Chintz wedding: how old is the marriage, what is customary to give?

A chintz wedding is a very important and long-awaited date for spouses. This is the very first anniversary of their family life. The first common holiday. The first birthday of the family. They are waiting for the chintz wedding and are preparing for it with much more trepidation than for all other family anniversaries.

Appropriate attitude to this date is expected from the guests. Of course, spouses who have lived together for only a year should not give something very expensive, but you need to approach your choice of presentation and congratulation yourself with imagination.

Why "chintz"?

The names of the anniversaries of the marriage came from the Early Middle Ages. From the time when the institution of marriage itself was already strong and became one of the foundations of society. The names of anniversaries consisted of what was customary to give. And they presented to the families what they most needed.

For the first year lived together, the couple not only rubbed each other with characters. At this time, the life of a young family became, the wife mastered independent farming, while her husband learned to earn and manage what was earned. For example, comprehended worldly tricks of hiding part of the harvest from the feudal lord. If we talk about peasant families. During this year, the couple managed to conceive, and some to give birth to the first-born.

Chintz bedspread - a traditional gift

That is, the main thing that the couple needed after a joint first year under the same roof was the fabric and its products. Husband and wife needed underwear and shirts, because what was in the dowry and came from under the parental shelter was already worn out, and the young wife rarely mastered the wisdom of elementary washing immediately. A born or expected firstborn needed a diaper. Money, however, did not accumulate in young families only comprehending adulthood during the year, of course.

The fabric and products from it required the simplest, "consumable." From here the name of the first anniversary went - "chintz wedding". Moreover, in different places this date was called by the main type of affordable affordable weaving products - cotton, linen. For example, a linen wedding was celebrated in Belarusian villages. In Russia, products from chintz were always beaten in use.

What to give in accordance with the traditions?

Although times have changed, in the matter of what to give for a chintz wedding, one should adhere to the tradition, that is, present what the young family needs. If you want to fully follow the customs, you need to choose chintz products as a gift.

Chintz curtains and pillows - original present

It can be:

  • curtains;
  • bedding sets;
  • large blankets;
  • tablecloths;
  • towels;
  • decorative bedspreads;
  • kitchen supplies and more.

However, accompanying the customary present should be accompanied by an original congratulation and beautiful packaging, which can also be made of chintz.

If a family has a newborn or a baby is expected, then this must be taken into account and it is imperative to add a set of diapers or something else to the main gift that can be useful to a young mother.

How to keep traditions, but give something original?

To be original, but not to deviate from customs, is not at all as difficult as it might seem. Knowing that they give a chintz wedding, you need to dream a little. The main requirements for the present are benefits and chintz material. Hence, these key points should be made the only criteria for choice.

Large picnic basket

For example, you can give:

  • a large picnic basket with calico trim;
  • a brownie doll made of cloth with an envelope in which you need to invest money.

If a baby is expected, then a couple of photo albums will be a good present - general and exclusively for children, in chintz covers.

Can I give dishes?

It is customary to present the dishes on other anniversaries, however, a gift for chintz wedding should be useful. Accordingly, sets of kitchen utensils or sets, as, incidentally, bar dishes or cutlery as presents are quite acceptable.

However, taking into account the theme of the holiday and its name, one should show imagination and pack the present using chintz fabric. Or supplement it with a suitable woven product. For example, towels, napkins, tablecloths.

Can I give things?

It would seem that the easiest present for such an anniversary as chintz wedding is shirts, underwear, summer dresses, shirts and the like.

However, customs strictly forbid giving spouses and simply personal ready-made things to spouses. Such presentations are made within the family. For example, for a husband at a chintz wedding, the wife traditionally presented a shirt made with her own hand and embroidered.

cotton shirt

Parents could give the young family ready-made personal items, but not their own children. That is, the wife's parents presented to her husband. A gift for the wife was prepared by his parents. If the house already had a baby, then for him the relatives made a present together.

That is, if a gift is chosen by a person who is not related by blood relationship to anniversaries, things such as ties, shirts, scarves, etc., should not be purchased.

How to make an unusual present?

When a chintz wedding is celebrated, how many years are yet to come - spouses usually do not care, and they do not save on the celebration. Of course, if there is no small child who has no one to leave with.

If a holiday is planned in a cafe or restaurant, then the couple will not be busy preparing snacks. In this case, a photo or video session with the same name will be a very original and good present for the anniversary of “Cotton Print”.

Can I give travel?

In recent years, it has become quite fashionable to present tourist packages as a presentation. However, for such a gift you need to know the plans of the anniversaries, and if the woman is in position, then take this into account.

gift travel

A good present will be not a trip, but a room in a country hotel for the weekend or a paid suite in one of the city hotels.

However, such a present, despite its unusualness, should not be done with superficial relationships with anniversaries or with a baby in the family.

Can I give furniture or household appliances?

If you want to present something really necessary and not very cheap, for example, a washing machine or a bed, then the gift should be issued accordingly.

As a rule, such presentations are made together, that is, several people take off on them. This nuance must be used. For example, on an item, you can glue printed cards with congratulations, wishes and signatures in different places. It is not necessary to be limited to one postcard from each "folding". There may be many small postcards with a wish and a signature on each.

gift car

If a present of this kind for one family’s anniversary such as a chintz wedding is made by one person, then this may be an original thing. For example, a corridor stool trimmed with chintz, or a shoe rack. A small country-style chest of drawers is also a great option.

If the family has a baby, then the chintz playpen, baby chair with woven trim will also be a good gift option.

Furniture and appliances meet the most important gift requirement prescribed by tradition - necessity and benefit. It remains only to add chintz decoration to them.

How to congratulate?

In addition to the selection and acquisition of presents, they still need to be presented. Congratulations on your first family anniversary do not imply pomp or pretentiousness. However, this does not mean that they are not needed.

Presentation of the presentation must necessarily be accompanied by warm words, jokes, poems and, in principle, everything that is appropriate and will be understandable and pleasant to the anniversaries are possible.

Gifts need to be packed. At the same time, one should not use ordinary elegant paper and “plastic” bows. The theme of the wedding allows you to show originality. Presentations can be wrapped in inexpensive fabric or packaged in elegant bags with woven lace trim. Intercept the packaging should be chintz or satin ribbons.

An accompanying card with a greeting phrase, a wish and a signature must be attached to each present.

You can make a postcard yourself

Cover cards are also an occasion for the manifestation of creativity. They can be made manually or ordered. Of course, the main material should be fabric.

Which flowers to choose?

As for the flowers, on the first anniversary simple light flowers are presented, collected in large, variegated, mixed bouquets.

There should not be huge armfuls of red roses with a heavy aroma. Rose, in principle, is not the flower that is needed on this anniversary, but in the composition of bouquets it is quite appropriate. The color scheme of the floral composition should be bright and elegant. Muffled, pastel and delicate bouquets, however, as well as plain ones, do not need to be presented on this anniversary.

bright bouquet

The only exceptions are wildflowers. Here, the gamut may not be bright, but the variety of colors themselves should also be. That is, it is not worth presenting cornflowers or daisies only, they should be mixed.


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