Adaptive physical education: fundamentals, functions, goals

Today in almost all countries there is a rather high indicator of disability associated with complex production processes, military conflicts, increased traffic flows, environmental degradation and other factors contributing to the temporary or complete loss of any human body capabilities. This led to the emergence of such a concept as adaptive physical education. Its object is people who have lost vital functions for a long period of time or forever. This category includes patients or people with disabilities who have had amputation of limbs, organ removal, hearing or vision loss, and the ability to move independently. All these people remain members of society and for further survival they need transformation (so to speak, adaptation or adaptation) to a new lifestyle. This is exactly what adaptive physical education does.

adaptive physical education
In our society, the opinion has developed and has been established that representatives of social services and health care, but not athletes, should deal with chronic patients or invalids. The theory of physical culture completely destroys this opinion, confirming its position with practice. The fact is that, in contrast to medical rehabilitation (which is mainly aimed at restoring the functions of the body using medical equipment, massages and pharmacology), adaptive physical culture promotes self-realization of a person in new conditions using natural factors (healthy lifestyle, sport , hardening, good nutrition). And this requires maximum effort and complete distraction from their problems and illnesses.

Adaptive physical education: content and objectives

Adaptive physical education itself consists of several subspecies of activities that are comprehensively used and aimed at restoring the disabled person both physically and mentally, attracting him to a normal lifestyle: communication, entertainment, participation in competitions, outdoor activities and more.

physical theory
So what does adaptive physical education mean? This is, first of all, physical education, adaptive sports, motor rehabilitation and physical recreation.

Adaptive physical education or education is aimed at familiarizing patients or disabled people with a range of knowledge about motor systems and skills, about the development of special abilities and qualities, about the preservation, use and development of the remaining bodily-motor qualities. The main objective of the AFC is to develop self-confidence in a disabled person. Also formed: the ability to overcome physical and moral stress, achieve goals, be confident and independent.

Adaptive sports are aimed at educating and shaping degrees of sportsmanship among people with disabilities. It provides for participation in competitions and the achievement of good results. The main goal of the AU is to attract a disabled person to sports, the development of intellectual, technological and mobilization values โ€‹โ€‹of physical education.

adaptive physical education
Adaptive physical recreation involves the restoration of physical strength that was expended by a disabled person during a competition, work or study with the help of entertainment, pleasant leisure or recreation. All procedures aimed at preventing fatigue or restoring vitality should bring only pleasure, psychological comfort and interest - this is the main principle of PRA.

Adaptive motor rehabilitation is aimed at restoring functions lost as a result of past illnesses, injuries or overstresses associated with the main activity or lifestyle. This does not apply to functions that were lost due to an underlying disease that caused disability. The main goal of ADR is to teach a patient or a disabled person to use natural means, for example, massage, exercise complexes, hardening and other procedures, correctly and with health benefits.

Adaptive physical culture is a direction that helps sick people and people with disabilities to mentally and physically adapt to new living conditions, increase their self-esteem and increase their level of resilience.


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