Allergy, swollen eyes: causes and treatment

Spring and summer - the time of flowering plants, the activity of insects, ripening berries and fruits. All these factors are often the cause of allergies.

allergy swollen eyes
This disease is also caused by adverse environmental conditions, the use of certain drugs, the use of cosmetics.

Allergic edema: causes

This pathology appears due to the reaction of the body to an irritating substance.

Allergies, swollen eyes, and redness of the eyelids and eye proteins occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Cosmetics and hygiene products (facial cleansers, lotions, shampoos, eyeshadows and eyeliners, mascara).
  2. Flowers, fluff and pollen of plants.
    swollen eyes allergy in a child
  3. Toxins that enter the bloodstream when bitten by bees, bumblebees, wasps, mosquitoes, ants, and so on.
  4. Reaction to exposure to sunlight.
  5. Food allergy (fruits and vegetables, honey, milk, fish, shellfish, berries, seasonings, sweets).
  6. Allergic reaction to feathers, fluff, pet fur.
  7. Perfume, deodorant, toilet water.
  8. Paints, glue, detergents.
  9. Taking certain medications (most often hormonal drugs and antibiotics).
  10. The impact of bacteria and viruses on the digestive tract.

A specific substance that causes eye swelling can only be determined by a doctor. To do this, you need to do laboratory tests - allergy tests. After the cause is established, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment prescribed by a specialist and to avoid or limit the interaction with the allergen as much as possible.

Signs of illness

As a rule, if an allergy occurs, the eyes itch and swell. But this state is also characterized by such manifestations as:

  1. Pale or bluish tint of the skin.
    swollen eyes allergy what to do
  2. Hypersensitivity to light.
  3. Tearing, sometimes flowing from the nose.
  4. Fever, fatigue and lethargy.

As a rule, edema captures one eye, but sometimes both. Swelling is usually not accompanied by pain, since there are no mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes. If a person has allergies and swollen eyes, he is worried about severe itching, worse at night. In rare cases, edema disappears on its own, about two days after it appears. Sometimes it persists for a long time or even intensifies. In any case, you should not expect that symptoms such as allergies, swollen eyes go away on their own. If these diseases are ignored, do not consult a doctor and do not follow the recommendations prescribed by him, more serious pathologies may occur.

Allergy Complications

One of the most dangerous consequences of this disease is Quincke's edema, which poses a direct threat to human life, as it can cause asphyxiation. A high concentration of a foreign substance in the patientโ€™s blood provokes this complication. With Quincke's edema, not only the eyelids swell, but also the cheeks and throat.

If symptoms such as allergies, swollen eyes are present, and a person does not take measures to combat this pathology, complications such as a violation of the blood supply to the eyeball may appear. At the same time, the patient's vision deteriorates sharply.

If a person scratches his eyes too often and too much, bacteria and viruses penetrate into them, which leads to inflammation.

allergies eyes itch and swell
With severe swelling on the anterior membrane of the eye, a densification or pathological process of connective tissue may develop.

First aid

If there is a suspicion that a person has a severe allergic reaction and, possibly, Quincke's edema begins, an ambulance should be called immediately. Before the arrival of doctors, you need to give the patient as much fluid as possible so that the foreign substance quickly leaves the cells of the body. If a person has previously experienced allergic reactions (itching, redness of the skin, runny nose, sneezing and coughing), he should take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. It is not recommended to make lotions from tea leaves or medicinal herbs, as they can increase swelling.

In some cases, if there is a severe allergy on the face, eyes are swollen, the doctor prescribes an examination in a hospital setting to determine the cause of the pathology and stop the acute condition. As a rule, the diagnosis in this case is not complicated, but it must be completed. To do this, you need to pass a number of tests (blood and urine tests), as well as visit an ENT specialist, general practitioner and allergy specialist. Determination of the substance that provoked a negative reaction of the body is an integral part of the treatment of the patient.

Treatment methods

If a person has swollen eyes and allergies, what should I do in this case? What measures should be taken to alleviate the symptoms?

allergies eyes itch and swell than to treat
Eye allergy is a very common pathology, it occurs in both adults and children. It causes its entry into the body of a foreign substance. It can penetrate both through the blood and through the gastrointestinal tract. Allergy symptoms are stopped by antihistamines, which neutralize the effect of the irritating component on the organs and systems of a person. Such drugs include, for example, Lomilan, Clarisens, Erius, Tsetrin, Loratadin, Tavegil, Claritin.

To reduce itching and swelling of the eyes, drops are usually used (Alomid, Ketotifen, Lecrolin), as well as hormonal ointments (Dexamethasone, Celestoderm). These products contain hormones and should only be used as directed by a doctor. If the allergy is accompanied by profuse tearing and irritation of the membranes of the eyes, drops can be used to narrow the vessels ("Naphthyzin" or "Vizin"). The feeling of dryness helps to remove "Systeyn" and "Vidisik." If wounds appeared on the skin of the eyelids, and it began to peel off, ointments based on lanolin or glycerol, as well as antimicrobial and disinfectants should be used. In a situation where an allergy appears, the eyes itch and swell, than to treat, what means to use - it is better to consult a specialist.

Causes of eye swelling in children

If a child has swelling of the eyelids and redness of the skin, the following factors could contribute to this:

  1. Mechanical damage.
  2. Diseases of a bacterial or viral nature.
  3. Allergy (to pollen, dust, food, feathers and pet fur, cleaning products, and so on).
  4. Pathology of the kidneys.
  5. Violations of intracranial pressure.
  6. Heart diseases.
  7. Sleep disorders.
  8. Acute respiratory illness.

If the eyes are swollen, an allergy in a child may also be accompanied by symptoms such as increased lacrimation, flow from the nose, and cough. If complications occur, the face and throat swell.

Eye diseases and injuries in children

Edema may be associated with the presence of pathological processes such as:

  1. Inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye (manifested by redness, lacrimation, purulent discharge).
  2. Inflammation of the eyelash bulbs (severe and painful swelling of the tissues, redness of the skin).
    face allergy swollen eyes
  3. Phlegmon (accompanied by pain and swelling of the eyelids, high fever).
  4. Insect bites (toxins entering the eye and eyelid skin cause redness and lacrimation, as well as intense itching).
  5. Injuries (ingestion of foreign bodies: particles of earth, dust, lime, powder, etc. provokes eye irritation).

If unpleasant symptoms occur, the question arises that if an allergy occurs, the childโ€™s eyes are swollen, what to do.


In case of itching, it is necessary to ensure that the child scratches his eyes as little as possible, as this can lead to serious consequences such as mechanical damage and infection.

allergy swollen eyes in a child what to do
Independently trying to eliminate symptoms such as allergies, swollen eyes is highly not recommended.

If these signs appear in a child, consult a doctor. If, as a result of the examination, the diagnosis of โ€œallergyโ€ is confirmed, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate therapy. Usually, in such cases, antiallergic drugs are prescribed (for example, Fenistil, Loratadin, or Tavegil drops), as well as adsorbents, drugs for removing harmful substances from the body.

It must be remembered that if eye swelling in a child is not accompanied by lacrimation and itching, this is most likely a sign of pathology of the kidneys or heart. In this situation, a comprehensive examination and treatment is necessary.

Sometimes irritation, swelling and itching are associated with eye injury. Then the child needs urgent medical attention, since mechanical damage can lead to a decrease or even complete loss of vision. Depending on the situation, the doctor either removes the foreign body and disinfects the eye, or prescribes agents that accelerate the healing process.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, ointments (erythromycin, tetracycline) are prescribed, as well as lotions with calendula and chamomile pharmacy extract.


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