Allergy treatment with bay leaf for health.

Traditional medicine in its piggy bank has many interesting recipes. We all know the seasoning - bay leaf, also found its place among remedies. For people who have mild digestive problems or are tormented by poor appetite, bay leaf sometimes does not hurt. In addition, it is he who boasts antipyretic, constricting, anti-inflammatory properties and a tonic, antiseptic, antimicrobial effect.

Often, people do not know what can be used when allergies occur. Bay leaf treatment is becoming the best remedy that can be applied without chemically involving drugs. There are many recipes that are time-tested, the so-called grandmother's recipes. This is especially important when it comes to the health of young children, so that it does not work out to make the child worse.

Many children's organisms respond to a rash, an allergic reaction to the adoption of new complementary foods, an excess of juices or some components of medications. When diathesis is manifested in children, bay leaf treatment is one of the long-term methods to overcome this ailment. There is nothing complicated in such treatment, besides, it comes out very cheaply and completely naturally. To quickly deal with this problem, you can use the following recipe:

Ten grams of noble laurel must be placed in a container with enamel coating. This volume should be poured with half a liter of water, close the lid and boil for about two minutes. After, decoction of bay leaves with allergies, we insist until complete cooling. When the broth has cooled, it is required to strain it through a fine chintz so that small pieces of leaves do not get into it. Use this product by drinking once a day, at a dosage of 1-3 drops for a small child and up to 10 drops for an older child. In addition, when allergies occur, treatment with bay leaf, or rather the broth that is already there, is used for external use. You just need to moisten the rash site.

It is noteworthy that these healing leaves are important not only for the problem described above, but are also actively used in diabetes, the treatment of psoriasis, and throat cancer. The main thing is, when acquiring a bay leaf, do not confuse it with a similar-looking laurel, which is poisonous enough for the human body. To use any recipes containing bay leaf, you must remember that it can not be used during pregnancy.

This seasoning helps not only when allergies occur. Bay leaf treatment is extremely easy to use and manufacture. In diabetes, ten cups of laurel leaves are poured with three glasses of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Use this infusion three times a day for Β½ cup. After 10-15 days, you should take a two-week break and, if necessary, apply again.

If you had to deal with such a problem as throat cancer, then to make the tincture you need to take a glass of crushed bay leaves, it will have to be insisted on half a liter of vodka for two weeks. All this time, the tincture should be in a warm, darkened place. From time to time, the contents must be shaken, and after two weeks, strain. Tincture is applied 30 minutes before meals three times a day in a tablespoon.

As we see, if an allergy occurs - treatment with bay leaves will help to cope not only with this ailment. Even in ancient times, pundits paid attention to its incredibly useful properties. Hippocrates claimed that laurel oil helps against tetanus, and Galen recommended laurel for urolithiasis. The massive use of bay leaf was used to prevent cholera, outbreaks of dysentery and malaria. Today, bay leaf is also often used in folk medicine, as it was many years ago.


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