Do you need lotteries for a wedding?

At the main holiday, the newlyweds should have fun not only for them, but also for the guests. This will be the main guarantee of a good organization of the celebration. But it’s hard to please everyone at the same time: for some, a chic wedding is good music, competitions and dances, for others it is a rich feast, and for others it is a non-standard organization, the opportunity to have fun and just go for a walk.

Lotteries for the wedding
Not everyone knows, but to make sure everyone leaves the wedding happy is easy enough. To do this, you need to organize the opportunity to receive gifts for each of the guests.

To prevent such presentations from looking like bribing individuals, organizing a lottery for a wedding is an excellent option. Do not think that this is not affordable for all young people: no one says to include a car, LCD-TV, navigator or toaster in the list of gifts. Do you think it is impossible to please guests without expensive presents? Believe me, everything is real. Just the selection of gifts you need to take with all the seriousness that you are capable of, because this is still a comic lottery for the wedding.

So, the main prize may be a baby's nipple, carrot or sterile gloves. The rest of the gifts are not much different from the jackpot - clothespins, chocolate, a regular plastic bag, a candle, counting sticks, a package of instant coffee or a tea bag, a package of pepper or bay leaf will do for this purpose. This list is unlimited: you can buy everything that you like in a supermarket or in the market.

Comic lottery for the wedding
Practice shows that drunken guests are greatly delighted by family briefs of size 56, and toilet paper and lipstick donated to the most handsome man at the celebration are no worse.

Of course, if you want the organization of the lottery for the wedding to go without flaws, and the gifts were presented with funny quatrains in the subject, then it is better to entrust this toastmaster.

Wedding lottery for guests
This person will be able to choose the right time for such entertainment. Guests should already be cheerful enough, but not too drunk to understand the words of verses and evaluate the gravity of the gifts.

Lotteries for the wedding are organized quite easily: the host announces the drawing of valuable prizes from the newlyweds. Particular emphasis is placed precisely on their value, this provokes the interest of guests. Then the host will distribute or sell each guest a number plate. To avoid juggling the results and the appearance of those who are dissatisfied, it is better if all participants take out lottery coupons for the wedding from some container: a hat, an opaque box, or even a rubber boot will do. Such distribution can be carried out both at the very beginning of the holiday, and immediately before the draw.

If the wedding is small, and there are no more than 50 people, then gifts can be given to everyone. But at large celebrations, where you can count several hundred guests, it is better to give out coupons only to winners of competitions or as a consolation prize for 2nd place. Such a wedding lottery for guests is held in the middle of the celebration, it will not tire anyone, but can only amuse the guests. It is better to hold a gift draw after serving a hot dish, so it will not strain anyone. Guests can eat, and can follow what is happening - everything is done gently and unobtrusively.


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