Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich: biography, family, interesting facts

The profession of a journalist is quite difficult, but at the same time interesting and unpredictable. Communication with people, reviewing significant events, trips to previously unknown places and many other features of this intermittent work attract inexperienced young people, intriguing and disturbing the imagination. Military observers giving forecasts on the outcome of certain events are a complex and responsible business. Not every person wants, and just not everyone is able to engage in this kind of activity. Molecular biology, genetic engineering and other scientific studies that are understandable only to the elect and knowledgeable in business are generally from the field of science fiction. Is it possible to combine these three things at once, if hobbies and hobbies in life are history? The answer is obvious: it is possible, and not just to combine, but to be among those who are doing well. Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich is the person who has proved by deed that one can be diversified in completely opposite areas, benefiting society.

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich

Felgenhauer's parents

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose biography is quite interesting, with great pleasure talks about his parents. His father is an American, whom his parents brought to Russia at the age of 17 (1937). Then, for a young man, everything changed in an instant: place of residence, citizenship, name and surname, but excellent knowledge of the English language remained unchanged. This made obvious the choice of his future profession. He became a translator and, in fact, devoted all his life to this work. Although the mother was Russian, the Felgenhauer family (Pavel Evgenievich mentioned this more than once in the interview) was anti-Soviet. In this case, it is understood that there were American books and textbooks in the house, and foreign radio was listening, which was forbidden by the government at that time.

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich biography

Children's years and memories of him

Pavel Evgenievich with great pleasure recalls the time of his childhood. In his interviews, he claims that he did not experience any particular problems with the Soviet prohibitions on “foreign language”: the government did not jam foreign radio stations in the hope of people not knowing the English language, and thanks to his father, he not only knew a foreign dialect, but also spoke it fluently . Felgenhauer's parents were friends with immigrants from the United States of America and other foreign citizens: this is a huge number of families with their children. Pavel Evgenievich himself jokingly calls them "secret society".

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich photo

Where to go to study? What to choose

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich was born on December 6, 1951 in the capital of Russia, the beautiful city of Moscow. He always studied perfectly, was much interested in something, was a fairly versatile boy. After graduating from secondary school, the question arose of where to go to study further. The young man himself was seriously interested in history and even considered going to the history department of Moscow State University. After consulting with adults, he changed his mind, because studying at the history faculty obliged me to be a party, which Felgenhauer categorically did not want, and the competition for the place was very big. Then the young guy decided to connect his life with science and easily entered the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University (MSU). After graduating in 1975, he worked in the specialty for a long time, doing genetic research.

felgenhauer pavel evgenievich personal life

Hard times

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, when our country was in ruin and chaos, Pavel Evgenievich Felgenhauer changed his place of work. His choice was journalism: during the so-called perestroika, science was not in demand, a great need was for a competent presentation of information and high-quality articles published in newspapers. From 1993 to 1995, Pavel Evgenevich worked for Nezavisimaya Gazeta, and then until 1999 in the informational publication Segodnya as a military observer. By the way, once when Felgenhauer was asked why he chose the military path, he replied that it was his hobby from childhood to be interested in military operations, monitor situations and make predictions about the upcoming decisions of various political figures. For example, he predicted heavy human losses in the five-day military operations of Georgia directed towards Ossetia on 08/08/2008, and also warned of victims in the Donbas.

Personal life

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose personal life has developed a very long time, has been happy in marriage for many years. His wife is the candidate of philosophical sciences Elena Felgenhauer, who was born and raised in the city of Tashkent. By the time the relationship of the spouses was just beginning to develop, Elena had already managed to be married and give birth to her daughter Tatyana from her first husband. However, when she legalized relations with Felgenhauer, the girl was adopted by him and recorded by his last name. Currently, Tatyana Felgenhauer is an adult woman who has followed in the footsteps of her adoptive father. She became a journalist and now works as deputy chief editor at Ekho Moskvy radio station. By the way, Pavel Evgenievich himself is preparing some issues for the broadcast.

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich family

Interesting facts about a journalist, biologist and military observer

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose photo can be seen in information publications and on the personal page of the social network Facebook, where he has been blogging for a long time, managed to acquire some interesting achievements during his entire career:

  1. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin (first president of the Russian Federation) personally handed him an award for participating in the suppression of the August coup that happened in Moscow in 1991. It was a medal "Defender of a Free Russia."
  2. In 1987 he became a candidate of science, defending a dissertation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9507/

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