Pickle with beans: recipe with photo

Do you like pickles? These are such soups, which necessarily contain pickled, and more often - pickles. If your answer is negative, it means that you just have not tried different variations in the preparation of such a dish. The pickle with beans will not go unnoticed, especially among fans of dishes that contain beans (in any form). Sometimes the recipe surprises with interesting inclusions of other ingredients besides cucumber and beans. We will learn how to cook a delicious pickle and make it the hallmark of our dining table. We will begin to treat relatives and friends, without undue modesty, taking well-deserved compliments. Recipes with photos of pickles with beans, can wake up an appetite and cause an irresistible desire to cook this fragrant hearty first course.

Easy to cook beans

Soups and other dishes in which dry beans are offered according to the recipe are often refused. Still: cook the vegetable for a long time and cook for this cooking. Not many people want to start such manipulations. It’s easier to make pasta soup. But the pickle with beans and pickles is also quite quickly prepared, if you prepare the products in advance. Beans can be cooked right the day before. Which we will do.

How and how much to soak a dry product

Dry beans

Take the required amount of dry product for the preparation of prescription pickle with beans and cucumbers. Remember that beans increase markedly due to absorption of liquid during soaking. Heat treatment gives each bean a couple more milliliters in volume.

Rinse the dry product to a clean liquid. We do it only with cool water. Ready pure beans for pickle with beans, pour in a large bowl of cold water. Fluids should be about a quarter more product. Do not try to speed up the process and put dry grains in hot water: the product will become acidic and you will have to get rid of it. We leave it all overnight or for 7-8 hours.

The Wisdom of Heat Treatment

Beans are boiled

After some time, we will send the swollen product to the pan, pour cool water again. And again, the fluid needs more than half. We put the cook on the stove. Do not salt. As soon as the pan with the contents boils, we will reduce the fire. We continue to cook beans for pickles with beans at a moderate temperature - about 50-60 minutes. Look sometimes in the pan, gently stir the grains. If necessary, fill the boiling liquid with a glass of cold water. This technique will not harm the future pickle. Nothing terrible happens to beans. On the contrary, it will boil faster. After an hour, we try the beans for readiness. If a little hard - remove the next sample after 10 minutes.

The finished product is removed from the stove. Hold in liquid, bark, he cooked, about 10 minutes. Then merge it. Cool and rinse (if necessary) with warm water. But many housewives do not do this for two reasons. The first - beans were washed well before cooking. The second - the coloring matter from the beans gives the soup the right shade. Now the beans are ready, and the next day you will get a magnificent beautiful soup.

Life hack for the very impatient: you can use a canned product - beans of any color. Rinse the contents of the can and send to the soup at the stage where we have provided the addition of the cooked product.

Pickle Recipe with Beans and Pickles

Bowl of soup

Excited by the desire to enjoy a real delicious homemade soup? Then soon to the point! Here is a list of products for the recipe of pickle with beans.

Grocery list:

  • Meat for the base of the soup. Take any that you like. Weight - 600 grams.
  • Ready beans (boiled or canned) - one glass. Those who love this vegetable and thick soups can add extra.
  • Pickled cucumbers (easily replaced with pickles) - three pieces of medium size.
  • Potato - six pieces.
  • One large carrot or two medium.
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs. The exact amount is taken according to your preference.
  • Salt to taste. Pepper and other seasonings - optional.
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 medium;
  • Tomato - 2 tablespoons. It is used at will, but with tomato, the taste has a more saturated shade.
  • Β½ or 1 cup brine from cucumbers, depending on the saturation of its composition with salt.
  • Vegetable oil for frying vegetables.
  • To serve the finished dish you need sour cream or mayonnaise. Greens are added at will either to the pan, or to each in a portioned plate.

First cook the meat

Meat for soup

If you use a frozen product, you can not defrost it. But it should be washed. With chilled, we do the same: rinse. We remove films and other inedible elements from the meat. We send to the pan of the appropriate volume. Pour cold water so that the meat is completely under the liquid. We put on the stove, on a strong fire. As soon as the base for the soup begins to boil - reduce the temperature to moderate. Do not salt. But to collect the scum that has strayed into the foam on the surface is a must. Throw a bay leaf to make the meat broth more aromatic. In this mode, we cook the meat product until fully cooked.

Separate the finished meat from the bone and chop it the way you want. While we spread it on a plate and strain the finished broth. You can not filter, but pour most of it into the dishes in which we will cook the soup. This technique also frees the broth from possible small bone fragments. The base for the pickle with beans and pickles is ready. Proceed to the other elements of the soup.

While preparing meat, you can deal with other products. So you save a lot of time.

Preparation of vegetables for pickle

We have a wide range of vegetables in need of preparatory procedures. Without hesitation, we proceed to them.

First, wash the potatoes and carrots. Then remove the top peel and rinse again under cold water. We’ll send the potato to a deep bowl and pour cold water on top so that the root crop does not begin to darken.

Rub carrots on any grater. Many prefer to simply cut it with a knife into segments, cubes or small straws. It's up to you how you chop it.

We free the onion from inedible parts and also chop randomly. Just don't cut too coarsely.

What to do with cucumbers

Cucumber preparation

Sometimes cubes of cucumbers are blanched in boiling water. But simpler and more useful is this option for processing the ingredient.

We take out the cucumbers from the can. If the skin on the surface of vegetables seems thick and rough to you, we clean every cucumber. If in this sense everything is fine with them, and the skin is soft, do not touch it. We cut the ends of the cucumbers, cut the vegetables into cubes. Cucumbers are ready.

Soup toast

Vegetables in a pan

Pour oil into the bottom of a thick-walled pan. Having warmed it, we begin to prepare frying at a moderate temperature. First, chopped onion in boiling fat. When stirring, we bring it to softness and subtle goldenness. Following we send the prepared carrots. Mix and cover for a minute. During this time, the resulting steam will accelerate the process of softening carrots. Open the lid. Mix again. Pour cucumbers. Distribute by vegetable mass. And again, cover the lid for half a minute. Open, if necessary, flavored the contents of the pan with pepper and other favorite spices. At this stage, we introduce the entire norm of the tomato, if you decide to add it to the pickle. When stirring, cook another two to three minutes. Turn off and remove from the stove.

Cooking pickle with beans

Pickle with beans

Soup is prepared as follows. We cut raw potato tubers into the broth and wait for their finest hour in a bowl of water. We also add water to the pot after the potatoes. We put on the stove. We are waiting for the base to boil, and here we salt it to your taste. Remember that you have salty foods in the fry. Therefore, with salt, you still need to be careful. When the broth boils, we wait 7-9 minutes. The potato should be almost ready.

Add the chopped meat to the boiling broth. And send into the bowels of the pan a fry with cucumbers. Gently mix all the ingredients in the soup. Boiling is always moderate so as not to destroy the structure of the potato. The pickle instantly acquires a nice color. This was facilitated by tomato paste, which is part of the fry. Cook the soup for another five minutes.

Over time, spread the beans. Pour the brine from the cucumbers. Again we wait for boiling. Check for salt. If necessary, add it a little bit. Also add greens if desired. By the way, it can be fresh or dried. During the insistence of the finished pickle, any aromatic herb will share its aromas with the soup. As soon as the greens are added, turn off the stove. Covering the pan for a few minutes, we convene the main tasters: your loved ones and guests.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9418/

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