How to make a bulk floor in the bathroom: step by step instructions

The bathroom is a special room. It is here that most often people relax and take water procedures. And it is not surprising that the design of the bathroom is always taken more seriously. Today, you can use modern technology, with the help of which they create really comfortable rooms. You can make a bulk floor in the bathroom and not only get a practical and wear-resistant flooring, but also enjoy a unique design.

Bulk floors: what is it?

Self-leveling floors are a liquid, or rather a special mixture, which is poured onto a rough foundation. When the mixture dries, you get a pleasant to the touch surface, which is compared with a smooth floor tile.

Mixtures that are used to create bulk floors have the property of self-leveling. This greatly facilitates the task for those who have not yet had experience in installing such floors. To make a bulk floor in the bathroom with your own hands is not at all difficult. For success, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of applying the mixture and carefully prepare the base first.

bulk floor in a bathroom

Advantages of bulk floors

These flooring have many advantages. The first thing that can be said about them is the very high operational characteristics that distinguish the bulk floor. In the bathroom, this is especially true: in this room there is a constantly increased level of humidity.

In addition to excellent moisture resistance, this modern floor covering is characterized by high environmental friendliness, a high level of strength, and resistance to various mechanical damages or deformations. Also among the advantages are antistaticity, excellent thermal conductivity, high resistance to chemical attack. Also, these floors provide very wide opportunities for creating designer effects. See how a bulk floor in a bathroom might look . A photo cannot convey the entire depth of the picture - in reality it looks fantastic.

We make a bulk coating in the bathroom

According to their characteristics, bulk coatings are an ideal choice for bathrooms where there is a constantly high level of humidity and various detergents and cleaners are used. Also in these rooms should always be the most comfortable temperature. You can create all this with the help of unique bulk floors.

do-it-yourself bulk floor in the bathroom

Preparing the basis for work

Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to carefully prepare the draft floor. So, the preparatory work process includes three stages. At the first stage, the concrete base is thoroughly cleaned of various dirt and dust. Next, they inspect the floor for various defects. If something was found, then the crack or chip must be removed.

The next stage of work is the application of a primer in two layers. Select a primer based on which base in the bathroom. For weaker floors, mixtures with higher penetration are used.

do-it-yourself bulk floor in the bathroom

We select materials

In order to fill the bulk floor in the bathroom with your own hands, you should purchase a polymer mixture, as well as a finish coating. Also, if it is planned to do not just floors, but something design, then design elements are also acquired.

Today in construction supermarkets you can easily and inexpensively find various colored polymer compositions for the bulk floor, which will help to decorate any interior of the bathroom. Designers today also create a unique volumetric bulk floor for the bathroom. Photos can be seen in the article.

When choosing materials for floor installation it is very important to purchase mixtures only from reliable manufacturers. This is the only way to buy a real, high-quality product and get a reliable floor as a result. In addition to the right choice, then it is necessary to study the instructions and prepare the bulk mixture as indicated by the manufacturer. Only in this way can you get a solution of the desired density, which will be very easy to work with.

Mixtures for bulk floors

To equip the floor in the bathroom, several products are used. These are solutions based on polymers and cement, crushed stone or sand. These compounds are most suitable for creating a high-quality base.

In addition to the base, finishing mixtures are also used. Here, only polymer is based. For bathrooms, polyurethane or epoxy topcoats are best suited. Floors based on these solutions will have maximum wear resistance and excellent decorative characteristics. Take a look at how spectacular the bulk floor in the bathroom looks. The photo below is taken after a year of using the floor. As you can see, not a single scratch on it.

Bulk floor in a bathroom photo

Necessary tools

For the installation of bulk floors, the home foreman will need only a spatula and a special roller with needles. A spatula will help to evenly apply the mixture over the entire surface of the base, and the roller - to remove air bubbles from the solution.

bulk bathroom floor reviews

Fill technology

The first thing to do is prepare the solution. All components are poured into a container prepared in advance and thoroughly mixed with a mixer or a drill with a nozzle for stirring. The result should be a homogeneous solution. Then the resulting thick liquid is poured onto the subfloor and the layer is leveled so that the thickness over the entire area of ​​the room is approximately equal.

It is important to know that floor installation work must be carried out in the strict framework of the temperature regime. Work is allowed at temperatures from +5 to +20 degrees. There are also requirements for the level of humidity - no more than 60% is allowed. If these important conditions are violated, nothing bad will happen, but the coating will harden for much longer.

If everything is done correctly, the layer thickness is the same, then you can finish the job. For complete drying, the coating will need at least 12 hours. However, this is only the base surface. Ahead - finish coating. The pouring technology is the same.

Everyone can do the bulk floor in the bathroom with their own hands. This is a simple floor for which only an even concrete screed is needed.

It is important that at the time of drying the coatings limit the flow of fresh air. If this is not done, then over time the floor will simply crack.

bulk floor in the bathroom photo

About the disadvantages of the bulk coating

The first thing these polymer floors are scolding for is the high price of the mixture. The price is really much higher than that of tiles or traditional linoleum. Another disadvantage is quick drying. If during the pouring some mistake was made, the time for its elimination is very, very small.

That's all the flaws. For those who decided to make a bulk floor in the bathroom, the feedback on the operation of modern technology is positive. All those who use these floors confirm high durability and wear resistance.

bulk floor for a bathroom photo

Decorate bulk flooring

These floors have very wide decoration possibilities. Some coatings are practically works of art. If the home master has a sense of beauty, then he will certainly be able to give the bathroom a special look. There are several ways to decorate flooring.

The first method involves applying an image to a base layer on a special film. It is necessary to carefully glue the self-adhesive film on the base, and then apply the finish.

A more advanced owner of a house or apartment uses the services of professional artists who create not just images, but three-dimensional paintings.

You can make a durable and beautiful coating, but at the same time it will be monophonic. Such a bulk floor in the bathroom also looks very very impressive. For this, dye is added to the polymer mixture.

bulk floor in a bathroom
So, pouring bulk floors is a simple operation. The result is just perfect, and the wide range of possibilities for decorating and decorating makes bulk coatings an excellent option not only in bathrooms, but also in other rooms.


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