What is Ayran drink?

Ayran drink has more than a rich history. He appeared one and a half millennia ago in the places where the Turkic nomads lived. They spent most of their lives on the road, so they needed mobile catering and quenching their thirst. Milk - the main product of that time - could not withstand long journeys and spoiled. Then, most likely, Ayran was accidentally invented, which is a mixture of milk, salt, special sourdough, water and, in some cases, herbs. He perfectly quenched his thirst and provided a fairly healthy diet. This product was transported in leather wineskins.

Ayran drink

Nowadays, the natural drink Ayran can be found in the Balkans and among Turkic peoples. In this case, sedentary peoples use it in liquid form, and for those who today spend a lot of time in the saddle (for example, shepherds on high mountain pastures), it looks more like sour cream. In Armenia, it is customary to add cilantro, parsley or basil to the drink. In other regions, they cost cow, goat, mare's milk, salt and water (sometimes a small amount of sugar is added). To soften the taste, the product is sometimes supplemented with slices of any fruit and left to infuse for several hours to get a fresh taste.

Ayran is a drink of health. It perfectly relieves a hangover, has a good effect on the digestive process, and helps stimulate appetite. The lactic acid bacteria contained in it inhibit the activity of their putrefied analogues in the intestine. In addition, Ayran drink strengthens the nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular system and forms a strong immunity.

Ayran drink

For those who want to become more slim, this product is simply necessary, because it well reduces hunger, has a low calorie content (less than 90 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the initial products) and does not provoke bloating (unlike kefir). Therefore, it can be used for fasting days or just drink for dinner instead of heavier foods. Ayran drink contains many trace elements and nutrients, so short-term diets with its use can affect the body only positively.

drink tan and ayran

Contraindications to the product are quite limited. This is an individual intolerance (extremely rare), gastritis, duodenal ulcer or stomach. An interesting property of ayran is instability, that is, if the product stays for a long time, then the elements of yogurt in it will separate from the elements of whey. Therefore, a drink purchased in a store must be shaken before use until smooth.

The tan and ayran drinks have a similar food composition, but differ in the percentage of products. Tanya has more water and salts, so it is an excellent thirst quencher in sports training, providing the necessary vigor and energy boost. Calorie content of tan is 80 kcal per 100 grams or less. Both drinks are suitable for making cold soups. They can serve as ingredients for making dough.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9476/

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