Victims of plastic surgery - how not to replenish their ranks

The desire to improve their appearance in some cases really helps a person to radically change his own destiny. The famous proverb, which says that a person is given the first assessment by his appearance, is not one dozen centuries old. Nevertheless, almost every day and hour new victims of plastic surgery appear, and their number in no way decreases even with the improvement of medical knowledge and the development of new methods of intervention.

Is plastic surgery a panacea for everyone or a trap?

Undoubtedly, each victim of plastic surgery is a completely separate case, and mutilated human destinies remain behind the dry lines of statistical reports . Even the most highly qualified surgeon is not safe from mistakes, and no self-respecting doctor will ever promise his patient the perfect result. There are several reasons for the development of complications after surgery, and the influence of many of them can be eliminated with careful preoperative preparation of the patient and competent conduct of the rehabilitation period.

It is safe to say that many victims of plastic surgery are to some extent to blame for what happened - patients do not always listen to the doctor’s recommendations and do not even try to change something in their own lives and behavior. Of course, conservative methods of treatment in plastic surgery and cosmetology, diets and physical activity require significantly longer time of use and mandatory application of human efforts. Surgical intervention requires only a few hours of the operation itself and competent management of the recovery period, and the desired result is in the mirror.

There are situations in which it is very difficult to live without corrective or restoring situations. But in this case, the operation should be preceded by a period of general clinical examination and preparation for the intervention. It must be remembered that a cosmetic defect almost never threatens the patient’s life and, if there are contraindications, such treatment must be abandoned.

The most common causes of complications

A dubious first place in the list, which explains where the victims of plastic surgery comes from, is occupied by medical errors and complications arising from incorrect interpretation of the indications for treatment and the lack of skill of the surgeon. That is why every potential client of reconstructive cosmetology clinics should check the doctor’s qualification level, the availability of permits and find out the reviews of former patients of the clinic.

It cannot be denied that some victims of plastic surgery owe their appearance to the unusual reactions of the patient's body to the intervention. To eliminate this factor, a strict determination of the indications for such treatment is necessary, a thorough examination of the patient and clarification of the true state of his health. There are diseases and pathological conditions in which any plastic surgery is contraindicated. The potential benefits of such an intervention should far exceed the possible risk - only in this case, such an operation is justified.

It is worth remembering that some victims of plastic surgery “are born” as a result of a kind of addiction to surgical correction of their own appearance - the patient asks the doctor to perform one, two, three operations on one area or on the body as a whole. But such people look so artificial that for people around them it more likely resembles a spoiled doll, which negates the very meaning of such treatment.


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