Promsvyazbank credit card: reviews. Promsvyazbank credit card: conditions

Credit cards have long and firmly entered our lives. If necessary, purchase any product or pay for the service, but in the absence of the required amount at the moment, Promsvyazbank credit card will be able to help out. This article describes the product itself, the conditions and requirements for the borrower, provides customer feedback. First, let's find out what the bank itself is.


This financial institution is one of the largest in Russia. Its full name sounds like a public joint-stock company Promsvyazbank. At the beginning of 2015, Promsvyazbank ranked 11th in terms of assets among all banks in the Russian Federation, and the number of its individual customers exceeded 2 million. Services are provided in different cities of the country, and the number of service points is more than 300. At the same time, an extremely developed ATM network includes more than 8 thousand such devices. In addition to the standard products that all banks in the country offer, this financial institution can also provide other, more unique in terms of consumer benefits, service options. One of them is a Promsvyazbank credit card. 145 days of interest-free loan servicing is its main advantage, but for the moment we will consider below.

Credit cards

As already mentioned, credit cards have been an integral part of our life for a long time. What, in fact, does a credit card offer? It allows you to purchase goods, pay for services, perform other similar operations even if there is not enough money in the account at the moment. Perhaps they just did not have time to enter the account, and you need to make a purchase right now. Or you expect money in the near future, but are forced to spend money now. A credit card greatly simplifies the life of an ordinary person, not to mention entrepreneurs, for most of which it is simply impossible to operate a business without loans. In addition, the presence of such a financial instrument negates the need to carry cash and thus removes all possible risks associated with large amounts of money in the public domain.

But there are also some disadvantages associated with interest rates on such services. At the moment they are still too big. Promsvyazbank’s credit card is free from such a drawback because it allows you to use a loan without interest for a full 145 days. Let's look at this product in more detail.

Promsvyazbank credit card

Platinum supercard. Borrower Requirements

That is what this credit service is officially called and at the same time the card itself. We will not say that a platinum card is in itself an indicator of prestige and respectability. This in our time is clear to everyone. So, the Promsvyazbank credit card has rather simple terms of provision. You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation not older than 63 years old and not younger than 21 years old. In addition, the place of permanent or temporary registration must be in the same locality where the service point of this bank is located. Well, quite understandable requirements for work experience (at least 1 year) and the presence of two contact phones. In fact, these are all the requirements directly to the potential borrower that Promsvyazbank puts up. An application for a credit card can be filed at any of its nearest offices if there is an extremely small package of documents.

Promsvyazbank credit card conditions

Required documents

The list of securities required for issuing a credit card, Promsvyazbank indicates very small. A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and any of the following documents are enough: a passport, a 2-personal income tax certificate, a certificate of registration of vehicles, a certificate of income in free form (in the form of an employer). Although these documents will not be required at all if you are already a client of this financial institution (you have an account or deposit). That's all. Nevertheless, it is recommended to bring as many documents with you as you have, as in some cases the bank may require other securities if it does not suit something in the provided ones. Do not be afraid, this is a standard practice. It is quite possible that a loan officer has repeatedly encountered a situation in which the presence of a document can greatly simplify the process of considering a loan or make it faster, and simply tries to help a potential borrower. In general, bank employees will never demand from you those papers that could damage the procedure for issuing borrowed funds, since they themselves are interested in having the client receive this card.

Promsvyazbank credit card reviews

Online and telephone clearance

In addition to all of the above, you can order a card without leaving your home, since this is allowed by the conditions dictated by Promsvyazbank. A credit card, an online application for which can be executed via the Internet, is already a quite standard phenomenon nowadays, and this bank does not lag behind its competitors providing this service. You can order it on the official website of Promsvyazbank, while the fields for filling are quite simple, do not require a lot of information, and the form itself is easy to understand.

If necessary, a credit card can also be obtained by calling the "hot line" indicated on the same site, if for one reason or another the client is not able to either come to the bank branch or leave an online application. A bank employee will provide you with comprehensive explanations and answer all questions.

Promsvyazbank credit card application

Product Description

With those who, how and with what help can order such a card, we figured out. Now directly about the product itself. The maximum loan amount cannot exceed 600 thousand rubles, which is quite enough for an ordinary person. The interest rate for a lending period of more than 145 days will be 24.9% per annum, however, if the loan is repaid before this period, then interest for use will not be charged. The loan payment cannot be less than 5% of the total debt, therefore it is extremely important to control this moment so as not to overpay where this could be avoided. In addition, when calculating this card for the purchase of goods, the bank credits bonuses to the account. Promsvyazbank credit card, the conditions for which are described above, also provides a free SMS notification function about card transactions and the same free internet and mobile banking.


Positive reviews

The main advantages, in addition to the obvious advantages of using such a product, are ease of execution, a small list of documents and a period of 145 days, during which interest is not charged on the loan amount. This is a unique advantage provided by Promsvyazbank credit card. Customer reviews speak for themselves. Many thank the bank for the opportunity to purchase those goods that were needed very urgently (medicines, for example). Others express their appreciation for finally being able to realize their dreams. In any case, as evidenced by the reviews, even if you do not use this credit card in everyday life, it can become exactly the tool that will help you get out of a sudden difficult situation, because while you are not using it, you should pay no fees for the fact of having a card not necessary. However, there is another point of view.

Promsvyazbank credit card 145 days

Negative reviews

The main and, in fact, the only disadvantage of using this product is the high interest rate. This negative side begins to be felt only when the client was not able to fully repay his debt on time (i.e. 145 days). According to customers of the bank, the overpayment in this case is very significant and greatly hits the budget. This is a minus that a Promsvyazbank credit card has . Reviews of a negative nature, in principle, in most cases come from people who themselves could not figure out their own finances and therefore are forced to overpay significant amounts. If you carefully monitor your expenses and incomes, plan expenses, then this situation can be completely avoided. If this did not succeed, it is recommended that you contact either specialized experts who will help you deal with this situation, or your more successful acquaintances for advice.

Promsvyazbank credit card online application


One can talk about such a product as a Promsvyazbank credit card for quite some time. It has a lot of advantages and, like any loan product, quite expected disadvantages (interest rate mainly). It is impossible to please everyone, although in this case the bank has taken all possible measures to make life easier for the borrower and not to miss out on his profit. Since such credit cards are constantly evolving, the requirements for obtaining them and credit conditions are becoming more profitable and profitable for the consumer. It is quite possible that in the near future we will be able to see such a product from Promsvyazbank that will really suit everyone, will have no shortcomings and help fulfill all the consumer's dreams.


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