Double terrorist attack in Moscow - explosion in the subway. Lubyanka and Kultury Park, March 29, 2010: chronicle of events, photo of trains

Exactly six years will be celebrated this year from the day of the most terrible tragedy in the metro. On March 29, an explosion occurred at the Lubyanka station and after it at the Culture Park. The terrifying number of victims of those events shocked the entire world community. Monday morning claimed more than 40 lives, and about 100 people were seriously injured. Among the victims were not only Russian citizens, but also residents from the Philippines, Malaysia, Israel and neighboring Asian countries. The funeral was held on April 1, while Moscow was not the only city where relatives of the victims mourned. In other regions (Rostov-on-Don, Chekhov, Sevastopol, Yakutsk, Tajikistan) sent 16 bodies.

The explosion in the metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury, related to the management of the Sokolniki metro line in Moscow, as the investigation later established, was carried out by terrorists.

The beginning of the investigation

On the same day, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation instituted criminal proceedings, each of which was qualified as a terrorist act.

explosion in the metro Lubyanka and culture park
A double terrorist attack in the Moscow metro on the Lubyanka and Park Kultury during the investigation was combined into a single production. The first version of the detectives was a hunch about the coordinated planned work of suicide bombers. A few hours after the incident, the media leaked information about the assumptions of the authorities. In addition, one of the evidence that the explosions were made with a view to a more tragic outcome, the investigation considered the following. Both explosive devices worked when the stations were as crowded as possible. And since modern technologies give a ton of opportunities, including to criminals, then, most likely, the explosions in the Moscow metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury occurred when the device was turned on using mobile phones.

Organized crime group

That terrible day gathered almost all the representatives of law enforcement agencies in one place. Also there were numerous ambulance crews, dog handlers with dogs, sappers, firefighters. Thanks to the joint efforts of several structures, the investigating authorities managed to find concrete evidence confirming the involvement of women suicide bombers in the tragedy.

explosion in the metro Lubyanka and culture park photo
However, one thing was certain for sure: to carry out the attacks at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations on March 29, 2010, accomplices helped the terrorists.

Suicide bombers - the main characters

Some doubts about this terrible business were dispelled thanks to the surveillance cameras installed on the platform. The obtained images of the faces confirmed that two young women took on the function of mortal execution. They clearly showed that the appearance of both terrorists who staged an explosion in the metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury was no more than 25 years old. Dressed in dark clothes and clad in shawls, they tried to hide their faces, betraying their Caucasian nationality. It also became known that on the eve of the tragic incident in one of the police stations a strange bell rang. The woman, a resident of the capital, said that she had become an accidental witness to the conversation of Chechens at the Konkovo ​​metro station, who were discussing the organization of the explosions. However, despite the immediate reaction of law enforcement officers, the outfit with the dog handlers who had left for the alleged site of the large-scale crime could not detect at least something suspicious.

Who's guilty?

Soon, one after another, an explanation of what happened. Two days later, a video appeared in the network involving one of the wanted terrorists in Chechnya, Doku Umarov. In his video message, he officially stated that the subway bombings at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations were organized by his subject group, arguing their illegal actions with revenge for the recent February events in Ingushetia. Then, the federal Russian troops in the villages of Datykh and Arshty carried out an anti-terrorist operation in which one of the illegal gangs was destroyed and four residents were killed. It should be noted that the refutation was not long in coming.

explosion in the metro Lubyanka and culture park photo trains
Literally a few hours later, the journalists of the First Caucasian Canal in Georgia got a record in which Umarov allegedly denied the authenticity of his previous speech and took responsibility for the explosion in the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. As it turned out later by experts, this audio recording was fake, the human voice on it did not belong to the wanted Umarov.

The culprit of the tragedy at the "Park of Culture"

Thanks to the coordinated actions of the Moscow department of special services and their colleagues in the North Caucasus, it was possible to find out the identity of one dead criminal, guilty of the tragedy of the "Park of Culture". As it turned out, she was a resident of Dagestan, and in her wake the investigation was able to take the following important steps. Information about the suicide bomber soon leaked to the media. The public was shocked that the girl who blew herself up was only 17 years old. Her name was Janet Abdullaeva (Abdurakhmanova). Umalat Magomedov, also a member of a terrorist group who died two months earlier during a special operation to destroy illegal groups, was the wife of a suicide bomber whose motive was to avenge the death of her husband. The explosions in the metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury became for her a whole "act of retaliation."

Identification of the second terrorist

In the process of determining the identity of the second dead terrorist, the appeal of a citizen Magomedov to the prosecutor's office of Dagestan helped. The explosions in the metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury, the photos of the participants of which he saw while watching television news, were made by Janet Abdullaeva and his daughter. The suicide bomber, who was recognized by her father, Maryam Sharipova, detonated an explosive mechanism at the Lubyanka station. According to him, the girl was 27 years old. However, a genetic examination was appointed to confirm the information that appeared, which confirmed that the deceased was indeed the daughter of Magomedov.

Almost simultaneously with the exposure of suicide bombers, the federal services also managed to find information about the persons who directly organized the explosions in the Moscow metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury. The chronicle of the events of those days suggests that, despite the imminent identification of the base of the criminal operation, the accomplices of the dead suicide bombers themselves were lucky to escape. Law enforcers confirm only that the group lived in a rented apartment, which is located in an unremarkable residential building, near the Khamovniki station.

Monday morning March 29th events: Lubyanka first

Two explosions in the Moscow metro at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations came as a surprise to all of Moscow.

terrorist attacks at Lubyanka metro stations and culture park March 29, 2010
The first of them occurred in the morning, when the clock was not yet eight. The organizers chose this interval by chance, because this is a kind of rush hour for the population. At 07:56, having entered the second car of the train with the bright memorable name “Red Arrow”, Maryam Sharipova executed the plan of the terrorists. The explosion occurred during the movement of underground vehicles, which had just begun to move away from the station towards "Podbelsky Street". The experts were able to identify and restore the picture of those terrible minutes. They concluded that the woman was standing right at the door of the car when the train stopped at the platform, and literally a moment before the door opened, she brought the ill-fated mechanism into action.

It is also considered important that, according to eyewitnesses of what happened, nobody was going to evacuate people immediately after the explosion. Through the speakerphone, the dispatchers only transmitted messages about the late arrival of trains and recommended that passengers turn to ground transportation services.

The second explosion occurred after forty minutes

In less than an hour, a second explosion was heard in the Park Kultury metro station. Lubyanka was hit harder. If you measure the power of an explosive device, then in TNT equivalent to the bomb, almost four kilograms of the substance were planted. For tragedy in second place, the terrorists used approximately one and a half kilograms of explosives. The explosion in the metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury (photos of the trains are so shocking that it is impossible to provide them) practically did not leave a chance for survival for those who were in the immediate zone of defeat. This is evidenced by the analysis of specialists from the laboratory, which determined that the bombs contained RDX and small reinforcing parts, iron bolts.

The second injured train also headed towards Podbelsky Street. Everything happened in the third car at 08:39.

Evacuation of people from the subway

The metro administration decided to immediately block any movement of trains on the way from the Sportivnaya station to Komsomolskaya. When EMERCOM employees arrived in time for help, a large-scale evacuation of people from all underground stations began, since, according to the metro department, at that time there were almost 4 thousand people underground.

Metro explosions at Lubyanka and Culture Park stations
Fearing that the attacks at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations might not be the last, rescuers brought people to the surface without fail. To eliminate the terrible consequences of the tragedy attracted a huge number of experts, equipment and special equipment.

Law enforcement measures after the tragedy

Innovations have occurred in the security work of the police. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow issued orders to strengthen control over the capital's streets and subways, the regime for checking documents, passports of all passers-by (especially those of Caucasian appearance). In addition, when explosions occurred in the Moscow metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury, there was an urgent need for help from the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Their task was to constantly patrol train stations, airports, metro and other important facilities.

Condolences to the dead

The reaction of the world community to what happened did not take long. The day after the terrorist attacks in Moscow declared funeral. The heads of many states and well-known foreign political figures hurried to express their condolences to the head of the Russian state. The heads of the G8 countries, the EU, Asia, the presidents of the post-Soviet states, as well as the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the Pope and others hastened to condemn the terrorist act as a manifestation of terrorism in general.

The explosion in the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations (a photo of Dmitry Medvedev laying flowers in memory of the dead can be seen below) and the scene of the tragedy became symbolic for Moscow residents.

double terrorist attack in the Moscow metro at Lubyanka and culture park
Many people descending to the station, fear still envelops. After all, any manifestation of terrorism is dangerous not only for the citizens of any state, but also for all mankind. This is a direct threat to world order and stability.

How to avoid new attacks?

In order to avoid the recurrence of such tragic events as terrorist attacks at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, all world countries should act in the same direction. Despite the achievement of a certain level of security at train stations, airports, and subways, much remains to be done with additional resources and forces. The UN Security Council and the Council of Europe have repeatedly raised this issue. Given the proper functioning of the Moscow metro video surveillance system, as well as the mechanism for the analytical processing of the received data, a failure nevertheless occurred. Security guards could not find the masked suicide bombers at rush hour.

explosion in the metro culture park Lubyanka

One of the important steps was a decree signed by President Dmitry Medvedev. The normative legal act involves the revision of existing and the creation of new conditions for the comprehensive provision of security in the transport infrastructure, especially in the subway.

The explosions in the Moscow metro Lubyanka and Park Kultury, the date of which will forever remain in the memory of the relatives of the victims, people who were lucky to survive and those who descend to the stations every day, remind us that there is still a lot of work to be done by modern states to overcoming the important problem of the whole world - terrorism.


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