Military unit as a concept of structure in the troops

The implementation of various tasks facing the country's troops in various conditions of its condition, requires the creation of permanent or temporary military units. Given the established traditions, these are: unit, military unit, unit and association.

military unit


Until the mid-nineteenth century in the Russian Empire, the term โ€œmilitary unitโ€ was given a different meaning, which generically referred to any armed formations of a permanent composition. In order to improve the structure of the army, the documents regulating its condition, discuss and carry out rearmament measures, improve the quality of training of military personnel, an appropriate commission was formed in 1855 by imperial decree. According to the results of its activities, the structure of the armed forces gradually began to take on the form that everyone is aware of with modern changes.


Severomorsk military units

A military unit (or simply a unit) is an organizational independent combat, administrative and economic structure of the armed forces. Its external features should include: its own paperwork and military facilities, postal and telegraphic addresses, official stamp, as well as the presence of the Battle banner.

It includes in its structure smaller units - units. Depending on the type and type of troops there are differences in the names of units.

Hierarchy of military units

The minimum military formation, called the military unit, refers to the regimental unit. Previously, the regiment was the main tactical unit, including battalions and individual units. At the present stage of development of the army, he (as well as divisions) was replaced by brigades. An example is Severomorsk. Military units deployed in it have a different status. This is due to differences in the tasks they solve - both in essence and in terms of capabilities or necessity.

Kamenka military unit

In addition, there are military units that have the status of "separate." Separate battalions and companies also have all the external attributes of a military unit, existing as independent units, but they are usually deployed together with larger units. Their occurrence is due to the need to solve specific problems, such as, for example, special forces - 459 special forces (a separate company of special operations TurkVO, which worked for special purposes in the DRA).

The term "connection" is used as an understanding of being under a single command of a number of parts. Both the division and the brigade belong to it, but in the case when it includes several separate battalions and companies.

Names of military units

Each military unit has its own name according to conditional and actual data. Valid numbers include the assigned numbers, honorary names and the names of the awards with which the part was awarded, as well as the full name. In unclassified correspondence, the conventional name is used. It represents a five- or four-digit number, depending on the type of power component of the country. As an example, we give the city of Kamenka. The military unit No. 02511, which is deployed in it, has the corresponding real name - 137 motorized rifle brigade.

military unit
For those formations that do not have such a conditional name, their actual name is used, without disclosing specialization. For example, the 371 combined warehouse is referred to as "371 warehouse."


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