"Solfisan": instructions for use. The drug for combating household parasites

Almost every person in his life faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as the presence of insects in his home. Household parasites can harm personal items, food, household items, and even human health. Of course, if your house is located in a forested area, then getting rid of the presence of insects is quite difficult. Currently, there are a huge number of chemicals that help solve this problem. One such remedy is Solfisan. Instructions for use of the substance are located directly on the bottle.

solfisan instructions for use

What is Solfisan?

This drug is an insecticide and acaricide, which is based on a new generation of pyrethroid - cyfluthrin. Manufacturer - the famous company "Api Sun". In veterinary pharmacies, this product is sold in the form of a special emulsion. The substance is completely transparent, has an oily-water structure. The color of the chemical is off-white or yellowish. Additional means are special stabilizing components.

Where can I get the drug?

Solfisan is sold at the Pest and Disinfestation Service in Moscow or the Moscow Region. The labels must contain information that the manufacturer is Api San. This will indicate that the product is not fake.

It should be noted that at the price of "Solfisan" - a very affordable tool for any category of citizens. Its cost is 135-150 rubles.

solfisan 10 ml how to breed

Area of ​​use

The drug "Solfisan" has insectoacaricidal activity, which means that it contributes to the extermination of various types of pests. In addition, the tool helps fight ticks, nits and specific insects. These include ixodid ticks, synanthropic insects that appear in industry, food units and other enterprises, as well as in domestic conditions. The composition based on cyfluthrin helps to get rid of unwanted insects in unprotected natural reservoirs and even indoors.

Action of the active substance

The tool is based on cyfluthrin components that contribute to the activation of the sodium channel. Due to this, the nerve fibers of pests are blocked, their motor organs are affected by paralysis. As a result, insects die. The duration of the remedy in the treated areas reaches about 12 weeks.

Benefits of Using Solfisan

Compared to other insect repellents, Solfisan household has a number of distinctive features. These include:

  • The high activity of insectoacaricidal substances in the composition.
  • Ease of use and duration of exposure.
  • The drug is considered absolutely safe for the human body and animals. This is a very important point when processing surfaces indoors.
  • The effectiveness of the finished composition lasts about a month.
  • The tool has a low consumption.
  • The finished composition is odorless.
  • No side effects.

api san

Instructions for use

To combat household parasites, you can use Solfisan (10 ml). How to breed the drug is clearly indicated in the attached instructions. It also states that the substance helps get rid of various insects, including exotic species.

  • For more effective use of the drug, it is necessary to use special spraying devices.
  • In order to get rid of arthropods, you should prepare a special composition with a concentration of 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.012%. Thus, it is necessary to dilute the product in such proportions 1: 100, 1: 200, 1: 400.
  • In order to make the finished composition, you need to add the required amount of "Solfisan" (as indicated in the instructions) to a liquid whose temperature should be in the range of 18-25 degrees. Stir the solution thoroughly for 5 minutes. When processing smooth surfaces, it is necessary to prepare the composition in a proportion of 500 ml / m 2 , and for rough zones - about 100 ml / m 2 .
  • When getting rid of cockroaches, 0.05% Solfisan is used. Instructions for use indicate that spraying should be carried out in areas of accumulation of beetles. Cracks, gaps in walls, openings between doors, interior openings, baseboards, and ventilation pipe zones should be handled very carefully. It should be remembered that with a large number of insects, it is also necessary to process the neighboring rooms. This is necessary in order to exclude the passage of cockroaches in them. If necessary, produce additional, re-spraying the drug.

solfisan household

  • In order to get rid of ants, it is necessary to spray in the areas of their location and to process the paths of their movement. Typically, an emulsion is used at a concentration of 0.025% or 0.012%. In the same consistency is used "Solfisan" from bugs. Additional use is carried out in case of a new location of insects.
  • When getting rid of bugs, it is necessary to use a 0.012% solution. When the bugs are on the bedding, the treatment is carried out separately in the areas where they are located. For the treatment, Solfisan 10 ml is used. How to breed, is indicated in the instructions, which is placed on the bottle with the substance. If the number of insects is large, then the areas of their settlement, gaps under the skirting boards, border walls, places for unsticking wallpaper, interior openings, cracks, carpets from the inside are treated. Reuse is carried out if necessary, in case of detection of insects.
  • "Solfisan" from fleas is used in a concentration of 0.012%. The zones of walls, the floor at the places of peeling off of the coating, the gaps near the skirting boards, carpet and other coatings from the inside are processed.


  • When disposing of beetles in non-residential apartments and old basements, the premises should first be cleaned and excess garbage removed. Then a very thorough irrigation is carried out with a pre-diluted emulsion.
  • When getting rid of various types of flies, a composition in 0.025% concentration is used. Such a solution processes the landing zones of flies and their localization. In addition, the processing of the external surfaces of the premises and the place of accumulation of garbage. The same solution processes the localization zones of larvae of flies. Usually they accumulate in garbage pits, on food and other waste. It should be remembered that such places are processed once in 20-30 days. If adult flies are found in the room, then additional spraying of the composition should also be used.
  • To get rid of mosquitoes, a composition in a concentration of 0.012% is used. This solution processes the insect landing area. You should also spray the composition on the external surfaces of the room and near the waste accumulation zone. In addition, open natural reservoirs are treated with the solution. This is done provided that they do not have fish or other living things. When adults are found, the product should be sprayed again, but not more than once a month.
  • To get rid of the rat tick, a composition with a concentration of 0.012% is also used. They process communication pipes, skirting boards, walls, floor coverings and areas around them. You should also handle boxes, the bottom of the furniture, ceiling. It should be remembered that additional spraying is carried out only if the previous treatment took place no earlier than 10 days ago.


How to remove composition from surfaces?

To get rid of the drug, you need to wipe the problem area with a soft, slightly moistened cloth. This should be done one day after using the substance or 3 hours before the start of the work process.

Precautions While Using

It is not recommended to use the composition without special protective equipment. These include a dressing gown, gloves on the hands of various materials, a scarf and glasses that protect the eyes. Many experts recommend the use of special respirators. When using the product, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol or other prepared food. At the end of disinfection, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the limbs and the surface of the face with soapy water, the oral cavity must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed.

If particles of the substance get on the surface of the skin, this place must be immediately poured with plenty of water and rubbed with soapy water. If the components of the product get on the mucous membrane of the eyeballs, you should also wash them with a large volume of liquid. If particles of the drug get inside the body, you need to drink two large glasses of water. After this, it is recommended to drink activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of a person’s weight.

solfisan reviews

It is undesirable to induce a gag reflex to get rid of Solfisan. Instructions for use indicate that if the substance is not completely removed and unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rash, you must immediately call a doctor. In this case, specialists should show the tool used. If necessary, a person will undergo gastric lavage.


There are special conditions for storing Solfisan. The instructions for use indicate that it should be stored closed under a special cover in a well-ventilated and dry room. Avoid direct exposure to the sun. Also, the product can not be heated. It is forbidden to use a chemical in young children.

household parasites

Storage should be carried out at a temperature not lower than minus four degrees and not higher than forty. The shelf life of the substance is five years.

People who used Solfisan to control parasites leave very approving reviews. Buyers are satisfied with the tool, which once again proves the effectiveness of the use of this drug.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9445/

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