Tearfulness - causes, clarifications and ways to get rid

Tears are a natural reaction to various life factors. Even in infancy, the child begins to actively manifest a “tear reflex”, thereby urging mom (dad, grandmother, grandfather) to communicate and to express love. The kid in this way says that he is cold, wants to eat or just wants to hear his own voice. But not only children can express their feelings with tears - and an adult often give them freedom. All people sooner or later have tearfulness, the reasons for which may be different - both from resentment and grief, and from happiness and joy.

A person cries not only because he wants to (for example, from watching a love melodrama or from an unhappiness in a family), but also for physiological reasons. Tears are a manifestation of emotions, a kind of discharge for the body. A man after a good “shake-up” (namely, crying) feels much better. According to many psychologists, crying is necessary. Tears help to relax and take a fresh look at life. How often do young girls abandoned by boys cry into their pillows all day. Note that in the morning they already get up with completely different thoughts and emotions. If you suppress the exit of emotions constantly, the nervous system can be shaken. So sometimes a person simply has to give vent to tears so as not to harm his health.

But there is no need to cry too much: a constantly crying person not only does not cause pity, but also annoys others. In this case, tearfulness, the reasons for which are completely incomprehensible, is nothing but a serious illness. A person’s mental health can be badly affected if endless tears are accompanied by irritability, bad mood and aggression. Such a person must be treated, no matter how trite it sounds, but a psychologist’s course and taking medications are needed here.

Tearfulness, the causes of which are ordinary life situations, may not mean at all that a person is suffering from a mental disorder. Most people, especially women, show this condition quite often. Men, unlike the fair sex, cannot cry because of their upbringing. This behavior is considered wrong, tears prolong life, they are able to restore strength and energy. But from birth, the boys are told that they should not cry, and they must control all their emotions. Men who do not cry are more likely to experience poor mood, nervousness and lethargy. Everyone needs to shed tears, cry, sob, regardless of the person’s age and gender, but only in moderation, and only correctly - quietly, calmly and at exceptional moments.

Excessive emotions can accompany both adults and young children. Most often, a woman becomes especially tearful when she carries a baby under her heart. Crying during pregnancy is quite normal, the hormones of the future mother are constantly in a rapid rhythm, forcing the woman to shed tears for any reason.

But if in an ordinary adult the eyes are constantly “in the wet place” due to a mental disorder, then this must be combated. And a professional psychologist or neuropathologist will help here, who will answer the exciting question of how to get rid of tearfulness. Usually, treatment is prescribed in the form of sedatives, taking tinctures and herbs, normalizing nutrition, and also the "patient" is set up for positive emotions. It is necessary to surround yourself with joyful and cheerful emotions, to get rid of the negative interference of events or third parties forever. And then tearfulness, the reasons for which come from outside, can leave it for a long time.

A person who does not show emotion is not able to empathize and love. Such a person lacks common sense and is more like a robot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B942/

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