Proper preparation of Bordeaux fluid is the key to protecting your garden!

Bordeaux fluid belongs to the class of chemicals intended to combat fungal diseases of plants. This solution is the most famous and very common among gardeners. The preparation of Bordeaux liquid is a very important operation. To make this solution correctly, you need to know and consider all its features.

making Bordeaux liquid

Making Bordeaux Liquid

Take a solution of copper sulfate (blue crystals, dissolved in water) and milk of lime (slaked lime, diluted in water and filtered) and mix with each other. It is very important to pay attention that the solution of copper sulfate is slowly introduced into lime. If you do this the other way around, then you will get a solution that quickly precipitates and does not provide the necessary protection. Proper preparation of Bordeaux liquid will give you an opaque, oily to the touch solution of blue color. This stable suspension will be able to stay on the leaves for a long enough time and will be as effective as possible.

Be sure to check that your solution is neutral, that is, without reaction. Excess amount of copper sulfate will give a greenish color and an acidic reaction. You can determine the excess by the blue litmus strip - it will turn red. And if you lower a metal nail into the solution for two minutes - it will be covered with red spots. It is possible to neutralize such a reaction with the necessary amount of a solution of milk of lime.

how to prepare 10 solution
An acidic solution of Bordeaux fluid can lead to burns on the leaves and fruits of the tree. On the leaves, this is manifested by brown spots, especially the edges of the leaf, and on the fruits - in the form of a β€œnet”.

How to prepare 10 solution

You will need two non-metallic dishes. Pour 5 liters of water into one and pour 100 grams of copper sulfate. To make it dissolve faster, pre-heat the water. In the second bowl, in the same amount of water, dilute 100 grams of high-quality lime. After mixing these solutions, you will get 10 liters of Bordeaux liquid.


It is necessary to use this solution immediately after its preparation, since as a result of long storage, even within one day, its components crystallize and precipitate. Spraying should be carried out not in hot weather, preferably in the morning or in the evening and if no rain is expected in the coming days.

Bordeaux fluid is used to spray all fruit crops, including vines. It will protect your garden from scab, black cancer and other diseases. Spraying in preventive measures will prevent the occurrence of pathogens.

Since Bordeaux fluid is poison, do not forget to take precautions when spraying. A protective suit, gloves and goggles will prevent the solution from entering your body.

Bordeaux liquid poison
Preparing Bordeaux liquid and its use is a responsible and laborious task, but it will help you protect the garden from pests and preserve the crop.


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