Regular sex life: the impact of a lack of sex life on health, medical opinions

There are a large number of medical studies that unanimously confirm the benefits of a simple romantic action - a kiss. Positive effects affect blood pressure, the state of the nervous system, and even the lungs. It is worth considering if a human body receives tangible benefits from such a simple thing as kisses, then what is a full-fledged sexual intercourse capable of? We will tell about the physiological effect of regular sex in this article.

Age for the onset of sexual activity

Sexual literacy enters the life of modern society quite actively. There are fewer questions and more answers. However, in order to start a discussion of the issue of intimate personal life, it is worth understanding at what age the beginning of regular sexual life will be really useful and will not harm the development of the body. There are no specific frameworks. Since each person is individual. One should adequately assess one's own psychological and physiological maturity. The first experiment will take place harmlessly already at the age of 14-15 years.

regular sex in women

Often, this is considered too early to start sexual activity, which is dictated, rather, by social norms, but not medicine or nature. Some sources say that the regular sexual life of girls should begin closer to 18 years. Since early sexual intercourse can lead to negative consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and psychological trauma, since there is no informational maturity. This point can be considered debatable, each point of view has its supporters and opponents.

What is noteworthy is the fact that the late onset of an intimate life (closer to 25 years) can have negative consequences. Everything is natural here, because if one of the systems is not involved and does not function, it violates the integrity of the body, leads to malfunctions and pulls other important organs. As for the upper limit for sexual activity, here you can not limit yourself. With age, the benefits of sexual intercourse will only be felt more strongly. In addition, stable intimacy will allow you to maintain a romantic component in the relationship, even if the couple have been together for several decades.

Benefit for everyone. The opinion of doctors

Regular sex life, according to any medical sources, is an integral part of a healthy life. A number of systems of the human body fall under the positive influence.

During sex, the body goes into active mode, similar to sports load. Rapid breathing, increased blood pressure and, as a result, increased blood circulation, are designed to provide the reproductive system with an additional blood flow. Cardio training produces a similar effect. The main objective of such a training for athletes is to burn extra calories and develop endurance of the cardiovascular system. According to the measurements of scientists, sexual intercourse of medium duration allows you to burn about 200 kilocalories. This is equivalent to 15 minutes of intense running. Referring to medical surveys, scientists say that people who make love two or more times a week reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases by half!

regular sex life of girls

Two simple conclusions follow from this. Sex will help maintain your body shape and avoid problems with the main "motor" of our body.

The increased blood flow that occurs “before” and “during” during intercourse saturates almost all internal organs with substances and oxygen. The brain is no exception, enriched with everything necessary, it will maintain its activity with a stable feed.

Prolactin, insulin and sex

One of the hormones whose synthesis increases in the process of making love is prolactin. This substance enhances the activity of brain cells. The effect also depends on the basic intelligence of a person, the pattern is that the impact on smart people will be stronger. So, if you lead a regular sexual life, then this directly contributes to the development of mental activity.

Abstinence from sexual activity reduces the production of another hormone such as insulin. As you know, it is involved in most processes in the human body, participating in carbohydrate metabolism. Maintaining the natural production of insulin will prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and will also save the endocrine system from other diseases. The pancreas responds positively to regular sex, protecting a person from a number of dangerous ailments.

Immunoglobulin A, analgesic effect and sex

Immunoglobulin A is another important substance, the release of which into the bloodstream increases sexual intercourse. Its increased concentration allows the immune system to better cope with viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the overall defense of the body increases, thanks to more

A pleasant bonus for men and women is the analgesic effect, since endorphins can overcome headaches and joint pain. Of course, do not forget that the “hormone of happiness” directly affects the mood of a person. Regular sex life will help maintain a cheerful mood and energy.

lack of a year of regular sexual activity

Hormonal emissions for a guy and a girl have their own unique features. The organisms of men and women differ quite strongly, which provides both of them with their additional positive effect on the body from stable sex.

The benefits of making love for women. The opinion of doctors about the lack of sex in the life of a girl

Women's health is a very fragile system. In order for everything to work well, you should carefully monitor your health, and especially the hormonal background. British physiologists conducted a study according to which, regular sex life increases immunity by more than 30%, and abstinence, on the contrary, leads to the manifestation of female diseases, painful sensations during menstruation and a shift in hormonal balance. The latter is fraught with deterioration of the skin and hair, masculinization and even loss of reproductive function. Needless to say, sex helps in the prevention of cancer for women. Gynecologists and mammologists unanimously declare that intimate life will ensure the normal functioning of all organs.

regular sex life of a woman

A normal amount of estrogen (female hormones, the opposite of male testosterone) will help keep youth and women's health normal. One of the symptoms that says something is going wrong is overweight.

The lack of intimacy in the girl’s life and her psychological state

Lack of regular sex life can affect a woman’s emotional state. It can become unstable, break into negative emotions or experience sharp mood swings. The extreme form can be depression, caused by the lack of a sufficient amount of endorphins in the blood. The first signal may be apathy, lethargy and loss of interest in life.

It is worth noting that the positive impact will have sex, which brought the woman good emotions. The weaker sex is very susceptible to the mental component of the process. It is important for girls not only to feel a partner physically, but also to feel a psychological connection with a man.

the beginning of regular sexual activity

Regular sex life of a woman is the key to her health and psychological stability. After all, it is important for every girl to feel happy and desirable.

The benefits of sex for men

Medicine has long proved that regular orgasms support the normal reproductive system of men. Thus, the risk of developing prostatitis is reduced several times. As a rule, regular sex life in men provides virtually guaranteed prevention of prostate diseases.

With regards to the hormonal background, here the dominant role is taken by testosterone. Its level almost directly depends on the presence of sexual relations in a man’s life. Testosterone has a lot of useful features. So, when this indicator is normal, the man feels a psychological lift. He is configured for an active life and work, his mood improves, as does the general physical tone. But if there is no intimate life, then this can have a detrimental effect on men's health.

regular sex life

Lack of sex in a man’s life. What is the danger?

The absence of regular sexual activity for more than a year leads to a critical decrease in the quality of seminal fluid, increases the risk of congestive prostatitis and irreversible hormonal changes in the form of decreased testosterone.

regular sex in men

The danger of reducing the level of this hormone lies not only in loss of physical form, but also in a blow to the personality. The most dangerous period for male sexual abstinence is considered the average age. There is a chance of falling into a crisis state, which can lead to serious deviations in consciousness.


You can definitely say that it can help maintain normal health and avoid many diseases, it is regular sex life. The abundance of positive effects for the body, combined with the pleasure of the process, makes sex the best prevention. But do not forget about hygiene and precautionary measures, do not chase after “fulfilling the plan”. You should carefully choose partners and regularly check your health.


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