Skills Liquids - American Cigarette Refills

Not so long ago, a variety of Skills fluids appeared on sale. This is a new tool for refueling electronic cigarettes, made by American experts.

Product Description

On the shelves of Russian stores selling accessories for a non-standard way of smoking, a rich assortment of specialized products is presented. As a rule, everything is on sale, starting with the electronic cigarettes themselves and ending with individual components. In addition, vapors are offered a wide selection of liquids for refilling atomizer cartridges. Buyers can purchase products of various brands and brands. Among them, a special place is occupied by Skills fluids. An American company is engaged in their production, which has already established itself quite well in the international market.

fluid skills

Skills fluids go on sale in their original packaging, which stand out from the rest of the products. The container is made in the form of plastic bottles with a capacity of 15, 30 and 10 milliliters. Depending on the aroma, each series has its own label of a certain color. This greatly simplifies the selection process. Skills Liquid Vials are very practical. You can even carry them in your pocket without fear of leaks.

Mixture composition

Skills Electronic Cigarette Liquid has one very important distinguishing feature. For its production, an off-standard base is used. If in most mixtures the ratio of glycerol and propylene glycol is 70:30, then in American samples it can vary. There are compositions on sale where this figure is 50:50, 60:40 and even 90:10. All this affects the quality of the steam produced. Depending on the amount of vegetable glycerin, its saturation and density will change.

electronic cigarette skills

In this case, the decision will need to be made by the buyer. True, it is better to consult with the seller after all. In addition to describing the main characteristics of the product, he can show each client a certificate that confirms the quality of the product itself. All goods entering stores in Russia undergo preliminary special clinical trials. Therefore, it is practically harmless and absolutely safe for health.

Trio of Flavors

Recently, people have increasingly begun to purchase exactly Skills fluids for refueling their electronic devices. The tastes of the new brand are represented by three flavors:

  1. Birdie's Milf. This name can be translated as "bird's milk." Indeed, to taste the mixture resembles a dessert known to many. This type of product is slightly different from the other two with a high glycerol content, which allows for a thicker steam. Although I must say that not every smoker strives for this.
  2. Cocoblast The unique combination of exotic coconut, sweet melon and menthol has been approved by many buyers. Smoke has a pleasant aroma, after which a refreshing aftertaste remains in the mouth.
  3. Strawreal - the delicate sweetness of strawberries. It tastes like an air donut, covered with fragrant berry glaze. This fragrance is more often chosen by women.

fluid skills tastes

In addition, all liquids are divided into groups depending on the content of nicotine in them:

  • 0 milligrams - total absence;
  • 3 milligrams is a super lightweight option;
  • 6 milligrams are relatively light.

When choosing a product, you need to consider both indicators.


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