoming the idols of millions, pushed and push the scrupulous compatriots to be just as beautiful and well-groomed. And demand, as you know, creates supply. In recent years, the number of plastic surgery clinics in Korea has increased, and for residents, the desire to correct their nose or correct their cheekbones has become almost an ordinary and mandatory procedure, which is urgent and performed as new desires or needs appear.

Who uses the services of clinics

Beauty Tourism in South Korea

South Korea is a leader in the number of operations per capita. The cost is relatively reasonable, so if you want to change the appearance, almost everyone can, and there are a lot of clinics and doctors here. In Korea, it is believed that even a first-class surgeon is not able to conduct diverse operations, therefore, each doctor is engaged in his own field and has a narrow specialization. Gradually, the successes of scalpel masters began to be discussed all over the world, and today beauty tourism in Korea is very popular.

The result is obvious

Korean surgeons are literally doing miracles. It is often difficult to believe that the photographs are the same person. The border guards didn’t even let some patients home, as the photo in the passport was different from their new appearance. Here are the results of plastic surgery in Korea: before and after photos are presented below.

The result before and after surgery in Korea

List of operations

What are the most common procedures in Korea? The leading position is occupied by operations to correct defects on the face.

  1. Blepharoplasty. This is a change in eye size and eyelid shape. Narrowed by nature eyes literally open, become "puppet". A very unusual procedure is the creation of "bags" under the lower eyelid. This makes the eyes visually larger.
  2. Rhinoplasty Correction of the nose, allowing a wide Asian nose to make small, thin and perfectly even.
  3. Mandibuloplasty and mentoplasty. Correction of the lower jaw and elimination of chin defects. This includes reducing the size of the chin by removing some bones, increasing the chin due to implants, as well as contour correction that allows you to change its shape. Symptoms such as asymmetry, double chin, undeveloped or irregular chin are also eliminated by removing part of the bone or implanting implants.
  4. Malaplastika. Contouring of the zygomatic area. This includes reduction and enlargement of the cheekbones.
  5. Plastic forehead. The forehead area is filled with natural (own fat) or silicone implants, as a result of which the frontal region, which is naturally flat, becomes voluminous.
  6. Lip plastic. Ideal for Koreans - moderately puffy lips with an eternal half-smile.
    Lip plastic
  7. Otoplasty. Correction of the shape of the ears or elimination of deformation of the auricle. By the way, this operation in Korea is less popular than the same blepharoplasty, although many Asians are naturally lop-eared. The fact is that big ears here are a symbol that their owner will be happy and successful, therefore Koreans try not to touch their ears.
  8. Facial rejuvenation. In Korea, a woman at any age should remain beautiful, so it is not surprising that clinics are contacted to regain their former youth and beauty. When doing facelift operations, Korean surgeons try to give the face youth and radiance, while emphasizing that everything looks as natural as possible. And they get it 100%. Incredibly, here you can often meet a woman of 60 years of age with the face of a 30-year-old girl. A very important point: the faces of the patients are not pulled, there are no lips-ducks and similar conspicuous manifestations of artificial beauty. So, if an adult daughter and her mother go next to them after the rejuvenation procedure, you may not even immediately understand who is who in this charming pair of lovely ladies.

Plastic surgery in Korea also includes figure correction surgery: mammoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, etc. Note that surgery is popular among the stronger sex. There are even special men's clinics.

What is the advantage of Korean clinics?

Doctors in Korea

Firstly, Korean doctors undergo very serious training. Secondly, a lot of competition leads to increased requirements for all specialists. In large cities, entire neighborhoods are built up with surgical centers, each of which tries to surpass a competitor in the quality of services provided. This includes not only the advanced skills of the surgical staff, but also the highest level of service. Assistants are assigned to clients, and translators who also literally hold hands at all stages are assigned to foreigners. After surgery, patients undergo rehabilitation in hospitals.

Among other things, South Korean masters are considered one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. Regular practice allows you to hone your skills to perfection: often doctors do up to 8 operations in one day! That is why people tend to trust Korean doctors more, especially when it is required not just to remove the little hump on the nose, but to “redraw” the whole face.

Another important plus is the cost of operations. The price of plastic here is 2-3 times less than in the United States or some European countries, but this does not affect the quality of medical services and services. In addition, the clinics feature the latest and high-tech equipment.

One of the main features of plastic surgery in South Korea is the reduction of the rehabilitation period through the use of endoscopic and laser devices. Thanks to such relatively sparing techniques, operations less injure patients. Moreover, specially designed rehabilitation programs help to recover as soon as possible.

Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea

JK Plastic Surgery Center

The most popular clinics among foreigners arriving on a medical visa are as follows:

  • Arumdaun Nara, which means “Beautiful Land”, is considered one of the most high-tech plastic surgery clinics with an individual approach to each client. Almost all types of operations are performed here: blepharoplasty, cantoplasty, eyebrow lifting, rhinoplasty, rejuvenation, liposuction, breast surgery and other operations. The doctors of the clinic have vast surgical experience and guarantee a high degree of reliability. In combination with excellent service, including oriented to foreigners, this makes the clinic popular with both locals and visitors.
  • JK Clinic - is one of the best in plastic surgery in Korea. She has been working in the plastics market for 20 years. During this time, doctors have gained tremendous experience in various operations, including anti-aging and contouring, maxillofacial plastic, blepharoplasty, hair transplantation and much more. JK serves locals and foreigners. For the latter, full support is provided, starting from the transfer to the clinic and the initial consultation, ending with rehabilitation. Another nice bonus is the tax free: some of the money can be returned at the airport before flying home.
  • Grand is one of the best plastic surgery clinics in Korea, and one of the largest. It consists of the 21st floor and allows customers to get all the services in one place, ranging from consultative admission to postoperative care. Each patient has a curator accompanying him "from and to." Comfort, specialist competence, modern equipment, attentiveness to customers, a wide range of operations, and most importantly, reliability and safety make the clinic popular among both Koreans and foreigners.
  • Opera PS is an advanced center of plastic surgery, known outside the country. The clinic specializes in body correction and facial plastic surgery. Surgeons have a narrow specialization, so they are real pros, each in their own field. Most patients are satisfied with the results and recommend the clinic to their friends.

Transaction cost

Blepharoplasty in South Korea

Compared to prices in the US, as well as in Swiss or German clinics, the cost of plastic surgery in Korea is much lower. Nevertheless, they cannot be called budgetary. Judge for yourself:

  • blepharoplasty - from 130 000 rubles;
  • rhinoplasty - from 140 000 rubles;
  • chin correction - from 150 000 rub .;
  • liposuction - from 270,000 rubles;
  • facelift - from 150 000 rubles .;
  • mammoplasty - from 500 000 rubles;
  • abdominoplasty - from 700 000 rubles.

This is the approximate cost of some operations on average in clinics. Somewhere operations will cost more, somewhere cheaper. Again, it all depends on each case. Therefore, it would be more correct to leave a request on the site in the clinic you like and get a detailed consultation. Russian-speaking personnel work in large centers, so the problem of the language barrier disappears.

Plastic Surgery Reviews in Korea

Most reviews of operations are positive. Compatriots praise doctors for their professionalism and excellent results. Accurate and accurate service is emphasized.


When choosing a clinic, you must first pay attention to the availability of a license, as well as certificates and awards. Of course, you should carefully read the surgeon's portfolio - he should practice operations in the area that you want to adjust. Really high-quality services cannot be cheap, therefore it is better to stop at clinics with a name and a rich track record.


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