How to enter a driver into an insurance policy? How to make changes to the electronic insurance policy

Each event in the life of a modern person is accompanied by the execution of certain documents. It is good that paper options are gradually becoming a thing of the past - this saves the owner from the eternal fear of losing the necessary paper. Electronic documents are more convenient, but making changes to them is fraught with considerable difficulties.

how to enter the driver in the insurance policy

One of these problems may be created by the need to include a new driver in the OSAGO electronic policy. How to make changes and what needs to be done to do this is described in this article.

Electronic policy issuance: standard difficulties

The online insurance policy of MTPL was appreciated by the drivers of the whole country. The innovation was especially liked by residents of problematic regions of Russia, where insurance companies simply refused to issue compulsory insurance policies, speaking about the loss-making nature of this type of protection.

how to make changes to the electronic insurance policy

The work of the "Single Agent" greatly simplified the lives of drivers. But after the first enthusiasm, standard questions began to arise about the use of the policy, its prolongation or change. In particular, one of the most popular questions on the Web: how to enter a new driver into the CTP insurance policy. Let's try to solve this problem.

Standard and electronic CTP: what is the difference?

The success of electronic policies is clearly confirmed by current statistics: more than 300 thousand people already use the paperless option for compulsory motor liability insurance. Nevertheless, many drivers in the old fashioned way always prefer to have a paper policy with them. This is especially true for people of middle and old age. It is mostly young drivers who prefer to issue an MTPL insurance policy online. And not in vain, because the benefits of electronic insurance certificate are quite convincing.

The benefits of e-policy

  1. The main advantage: speed and convenience of purchase. To issue an electronic insurance policy online requires no more than 20 minutes. No need to waste time and gasoline in search of an insurance agent and stand in a long line. You can get an electronic version of the insurance certificate without leaving your apartment.
  2. Exclusion from the list of all additional insurance services. Now the insurance organization is forced to provide a “bare” policy, without imposing additional conditions. Perhaps this is less convenient for the company, but certainly beneficial for the driver. The problem of imposing life insurance was often proposed by agents in regions where getting a motor insurance was very problematic. Now to issue an electronic insurance policy online without premiums is quite realistic.
  3. Another attractive feature of e-CTP is that you now do not lose the accumulated discounts and bonuses for a good ride, since all data about you as an insured person is stored in a single PCA registry. Therefore, even when changing the insurance company, the scheme for calculating discounts and bonuses will remain the same.
  4. The absence of an official form with a serial number is not an obstacle to the use of the policy. Now the document is printed on a plain sheet of paper. If the printout is lost or erased, you can print it again. Problems with the restoration (paid!) Of the policy are a thing of the past.
  5. It is no longer necessary to provide a ton of additional documents: all data about you and your car is available in the SAR registers.

get an electronic insurance policy online

If you are not impressed with the computer version of a motor citizen, and you are used to using policies on standard forms - that's okay. No one is going to cancel paper CTP

Online CTP Cost

It is believed that an electronic policy is more expensive than a paper one. This is not so: the system of bonuses and discounts acts on each car owner the same way, regardless of which policy he draws up: paper or electronic. In any case, on the website of each insurer there is an online calculator for calculating the cost of OSAGO. You will pay exactly the same amount as the numbers obtained from the calculations show. You can also get additional information there, for example, whether it is possible to enter a new driver in the insurance policy or to make other changes to the insurance.

Errors and Inaccuracies

It is important to know that, when applying for electronic insurance, you should reliably and accurately indicate personal data. The veracity of the information will serve as a guarantee that you will not be denied insurance, and that subsequently there will be no question of how to make changes to the CTP insurance policy. The insurance company should be notified in the following cases:

  • if you restored your own driver’s license in exchange for the lost;
  • if you changed your last name;
  • if you received a driver’s license after disqualification.

Remember that the insurance company has the full right not to conclude a civil liability insurance contract with you if you entered incorrect data during registration.

Some car owners prefer to independently answer the question of how to enter the driver in the insurance policy. They simply add the required name to the document, and then print it. But such insurance will be considered invalid, and the owner may be held liable. In addition, in the event of a traffic accident, the culprit expects large financial losses. Do not try to enter the driver into the electronic insurance policy of Rosgosstrakh or another insurer yourself, but do it by the rules.

How to change data in the policy

Unfortunately, it often happens that when applying for insurance in your account, inaccuracies arise. Then the question arises, how to make changes to the electronic insurance policy. Currently, the automatic correction of errors in the law is not assumed. All changes must be made by the employee of the insurance company. If you wondered how to include a driver in the insurance policy, you will have to go to the nearest office of the insurer for the answer.

enter the driver into the OSAGO electronic insurance policy

To change the data, you must personally write the corresponding statement. An application for changing personal data is processed manually, then the data will be entered into the electronic office of the policy holder. The validity of the changed data the account owner can check on their own.

How to enter data about another person

One of the most popular questions on the Web is how to enter a driver into the CTP insurance policy. VSK, Rosgosstrakh and other insurance organizations offer a standard algorithm for replenishing the list of drivers who have the right to be behind the wheel of the insured car. For the most part, this applies to car owners who have taken out insurance online.

enter the driver in the electronic insurance policy

The problem is this: let's say you first controlled the machine alone. Then they decided to add a wife, eldest son or friend to the list of users. To expand the list of drivers who are allowed to drive, you should contact the insurance company. It is necessary to take with you:

  • the policy itself, where you need to make changes;
  • The original driver’s license of the person you are about to enter.

At the office, an employee will print out a statement that you must fill out manually and sign. After making the changes, both you and the other person entered into the policy can safely drive the car. In total, no more than five people can be included in the policy.

How much does it cost to enter a new driver in the policy?

Insurance companies enter a new face for a fee. Therefore, the question of how much it costs to enter the driver in the CTP insurance policy is very relevant. As a rule, the final cost of the changes directly depends on the following factors:

  • The remaining period for which the validity of the already issued insurance certificate is calculated. If you issued a policy in January, and enter a new driver in June, then only the remaining months, and not the whole year, will be taken into account.
  • MSC and FAC of the driver, the data of which will be entered into the policy.

enter the driver into the insurance policy of OSAGO VSK

The total amount is calculated by the formula:

Cost = new policy price (taking into account the remaining insurance period) - the initial cost of the policy × remaining insurance period.

The calculation of the total amount involves the maximum coefficients that are available in the database for drivers contributed. When the trustee of KBM and PIC is higher than that of the policy holder, you will have to pay the specified amount. If these parameters are lower, no surcharge will be charged. As a result, if you want to minimize the cost of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for your car, drivers with a long experience of trouble-free driving should enter the policy.

Standard example

Let's take a practical example of how to enter a driver into an insurance policy. If you are going to include a beginner in the document, its coefficients will be:

  • Pic: 1.8;
  • MSC: 1.

But you yourself, for example, have a successful driving experience and your KBM is 0.5. For simplicity, we take the base price of a motor insurance policy in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. If six months have passed since the registration of the CTP insurance policy, you should pay extra according to the above formula. In our example, it will look like this:

Surcharge = (cost of a new policy with a novice driver minus the initial cost of the policy) × 0.5


As you can see, the final price of insurance is calculated based on the total trouble-free driving experience. Thus, if a driver who is equal to your experience fits into the policy, you do not need to pay extra.

But if you initially intend to reduce the cost of the policy, enter into it a driver with impeccable driving experience. Then you can save on OSAGO about 15% of the starting amount.

how much does it cost to enter a driver in an insurance policy

In order to find out how much it costs to enter a new driver in OSAGO insurance, you can use the online calculator, which is available on the website of every Russian insurance company. Data from a single register of insurance associations help to quickly and accurately determine the necessary ratios, and therefore determine the total amount payable.


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