Frozen Berry Jelly

Kissel is a Russian dish, but the preparation of a delicious drink was also noted by cooks from other countries, though each of them began to add something different to the kissel. So, for example, in Germany, add cloves and cinnamon, and in France - vanilla.

Any such drink, whether it is a jelly made from frozen berries or a fresh jelly, contains a large amount of vitamins that are useful for young children and people suffering from a digestive tract disease, even though jelly is a high-calorie dish.

The drink itself, according to certain sources, appeared more than 1000 years ago. True, then still jelly from frozen berries, fresh berries and fruits were not cooked. The first drink was made from cereals. The Russian people loved this drink so much that even a certain profession appeared - a jellyfish. And now, among the many streets of Moscow, you can also find such as Bolshoi Kiselny or Maly Kiselny lanes.

The jelly got its name from the word β€œsour”, since it had a sour taste because of the fermented milk fermentation used since ancient times. In turn, the jelly made from grain crops looked more like jellied meat, it was elastic, and it was cut into pieces. Kissel from starch in Russia began to be cooked only when they began to grow potatoes and get potato starch from it . A little later, in order to sweeten the drink, they began to add honey, jam and other sweet ingredients.

There are many recipes for making jelly , today I will tell you how to make jelly from frozen berries according to my recipe. Many hostesses, harvesting berries in summer, leave them for the winter, freezing them in the refrigerator. And they’re doing it right, I’ll say so. But even if it is winter, and the berries are already over, because, for example, you often cooked compote from berries, as I do, you can always buy them in supermarkets in your city.

So, to prepare a delicious kissel of berries, you need to take: frozen berries, sugar, water and starch. Since I use frozen berries, they must first be thawed, just pour cold water in a separate bowl. Next, we put them in a pan, pour water and put on a large fire until it boils (the fire will need to be reduced as it boils) and continue to cook so that the water becomes the color of the berries, then the kissel from the frozen berries will turn out beautiful and tasty. While the berries are cooked on the stove, it is necessary to dilute the starch with a small amount of boiled water, and then pour it into the pan with a thin stream, constantly stirring the drink so that no lumps form. The thicker you want to get a drink, the more starch should be added. When the jelly is ready, let it cool slightly and serve with cookies on the table.

Jelly made from berries or fruits is considered the best drink among all by the amount of vitamins contained in it. But still, the jelly made from oats is even more useful. And all because oats in itself have a large number of useful properties.

We made jelly from berries, and what else are the recipes from frozen berries? I already said above that I cook fresh compote from them almost every day for my baby. How I do it, now I will share with you. So, I pre-defrost frozen berries in cold water. In the meantime, I prepare syrup, boil water, adding sugar to taste. Then, in a separate vessel, I add all the berries and pour the resulting syrup. I give a little insist, about five minutes and a compote of frozen berries is ready to eat. Cooking berries is not necessary, thereby preserving all the vitamins in them.

In addition to jelly and compote, you can prepare sweet pastries from frozen berries or add berries to ice cream. It turns out both tasty and healthy.


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