Type of photograph. The main genres and types in photography

Today, photography as an art is at the peak of popularity. With the development of technology, the availability of information, shooting people and objects on the camera is filled with a completely new meaning. Even 2-3 decades ago, the photographer only resorted to the services of the most solemn occasions, and this type of photography, such as portrait shooting, was in demand as much as possible. And if in those days only the elite could afford a real SLR camera, today most people have the opportunity to realize themselves with the help of photography. Genre shooting is also gaining popularity, when the photographer sets himself the task of not only capturing the events that are taking place, but also making each picture artistically filled. After all, life itself throws up stories that you want to sing in monochrome or color: the touching fragility of the bride, the insecurity of the newborn, the beauty of the native land, the wisdom reflected in the wrinkled eyes, the play of sunlight on the plank floor ...

It is probably impossible to say exactly how many types and genres of photography exist . Examples of works by the best photographers often combine several directions, combining the techniques inherent in completely different types of shooting. And, nevertheless, among the whole variety of styles, one can distinguish several of the most popular.


With the advent of new trends in the art of photographing, the classic also does not lose its relevance. This kind of photograph, like reporting, will probably always be relevant. Photojournalists have always been and will be where the most crucial events take place, so that the whole planet can learn about them in a timely manner. Reporting photography, like journalism in general, can also be divided into subspecies, depending on the subject.

kind of photograph

Here the most common type of photography is news, reflecting current events in the world. Among those who cover the news, military commanders are a little alienated, because their work is full of dangers and risks, and often something not everyone can handle in their camera lens.

Unites all subspecies of reporting shooting one thing - impartiality, atmospheric, the need to maintain maximum objectivity.


Once upon a time, a wedding photo shoot could well be attributed to reportage shooting. Today, this type of photography has been completely modernized. Modern newlyweds pay special attention to the first family heirloom - a wedding photo album. Often, a whole team of professionals is working on it. The task of the wedding photographer is to notice and reflect the whole depth of feelings that lurks in two hearts. Therefore, such trifles as squeezed fingers, trembling eyelashes, anxious glances often fall into his frame ... And how eloquent goosebumps on the skin!

types and genres of modern photography

A true professional will definitely notice everything important, while not forgetting the main thing. Indeed, in no case should he miss the unique moments of painting in the book of registration, putting on rings, the first conjugal kiss.

Kids in the frame

It is not known exactly how many types and genres of photography exist, but children's photosets can be safely called one of the most popular. It would seem that could be easier? Brightly dressed models with funny curls do not need the services of make-up artists, dressers and decorators. The charm of childhood and asks for the frame! And even professional models can envy the variety of emotions that only kids are capable of. However, this type of shooting requires a photographer much more skill than any other types and genres of photography. With vivid examples of impudent childish posturing or, on the contrary, stubborn unwillingness to pose, probably everyone who tried at least once to capture his own child on camera is familiar. Therefore, professionals often use various means to find a common language with small models: include suitable music, allow you to play with props, treat with sweets, decorate the lens and camera with funny faces and little animals. What can I say, even if everyone knew the supposedly flying bird and was invented many years ago in order to draw children's attention to the lens!

types of photos

But those who managed to achieve mutual understanding with the kids understand perfectly how grateful this audience is. Children are beautiful in their spontaneity, they are interesting in their own right, therefore photographs of them - soiled, tattered, disheveled, crying and laughing - often look like illustrations to good old tales.

Love story

New types of photographs are also gaining popularity. An example of this is the Love Story, captured on film from a love story. Lovely trinkets that are important for two lovers are often used as props: notes, plush toys, seashells picked up on the beach, CDs with special songs ...

how many types and genres of photography are examples

To emphasize the mood, objects that have become common for two help, for example, paired jewelry or two straws stuck in one glass, help.

Landscape shooting

Such types of photographs as a landscape will never lose their relevance ... The plot itself is given by nature itself, and the horizon of a tropical island and the familiar view from the balcony can become a source of inspiration. Here, perhaps, like in no other genre, work with light is important - so that the sky does not lose depth, so that the bright rays of the sun do not give too sharp shadows, so that no detail escapes ...

how many types and genres of photography are there

A subspecies of landscape photography can be called travel shots, which subsequently take their place in the road album, helping to preserve memories of the inaccessible mountains, the gentle sea, and distant shores.

Still life

Once this kind of photography could be called almost educational. They resorted to it mainly to hone the skill of composing the composition and working with shadows.

new types of photographs example

Today, this species is extremely popular not only among photo artists, but also among those who create man-made masterpieces. Masters strive to present their goods in the best way, resorting to the help of professionals.

Animal world in the photographer’s lens

The friendship of man and animal attracts the keen eye of the photographer a long time ago. Animals are often happy to pose.

In addition, often cute fluffy faces penetrate other types and genres of modern photography, such as portraiture. And if a few years ago 99% of the popularity belonged to cats, today at the works of masters one can often see exotic such as snakes, iguanas, scorpions, owls.

Types of photos work examples

Attract photographers and dogs. For example, the northern handsome huskies, Samoyeds and Malamutes, who have absolutely incredible facial expressions.

Thematic sets

Another new form of photography is themed photography. Here the photographer can show his talent from all sides. He can not do without scenery and props. The idea is to create a series of pictures united by a common plot. Often, the basis is the famous fairy tale, film, story. Models can try on absolutely incredible roles: Gerda and Kai, the Crazy Hatter and Alice, Vakula and Oksana, Snow White and the Dwarfs ...

new kind of photograph

Techniques of thematic shooting often penetrate into other types of photographs: in the nursery, wedding, portrait. An indicator of special skill here is one's own vision, an unusual interpretation, and not a simple illustration of the plot.


Not so long ago, the types and genres of modern photography replenished with a completely unusual direction. It's about surrealism. Many fans of this art call it not just photography, but the creation of new worlds. Of the masters working today in Russia, Oleg Oprisko occupies a special place. He managed to create his own kinds of photographs. Examples of Oleg’s works allow us to see familiar things in an incredible, magical perspective.

types of modern photography

No less well-known photographer Katya Plotnikova, also working in this genre. From her works incredible fairies and outlandish animals stare at us.

High and low key

These types of shootings (photographs) are presented mainly in portrait and subject genres. Rather, the high and low keys can be called photography techniques, and not types of shooting, but most experts consider them to be a special direction in photography. When working in this genre, the master focuses on working with light and shadow. Shooting in low and high key is made in a special studio equipped not only with lighting devices, but also with special reflective screens.

types of shooting pictures

High key implies a special color scheme of the picture. Its main tone is white, and the dark areas, speaking the language of professionals, are within the second stage of the light gray color of the seven-step density scale.

types and genres of photography

The low key, in contrast, sings deep black. Only the part of the image that carries the main semantic load remains highlighted to light gray.

photo genres with photo examples

Macro world

Such genres of photography (with examples of photos), such as macro photography, can mislead the layman in their unusualness. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is shown in the picture: the delta of a huge river or the circulatory system of a newborn, rags of ripening fields from a bird's eye view or a pattern on a moth’s wing?

For macro photography, special lenses with magnifying lenses are used. The skill of the photographer, who was able to discern the smallest, allows a simple layman to see what is often hidden from his sight.

types and genres of photographs with illustrative examples


At all times, the starry sky attracted people! It is not surprising that it often falls into the lenses of cameras. And unusual celestial phenomena, such as eclipses, arrivals of comets and asteroids, the special coloring of the moon and the incredible brightness of the Milky Way, certainly do not leave indifferent fans of astrophotography.

what types of photography are there


Some types of modern photography originate in ancient times. Speaking of shooting in the style of "Nude", one can not help but recall the great artists of past centuries who sang the natural beauty of the human body. In a broad sense, the main subject in this genre is a naked body. However, many masters often cover up nudity of models with the help of draperies and translucent veils, curtains, screens, thus leaving some kind of understatement and intrigue in the picture.

photography types and genres

This genre is special. In it, as in no other, it is necessary to feel the line between art and vulgarity.

Street photo

Speaking about what types of photography exist, it is worth mentioning another unusual genre. It's about a street photo. This direction appeared a long time ago, more than a century ago. The ideologists of street shooting call this genre the most sincere and reliable, and the photographer’s work here requires special skill. After all, it is intended only to follow the life of the city, to notice the most interesting and bright moments, to discover unusual images.

genre photography

Street photography tells us not only about the characters, but also about their life in the environment. Everything is important here - buildings and trees, birds and garbage cans, umbrellas above cafe tables, hurrying taxis, street vendors ...

Photography and its perspectives

Contemporary art lives a special life, absorbing and reflecting all aspects of the surrounding life. The types and genres of photography are replenished every day with new directions and trends, complementing each other. The development of technology allows not only to get acquainted with the work of the best masters of the world, but also to use the achievements of science for their own creative needs. The production of photographic equipment, optics, lighting devices is developing. In the arsenal of the modern photographer there are many programs for processing and editing images. All this greatly expands human capabilities and allows each photography enthusiast to find their own path in art.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9382/

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