How to get an insurance policy?

In early 2011, a law was signed on insurance for every citizen of the Russian Federation. In this regard, all citizens have the right to choose a company that insures them and issues a compulsory medical insurance policy. All other policies issued to individuals prior to the entry into force of the law on mandatory medical insurance are considered valid until a new uniform policy is received.

The issuance of documents began on January 1 of last year and will continue until 2014, until all citizens make an exchange. We will tell you more about how to get an insurance policy quickly.

How to get an insurance policy as soon as possible? Unfortunately, insurance companies are not able to speed up the deadline for issuing a new type of document. Before you receive it, you apply to the company, get a temporary certificate that confirms that the policy has not yet been issued. This certificate is valid 30 days from the date of issue. During this period of time, the process of preparing your personal OMS document is ongoing, and after 3-4 weeks you can pick it up at the office.

How to get a medical insurance policy for citizens working? To all those who work in enterprises and large organizations, a new type of document is issued directly by managers. Upon dismissal, a person must return the policy of the administration, which must return it to the company that insured the employees. If the document was received later than May 2011, then you do not need to return it to the organization.

How to get a medical insurance policy for non-working people? Citizens who do not have a job, as well as pensioners and children, state-issued documents are issued at the centers of their issuance. Each district has its own insurance medical organization, where unemployed persons are registered. It is there that you can get the policy by providing a document where your registration is indicated (passport, certificate, birth certificate or police certificate). When changing the place of residence, each citizen agrees to return the policy and receive a new one in accordance with the place of residence.

How to get an insurance policy if the previous one is lost? In case of loss of the CHI document, it is necessary to notify the insurance company in writing or orally of the incident, indicating the date of its loss. The lost policy is considered invalid, and the insurance company provides the citizen with a new one for a fee of 0, 1 minimum wage.

The policy is required for every citizen of the Russian Federation, because without this document you will not be able to apply for free medical care. If there is no policy on hand at the time when it is needed, there is an opportunity to call your insurance company, which will confirm the fact of your insurance.

Having the policy of compulsory medical insurance in your hands, you have the opportunity to independently make a choice in favor of a medical institution or insurance company, depending on the quality and convenience of service.

The list of free MHI services, which can be obtained both at the federal and regional levels, also includes:

  1. Ambulance;
  2. outpatient outpatient care, which includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in clinics, hospitals, as well as at home and in educational institutions;
  3. inpatient care for chronic diseases, poisoning, surgical injuries. Planned inpatient care for diagnostics, rehabilitation in hospitals, sanatoriums and other medical institutions;
  4. generic help. Ensuring comfort for newborns and mothers, pregnant women.

You can use these and other medical services in the Russian Federation absolutely free of charge if you have a compulsory medical insurance document. And now you know how to get an insurance policy.


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