Spider-man - what is it? The meaning of the word and the rules of the game

Surely, every person at least once heard the phrase "play pens." This phraseology is quite widespread. It means doing nonsense, nonsense, while ignoring important things.

The game of spools as a way to relax

spittle what is it

Many people, especially in childhood, have heard the accusation against them: “How long can I play spools?” Better do business. ” But sometimes you need to get distracted, relax, and rest psychologically and physically. And if we talk about the game of spools in the literal sense, then it perfectly helps to cope with these tasks. Not a single computer “shooter” allows you to relax and recover so well. But some people don’t even know the meaning of the word “spools” ...

Comparison of Spikes and Computer Games

There is nothing better and more pleasant than devoting free time to communicating with households and playing an interesting game together, which can be called calm, but at the same time very exciting. Of course, many may not agree with this. Someone may answer that “shooters” can also be played together with someone or even the whole family. However, in reality these are completely different things. Instead of a computer mouse, it would be better to have a little tag in your hand. What is it, some modern children do not even imagine. Computer game is not conducive to fruitful communication between people. A man does not look at his comrade, but at an endless string of monsters who must be killed at any cost.

Rules of the game

meaning of the word spool

Agree, the difference between these games is huge. One should not immediately begin to mentally object and dispute such an opinion. It is better to make sure from your own experience. Why do you need to learn the rules of biryulek and start this ancient, but not lost its relevance game. It should be noted that at present she has many fans. In times immemorial, people used straws - they were a kind of spools. The rules of the game were extremely simple. A small hill of straws spilled out onto a flat surface, and people took turns trying to get one thing out of it. The main condition is not to disturb the whole bunch. They should be pulled out with straw hooks. This is an important point. In the event that a person accidentally pushed the neighboring ones while pulling out straws, the move passed to another player. Easy, right?

Chinese sticks - an analogue of biryulek

A similar game is also common in the East. There is a version that it was from there that she came to Russia, after which she was slightly modified. A game called “Chinese Sticks” has many similarities with spikes. But overall it’s a bit more complicated. In the East, people did not use straws, but sticks. There were 35 in each set, their diameter was 2 mm, and their length was approximately 20 cm. Grooves can be seen on sticks. Sometimes there are painted rings. We can say that the wand - this is the little sponge. What is it, you already have some idea.

The appearance of sticks and the beginning of the game

play prams phraseology

On two sticks there are 5 grooves, on six - 3, on four - 4, on eight - 2, on fifteen - 1. This is a prerequisite for the game.

In some cases, the ends of the sticks are sharp. But only on the one hand. It is easy to understand that how many grooves, so many points are awarded to a person for a stick that was successfully rescued from a slide. How does the game start? First, a stack of sticks is taken, then they are placed on the table, with the sharp sides down. After that, the hand opens. The sticks are scattered in different directions - you can start the game.

Rules of the game

What is the difference between the eastern version of biryulek from the Russian one? Just in the first case, the sticks are pulled out of the slide with your fingers. But this is not important. Sometimes the wand that was pulled out first is also used. The game continues until someone gets 101 points. It is this moment that complicates the game. After all, if someone scores more, then for each additional point he will be taken away 10. It should be noted that many do not like the wand: they believe that the spool is much better. What is it, you now know.

Spills as a work of art

Skillful masters, of whom there are so many in our country, trying to make the game more interesting, produced spools in the form of a variety of small items: plates, furniture, tools, etc. Agree, it’s interesting. Caskets for sets were also made quite unusual, sometimes being real masterpieces. The basis was also very different: birch, palm tree, linden.

game rules

The popularity of the game among the nobles, a game with children

This game carried away not only ordinary people, but also rich, noble people. Even among the nobles, it was widespread. There was a pleasant tradition - to present a set of biryule for housewarming or a celebration. The attitude towards them was positive. When playing with Chinese sticks or spools, you need to concentrate, try not to make sudden movements and be careful. It takes some tension and concentration. This game can and even needs to be played with kids: it contributes to the development of fine motor skills. Replace the child with a small toy or a cube can just a little ball. What is it, children often learn from parents.

But all the benefits of biryulek fade before the fact that they can unite a family and bring people together.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9387/

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