Headache from a hookah - what to do? The best tobacco for hookah

Some people do not know why a headache from a hookah hurts. There are many factors under the influence of which there are unpleasant sensations. This phenomenon is called a hookah hangover or hookah disease. Migraine can not only be quickly overcome, but also prevented. First you need to understand why headaches appear.

Main reasons

Ripple in the temples

There are several symptoms of a hookah disease. In addition to a headache, a person feels weakness and soreness. There is a strong ripple in the temples. I want to go to where peace and quiet. In principle, it looks like an ordinary alcoholic hangover. A big plus is that headache after smoking a hookah is much easier to overcome. Many hookah lovers are concerned about the question, why does a headache hurt from a hookah? There are several factors that can trigger the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. These include:

  • low quality tobacco;
  • the use of alcohol to fill the flask;
  • lack of measure;
  • long smoking;
  • a large amount of coal;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the coals are not positioned correctly, then heavy smoke will form, since even the best tobacco for hookah burns very quickly. In the case of prolonged smoking, a person's general health condition worsens because nicotine is able to accumulate rapidly in the body. If you use alcohol to fill the flask, alcohol intoxication can occur. It is better not to use tobacco of poor quality, as it irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

These are the most common causes of headaches after smoking a hookah. The strength of the symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of each organism.

Pain prevention

Drinking enough water

Many are interested in whether a head from a hookah can hurt? Of course yes. If you take into account the basic recommendations for smoking a hookah, then you can avoid the appearance of headaches. In this case, "hookah hangover" does not occur. To minimize the risk of an unpleasant symptom, you must:

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Do not drink alcoholic drinks during the hookah smoking process, since they have a bad effect on the functioning of the body. Alcohol causes dehydration.
  3. In the process of smoking, the substance is not so much inhaled and exhaled. Smoking a hookah should be a relaxing and calm process. Frequent inhalation of smoke will lead to severe headaches.
  4. In case of home use of a hookah, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.
  5. Do not fill the flask with alcohol.
  6. Have a snack before smoking. Smoking on an empty stomach often worsens a personโ€™s overall well-being.

If you carefully study these tips, then most likely the headache will not bother the smoker after applying the hookah.

Top 4 hookah tobacco

Hookah tobacco

Based on the positive reviews of hookah lovers, we can distinguish the main types of quality tobacco. These include:

  1. Al faker. The best tobacco for hookah. The soft and pleasant aroma of mint soothes and improves mood. Peppermint can be mixed with any type of tobacco.
  2. Tangiers. Champion of Taste. Smoky and smells good.
  3. "Starbaz blue." Many beginners start with this product. In the process of smoking, the taste of blueberries and mint is pronounced.
  4. "Starbaz pirate cave." Heat resistant and smoky. Great for lovers of sweets.

Much depends on the taste preferences of the smoker himself. Therefore, if you do not know which tobacco to choose, then you just need to listen to yourself. It is advisable not to buy cheap and low-quality tobacco. It only badly affects overall health. If, after a hookah, you feel sick and have a headache, then you should carefully re-read all the recommendations that will help prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Headache treatment


In the event that a hookah hangover manifests itself, it is necessary to eliminate or alleviate the unpleasant symptom with the help of:

  1. Balanced nutrition. Food should be rich in minerals and vitamins. Better to focus on vegetables and fruits. Good food will remove the feeling of heaviness.
  2. Walks in the open air. It is advisable to get a little distracted. An alternative could be a simple ventilation of the room.
  3. Caffeinated drinks that can relieve an unpleasant symptom.
  4. Tablets. This is the fastest way to relieve a headache.

These simple recommendations will help you forget about the hookah disease. When a person often has unpleasant symptoms of a tobacco hangover, he does not know what to do and what to do. A headache after a hookah can be ill systematically. In this case, this indicates that there is an individual intolerance to one of the substances.

Doctors recommend

Experienced doctors

Experts say No-Shpa is the best painkiller. These pills:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • positively affect the functioning of blood vessels;
  • relieve spasms;
  • effectively anesthetize;
  • act fast.

The drug has no side effects and is absolutely safe. Even pregnant women are allowed to take. Dosage "No-Shpy": 1-2 tablets, 2 times a day. If the head hurts from a hookah, then โ€œAnalginโ€ is not recommended for use to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, since this drug disrupts the functioning of the whole organism and affects the intestinal mucosa. Side effects are manifested in the form of:

  • Dizziness
  • severe nausea;
  • vomiting
  • an allergic reaction;
  • hypotension.

This medication is used only by ambulance staff in emergency situations. It is best to use simple folk methods that will help relieve a headache. Pregnant women are not recommended to smoke a hookah, as this will harm not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the baby. Even if you strictly follow all the recommendations for the proper smoking of a hookah, tobacco can provoke severe intoxication of both organisms.

Folk methods

Mint tea

Many believe that the most powerful folk remedy for the treatment of migraine is tincture of Eleutherococcus. It can be bought at any pharmacy. In addition, plants such as mint and propolis eliminate unpleasant pain symptoms. Doctors recommend mint tea. Because he:

  • calms and tones;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the body;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Propolis has exactly the same effect. In addition, this plant also helps fight colds. Many experts recommend adding a few drops of propolis tincture to the inhaler before using it. Inhalation of this substance has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.


Smoking a hookah does not harm human health if you carefully approach the process itself. Tobacco must be of high quality. A special role is played by the duration of the session. Too much smoking of hookah will provoke a severe headache.

To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to use alternative or drug methods of treatment. You should be aware that second-hand smoke often causes migraines. In the event that the headache does not cease to bother, be sure to seek the help of a specialist and undergo a complete medical examination. Severe migraine is often one of the signs of a serious illness. Headache and weakness after smoking can be caused by poisoning or severe intoxication.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9400/

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