Factors Affecting Potency

The conditions of modern life are such that men, not only middle-aged, but also young, have problems with potency. And the most unpleasant: when they have a runny nose, they put a compress on their heads, a thermometer under their arm, a tablet under their tongue and get sick in front of the TV. And problems with potency are not always trying to solve by contacting a doctor - they refer to stress, fatigue and the environment. Yes, all this takes place, but the deviation cannot be ignored in any case, in order to always feel like a real man and enjoy life. How to be, what to do?

Thanks to advertising and the advice of friends everyone knows about the drug buy viagra which can be applied without problems when necessary. The problem will be solved. But for the normal and full functioning of the entire genitourinary system, it will be necessary to reconsider other important aspects of life. Consider the factors that affect potency.

An important role in this matter is nutrition. Consumed foods should be rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normalization of potency. These include vitamins C, E, group B, zinc, selenium. Prefer seafood, protein foods (meat, eggs), herbs (celery, parsley). Do not forget to eat seeds, nuts, legumes, preferably in large quantities. But garlic and onions are effective not only for colds. These products increase blood circulation, in particular blood flow to the genitals, increase potency, and help prevent prostatitis. Of course, you may prefer the drug. buy sildenafil him and forget about the problem for a while. But in order to achieve a lasting result, a set of measures is needed. By reviewing your menu and choosing the right products, you will notice that they are capable of performing real miracles with potency.

One of the worst enemies of potency is being overweight. The fact is that extra pounds significantly reduce the level of such an important and necessary hormone in this case - testosterone. But the level of the female hormone - estrogen - in such a situation rises, which negatively affects not only sexual function, but also the condition of the whole organism.

It is also very important to reconsider your lifestyle. It is necessary to abandon bad habits - these are also factors affecting potency. It must be understood that the high-quality intimate component of life is much more important and useful than a smoked cigarette or a glass of alcohol.

Very often, a sedentary lifestyle leads to erectile dysfunction. The fact that people whose profession is associated with physical activity or regular movement are much less likely to suffer from a decrease in potency than workers chained to office chairs should alert you and make you reconsider your priorities. If you already have to work in a sitting position, then try to find time for hiking, training in the gym. Refuse to drive a car if you have to overcome a short distance. Walk better.

An important role in this situation is played by a positive emotional background. The proverb β€œAll diseases from nerves” fits our case perfectly. Try to avoid worries, stress, depression, all this not only affects the overall quality of life, but also extremely negatively affects potency.

Get enough sleep, exercise, have fun, eat right. And after a while you will notice not only a general surge of strength, but also a complete restoration of male strength.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9467/

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