How much does it cost to enter the driver insurance without experience. How much does it cost to enter a person in insurance?

Today it is no longer necessary to issue a power of attorney so that someone else can manage your transport, except you. It is enough to indicate the data of this person in the insurance policy. But it happens that by the time a new driver arrives, the policy is already in place. No problem! The document can be changed, but not for free and in accordance with all procedures. How much does it cost to enter a person in insurance, how to do it right?

how much is included in insurance

List of documents

Before you enter the driver in the insurance of OSAGO, make sure that all the necessary documents are available.

  1. The current insurance policy.
  2. Passport and driver's license of the person to be added to the insurance.
  3. If the owner cannot be present in person at the time of the procedure for changing the policy, he must prepare a general power of attorney.
  4. Application to the insurance company for changes.

The last paragraph is an optional condition. You can fill out an application at the office of the insurance company. Surely, this will not have to be done, since the employee will prepare the form himself, all that remains is to put down the signatures. But it is permissible to write a statement in advance in free form, only first check with the insurer what mandatory wording should be contained in the document.

If the driver included in the list cannot be present when his name is included in the policy, then there is nothing to worry about. It is enough that the car owner had with him the documents of a new member.

How is the procedure

Everything about everything takes a maximum of fifteen minutes, not counting the queue and the road to the office. Some companies organize the departure of the representative of the insurer to the house or to another place convenient for the client.

An employee of the company will answer all questions, calculate how much it costs to enter a person in insurance specifically in your case, make changes to the database and reissue the policy. An agent can add a new driver to the old insurance. But usually the old form is seized from the car owner and given in return a new one - with all the changes.

Regardless of how the data is entered, the records must be confirmed by the signature of the employee and the seal of the organization.

how much does it cost to enter a person in insurance

Why does the price of a policy change?

The procedure itself does not cost anything, but the cost of the policy itself can change if the risk of an accident increases. For example, a new member may have a lower age and driving experience than the owner of the car. The cost of the policy is determined by the OSAGO class of the riskiest driver, therefore, the manager of the insurance company has the right to ask for reimbursement of the discount for accident-free driving, which was previously given to the car owner.

Be sure to keep the receipt of surcharge! It may be needed if a new member gets into an accident.

If the "brand new" is older than 25 years, has more than three years of experience driving a car, has previously concluded OSAGO agreements, then it is possible that nothing will have to be paid. How much does it cost to enter a beginner in insurance - you will have to check with the insurance company, since it is difficult to calculate on your own. Self-calculation results are likely to differ from the real ones. Nevertheless, we can consider an example of calculation, so that it becomes clearer how the new value develops.

how much does it cost to enter the driver insurance without experience

Calculation Example

For example, you are twenty-five years old, you have been successfully (without accidents) driving a car for five years. That is, you have the 8th class of compulsory motor liability insurance, which corresponds to a bonus-malus coefficient (KBM) of 0.8, therefore, a 20% discount. The coefficient for age / length of service (SWR) is 1.

You want to add to the insurance an eighteen-year-old relative who has recently received rights. We find out how much it costs to enter into the driver insurance without experience.

The VSWR of the newly made driver is 1.8, and the KBM is 1 (standard 3rd class, assigned to all drivers who first compulsory motor third-party liability insurance).

Suppose that without taking into account the SWR and KBM, the price of the policy is 7,000 rubles. So, after applying your odds, you paid: 7000 * 0.8 * 1 = 5600 rubles.

If several people are indicated in the insurance, then the cost is calculated using the worst ratios. That is, the new price in your case will be determined by the coefficients of the new participant: 7000 * 1 * 1.8 = 12600 rubles.

The difference is 7000 rubles. But it needs to be adjusted for the period for which you plan to enter a new driver. If until the end of the policy is six months, then you will have to pay not 7000, but 3500 rubles.

how much does it cost to insure yourself in insurance

How many persons can be entered in the policy

So, they figured out how much it costs to add a new person to the insurance. Now we find out how many drivers can be allowed to drive a car under one insurance.

There are no restrictions here, despite the fact that the form has only five fields for specifying new faces. If there is not enough space, drivers are listed either on the back of the policy in the “Special Marks” or in an additional sheet that is attached to the insurance.

Regardless of the number of persons that you wish to allow to drive your car, the insurer is not entitled to require you to issue a policy without restrictions. Another thing is that if the number of drivers is more than three people, then this option is more profitable.

Is it possible to enter a new driver in CASCO

Of course you can. How much does it cost to add a new person to CASCO insurance, it is more difficult to say than in the case of compulsory motor liability insurance. After all, the rates for state insurance are set by the Central Bank, and with CASCO everything is very individual. But the principle is the same: it all depends on the remaining term of the policy and the parameters of the new member.

If you purchased CASCO for any action, then your discounts after adding a new driver are likely to burn out. Or maybe, on the contrary, your company provides benefits for entering a newcomer.

how to enter the driver in the insurance of OSAGO

What can not be done

It is important not only to know how much it costs to add yourself to the insurance or to add someone from the list to the list, but also how not to break the rules in this process. Otherwise, the cost of including a new driver in the policy will increase many times.

For example, it is not permissible to record yourself. This can be regarded as a fake of documents. In addition, in this case, the driver will compensate the damage during an accident from his pocket.

By the way, if you are the owner of a car, make sure that your name is also on the list. Sometimes the person who owns the transport is not included in the policy, arguing that this measure is a simple formality. That's just neglecting it threatens that the car owner will have to pay the damage himself in case of an accident, despite having a policy.

If you allow a person to manage your transport without making changes to the policy, then this will result in a fine.

Now you know how much it costs to add a new driver to the insurance, how to do it, what can happen if you ignore this requirement. Make paperwork correctly and be careful on the road!


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