"VKontakte": page defrosting and prevention from "infections"

vkontakte page defrosting
So, you have set up your page on a social network. You use it, enjoy life - but once instead of the usual look of your profile, you see a funny picture and the inscription: "... we detected suspicious activity ..." and then the text informing about the blocking of your page (sometimes the reason for the profile freezing is reported). Your friends, when they come to your page, will have a slightly different text on the same background, which contains information that your page is frozen. And so that the one who can contact you, informs you that everything is in order, you only need to unlock your account. What can be done if you are in such trouble on VKontakte? Defrosting a page - how does it happen and what is needed for this? And anyway, why were you "frozen"?


freezing page vkontakte virus
So, the main reason why the page "Vkontakte" is frozen is a virus. There are several ways to get this β€œpresent” - if you followed some strange link or downloaded an unfamiliar and unverified program. One of these viruses pretends to be an account validation (the so-called confirmation of your page via phone) and asks you to send a free SMS. If you fall for this bait, then there will be no freezing of the VKontakte page. The virus will simply gain access to your phone and withdraw all the money there. And in the worst case, it will continue to remove them after replenishing the balance.

How to understand what really happened?

Very simple. In the VKontakte social network, the page is defrosted as follows - you enter the phone number in the corresponding field, and a verification code arrives at this number, after entering which the main part of the procedure is completed. If, after entering the number, you are also asked to send a message from the phone to some foreign number, this means you have been hacked. It is important to remember - on the VKontakte network, page defrosting consists of only one step - entering the number. The site administration never asks to send a response SMS.

If your page has been frozen for spamming, adding more than 50 people to your friends list (per day), winding up votes and hearts, etc., then the page will be unblocked after a while, if there are only a few cases. However, all reasons will be indicated on the site of your page.

page defrosting vkontakte virus

What should I do if, on VKontakte, page defrosting still does not occur?

If all attempts to return the page are in vain, then you have one more way out - to re-register. Of course, all the information will be lost, but nothing can be done here. You can bind a new page to the same number to which the old one was registered. And try not to expose your account to new danger. In no case do not go to sites that are not credible, and if this accidentally happened, immediately close them. In addition, you need to carefully read the rules of the social network so that you no longer commit acts that violate laws established by the administration. Well, it would be nice to install a good antivirus program in order to secure not only a page on the social network, but the entire computer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9459/

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