Powder fire fighting. Powder fire extinguishing module. Powder fire extinguishing installations

Fire has given mankind many new opportunities. However, it was not possible to completely tame this element. Getting out of the control of man, the flame of fire destroys everything in its path. To extinguish fires , many installations and devices were invented. They are based on the use of various materials. Powder, gas, water fire extinguishing is possible.

Powder fire fighting

Basic principles for using fire extinguishing powders

This method of fighting fire was first mentioned at the end of the 19th century, when a German colonel extinguished a fire using aluminum alum and a charge for spraying them. In Russia, powder fire extinguishing began to develop actively after the creation of N. Shevtal fire extinguisher, filled with alum, bicarbonate soda, a small amount of earth. Similar means were necessary to pacify the fire at nuclear power plants. Powder fire extinguishing consists in supplying a certain composition (powder) to the ignition zone. Such devices are widely used to pacify fire in an area that is energized, as well as in severe climatic conditions (at low temperatures).

Powders used in plants

The mixture used to eliminate fire may contain the following components: potassium chloride (sodium), ammonium phosphates (sulfates) , potassium carbonate or bicarbonate, aluminum-containing substances, alkali metal chlorides. Non-combustible base, water repellent, depressant, antioxidants - these are the approximate composition of the extinguishing powder material. Once in the affected area, the components of the mixture are heated. Due to the fact that heat is consumed, the combustion zone is cooled. They also create a barrier to the further spread of the elements. Inhibition of chemical reactions also occurs.

Powder fire extinguishing

Powder Extinguishing Classification

Powder fire extinguishing is carried out by means of special devices. Depending on the method of controlling such installations, the following types are distinguished:

1. Automatic settings - a fire is detected automatically, an appropriate signal is transmitted to start the device.

2. With manual start (remote), such a signal is transmitted manually.

3. There are also stand-alone installations; they are independent of either power sources or control. Depending on what is the storage method of the composition, there are units of a modular type, as well as with centralized storage.

Automatic Powder Extinguishing

Different types of powder fire extinguishing modules

Modules and installations, the action of which is based on the use of various powders, are suitable for extinguishing almost all classes of fires. The Buran powder fire extinguishing module is used for electrical equipment that is energized. Its modifications are recommended for use in industrial, warehouse, and suspended ceilings. In residential buildings, offices, etc., you can use "Mongoose-6." This powder fire extinguishing module is also used in areas where there is a high probability of explosions. The Tornado module is characterized by its speed. It has an indestructible body. Not intended for extinguishing organometallic compounds. OSP-1 powder fire extinguishing systems are widely used in the subway and ground transportation. They are designed to eliminate fire without the participation of people. Another universal installation is β€œTitan”. It is used in warehouses, electrical cabinets, administrative and other buildings. There is also a special powder extinguishing vehicle. It is equipped with a powder storage chamber, a compressor unit. Volley powder fire extinguishing installations are also effectively operated.

Powder Extinguishing Module

What determines the efficiency of the use of installations

A significant role in the elimination of fire is played by the degree of grinding of the components of the mixture. If the powder has rather small particles, then its use will be ineffective. Submission to the source of ignition is difficult. As a rule, fractions have a size from 40 to 80 microns. The chemical composition also has a significant effect on the quenching process. From the best side, chemicals have proven themselves. In this case, powder fire extinguishing will be more effective by reducing the burning rate. Also, such substances prevent the spread of fire. Thermal mixtures only lower the temperature in the combustion area. An important factor in effective work is the time during which the installation is triggered. Some models require only a few seconds to start functioning. Adsorbents are also often introduced into the composition of powders. This is a considerable advantage of them, especially if such modules are used for extinguishing oil products. Adsorption of such a liquid occurs, respectively, the fire extinguishes. A similar effect can be achieved with the introduction of shungite.

Powder fire extinguishing installations

Powder Extinguishing Benefits

This method of extinguishing fires has several advantages. First of all, they are safe and non-toxic. Powder fire fighting effectively fights against elements. In addition, the earliest stages of extinction are dispensed with without human intervention. Powders - a universal tool that can be used both to eliminate the combustion of solid, liquid, gaseous substances, and for the processing of electrical equipment and installations that are energized. Another undoubted advantage is the gentle effect on objects. Water, foam methods can cause additional damage to material values, interior items. Automatic powder fire extinguishing preserves human property. Also, such installations and modules are distinguished by their speed. Startup occurs within seconds. In addition, the cost of powder fire extinguishing systems is low, installation is easy to perform. The disadvantages include low penetration. Some degree of pollution of things is also likely. It is not recommended to use powder modules in rooms with equipment that has many small open areas.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9495/

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