Perinatal center on Sevastopol: reviews, doctors, address

With the support of the government and the Health Committee, the Perinatal Center on Sevastopol Avenue was established in Moscow . It is led by the chief obstetrician-gynecologist, MD, Kurtser Mark Arkadievich. The post of General Director is occupied by Ivanova Nina Fedorovna. The chief doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist - Fomicheva Elena Nikolaevna. The organization is one of the largest multidisciplinary healthcare institutions in Russia. Further from the article we learn about the services that the Perinatal Center on Sevastopol provides, the address of the institution, the conditions for providing assistance. So, let's get started.

perinatal center in Sevastopol

Structural components

The Perinatal Center is located on Sevastopol Avenue, p. 24, bldg. 1. The institution consists of several departments.

  1. Consultative and diagnostic center for adults. It consists of departments of obstetrics, extragenital pathology, functional diagnostics (ultrasound, ECG, ECHO KG). In this center, preparation for pregnancy and its management is carried out, gynecological and extragenital disorders are treated.
  2. Center for treatment and diagnosis. It includes: radiological, urological, therapeutic, neurological, otolaryngological departments. The center includes a hospital, a department of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, a phlebology center. There are also rooms for ultrasound, ophthalmology, endoscopy, physiotherapy, and a laboratory.
  3. IVF Center.
  4. The hospital is one day.
  5. Maternity hospital.
  6. Department of pathology for pregnant women.
  7. Gynecological department, in which the treatment of diseases of the genital area is carried out by non-operative and operational methods.
  8. Surgery department.
  9. Laboratory of molecular genetics.
  10. Department of Endovascular Surgery.
  11. Clinical laboratory.
  12. Stem cell bank.
  13. Pathomorphological laboratory.
  14. Resuscitation for children is a department in which they care for premature babies and treat pathologies in newborns.
  15. A clinical and diagnostic center that monitors patients from birth to 15 years.
  16. Ambulance for children.
  17. A wide-profile hospital for patients under 15 years of age.
    perinatal center at Sevastopol reviews


The perinatal medical center on Sevastopol Avenue has all the conditions for accommodating patients. For the treatment of patients in a hospital:

  • One-room chambers. They are bedrooms for mothers.
  • Two-room chambers. Each of them consists of a bedroom for the mother and the nursery.
  • Three-room wards. Each of them has a bedroom for the mother, a room for visitors and a nursery.

Center for Perinatal Diagnostics on Sevastopol Avenue

The institution has gained its fame and widespread recognition thanks to the activities of doctors. The staff of the Perinatal Center at Sevastopol is doctors, whose activities were carried out not only in Russia but also in foreign countries. They will be able to provide high-quality medical care, specializing in more than 15 areas. The most important profiles are:

  • Neurology with a number of neuroimaging techniques (MRI, MSCT), functional research (electroencephalography).
  • Cardiology with a wide range of functional diagnostics, which includes minimally invasive and multispiral coronary angiography.
  • Gastroenterology performed using video endoscopic examination of the digestive tract.
  • Endocrinology.
  • Otorhinolaryngology, outpatient treatment. Endoscopic visualization of ENT organs is also performed here.
  • Outpatient ophthalmology, which uses a full range of screening activities.

The perinatal center on Sevastopol is equipped with modern expert models of medical equipment. These include: multi-spiral computer, magnetic resonance imaging scanners from Siemens, the latest ultrasound scanners, digital x-ray systems. Laboratory diagnostic equipment from well-known manufacturers enables doctors to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.

perinatal medical center in Sevastopol

Clinical Research Center for Adults

This department, which includes the Perinatal Center on Sevastopol Avenue, is a multidisciplinary clinic for adults. It consists of departments of obstetrics, ultrasound, gynecology, one-day hospital. The clinic also includes a therapeutic, radiological, physiotherapy department, laboratory, and women's club. Modern equipment allows you to monitor the development of pregnancy in women at risk who suffer from various types of somatic pathology. The main focus is prenatal diagnosis of the genetic pathology of the fetus at an early stage. In the department of gynecology, which is an integral part of the center, they diagnose and treat diseases in women of all ages.

Maternity hospital

This department, which includes the Perinatal Medical Center on Sevastopol Avenue, is an institution that combines the latest methods of therapy and comfort at a European level. Delivery is carried out in separate rooms. They are equipped with modern technology for the safety of mothers and children. The maternity hospital does not close every year for washing. This is possible due to the special construction of the building and the ventilation system. Joint delivery is very popular. For relatives present during the process, relaxation rooms of increased comfort are provided. The maternity hospital, which includes the Perinatal Center on Sevastopol Avenue, is on the list of the best in Russia. The institution has resuscitation for children, the department of pathology of the newborn and nursing of premature babies. This makes it possible to monitor pregnancy in women at risk and to take premature birth.

Center for Perinatal Diagnostics in Sevastopol

Department of IVF and Infertility Treatment

The perinatal center on Sevastopol Avenue provides a 10% discount for monitoring pregnancy after in vitro fertilization. The compulsory health insurance program provides infertility treatment services. This department is equipped with the latest equipment. The employees are doctors of the highest category who specialize in reproductology, andrology, genetics, molecular biology. All doctors have vast experience in assistive technology. During the observation, an examination and treatment plan is developed for both partners.


The clinic provides a full range of diagnosis of patients with infertility. Such events are held:

  • sperm analysis;
  • MAP test;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages;
  • control of the process of follicular maturation;
  • tests for the presence of infections (bacterial cultures, ELISA, PCR and others);
  • immunological studies;
  • tests for the level of hormones in the blood;
  • genetic counseling;
  • check the fallopian tubes for patency;
  • analysis of the state of the uterine cavity;
  • assessment of the uterine mucosa;
  • diagnostic and treatment laparoscopy.

After finding the causes of infertility, correction and treatment of these disorders and diseases are carried out. Examination and treatment is carried out by both partners.

perinatal center on Sevastopol Avenue

Gynecology hospital. Benefits

The department uses the best methods for diagnosing and treating all diseases related to gynecology. All methods of therapy comply with international standards. Reception is conducted by highly qualified gynecologists with the highest categories in the field of medicine. If necessary, joint hospitalization of mother and child in the wards, which are characterized by increased comfort, is possible. At will, personal monitoring of the children's nurse is carried out. Hospitalization in a gynecological hospital is carried out in an emergency or planned manner.

Surgical intervention

Many diseases need to be treated surgically. These include:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • diseases of the appendages (ovarian tumors, cysts);
  • infertility;
  • pathology of the development of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • prolapse and prolapse of the genitals;
  • Bartholin gland cysts;
  • endometrial diseases in relapse (polyps, hyperplasia, atypia);
  • cervical disease;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • vaginal and paraurethral cysts;
  • fistulas of the organs of the reproductive system.

The hospital carries out the diagnosis and treatment of malformations of the reproductive system. These include: hymen atresia (absence of any natural opening or channel), vaginal aplasia (congenital absence of an organ in the presence of its vascular pedicle), vaginal agenesis. The latter is a congenital absence of an organ. Deficiencies also include bicorn and unicorn uterus, gonad dysgenesis, doubling of the vagina and uterus, hermaphroditism, uterine and vaginal septa. Surgical intervention occurs using modern equipment, technologies and materials that provide the least injury and preservation of organs.

perinatal center on the Sevastopol site

Gynecology hospital. Pelvic floor surgery

An important area of ​​the gynecology department, which includes the Moscow Perinatal Center on Sevastopol Avenue, is surgical intervention used as a treatment for prolapse and prolapse of the genitals. In the gynecology hospital, operations are performed that give effectiveness in eliminating the causes of the disease, which leads to impaired functioning of the pelvic organs (constipation, urinary incontinence, inflammation, sexual dysfunction). The clinic performs such surgical interventions for various types of genital prolapse. Here are carried out:

  • Installation of the Gynecare Prolift system, which helps to reconstruct the pelvic floor.
  • Manchester operation.
  • Kolpoperineolevatoroplasty.
  • Fixation of the vaginal dome to the right sacro-spinous ligament.
  • Operation Birch and Neugebauer-Lefora.

Methods of surgical treatment

Surgical interventions for gynecological diseases in this department are carried out by the following methods:

  • laparotomically;
  • laparoscopically;
  • vaginally.

The advantages of the latter method are minimal injuries, the use of more gentle anesthesia (epidural), a decrease in the length of inpatient stay. The period of rehabilitation after surgery is also reduced. Also, this method has a certain cosmetic effect (there are no seams and scars).

Hospital stay

The clinic has available rehabilitation and physiotherapy departments. They undergo recovery of patients in the postoperative period. Patients are placed in separate one-room and two-room wards, having everything for a comfortable stay. The perinatal center on Sevastopol, whose website ( contains all the necessary information about the institution, has all the conditions for accepting patients with various pathologies of the genital area.

perinatal center at Sevastopol address

Stem cell bank

This unit was formed on the basis of the Perinatal Center in the fall of 2008. This department allows the collection and storage of stem cells in accordance with international standards. For this, top-class specialists use the latest equipment. An automatic separation of stem cells from cord blood is carried out , which is a guarantee of the health of the child. Modern equipment of the bank and constant monitoring of compliance with storage conditions make it possible to completely eliminate material damage. With the widespread development of technology and science, biological insurance for life and health has become available.

Perinatal center on Sevastopol. Reviews

The institution is widely known for the quality of its services and the professionalism of its employees. Many patients especially note the sensitive attitude of the staff and the excellent conditions in the hospital. Among the former patients, there are many women who, thanks to the doctors of the Perinatal Center, have become happy mothers. The medical and diagnostic base of the institution was also praised. Here you have the opportunity to conduct a full examination, pass all the necessary tests and visit the right doctor. Specialists of the institution have extensive experience and the highest qualifications. The perinatal center on Sevastopol (reviews of patients and their relatives confirm this fact) is considered to be one of the best multidisciplinary medical institutions.


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